Remove the edge of the water on the wooden table: clever and simple hacks that make the table look like!

How can you protect your wooden surfaces from the harmful effects of water? With coasters to make it short. You can find a coaster that fits the furnishings of your room and your budget. The safest way to avoid damage is to subject your wooden furniture after each use of a thorough inspection and regularly treat any stains with mild natural means. Remove the water edge on the wooden table? So it works at lightning speed and without chemistry!

Photo: Leungchopan/ Shutterstock

A iron can not only smooth wrinkles in the clothes, but also remove water stains made of wood. This method is best suited for fresh water stains. If the stain has been on the wood for a long time, it may not be completely removed.

  1. Put some distilled water in an iron and switch it to low heat.
  2. Place a damp microfiber cloth that is folded in the middle on the water stain.
  3. Make sure that the iron is not too hot before you carefully put it on the fabric and hold it for about 10 seconds.
  4. Remove the iron and the cloth regularly to see if the stain has disappeared.
@cupcakeprojectDon’t come after me if this doesn’t work on your table. But, it got rid of this circle that’s been on our table for weeks.#waterstain #woodtable #waterstainsremoval #learontikok ♬ Star Wars - Produced - Ettore Stratta

Eliminate water stains with the hair dryer

In the case of stains caused by water and are still fresh, you can use this method to achieve optimal results. When you see a water ring, take a hair dryer. When there is water on the surface of the wood, it will quickly evaporate through the heat of the hair dryer and protect the wood from permanent stains.

  1. First switch on the hair dryer and put the hair dryer on high heat.
  2. Place the hair dryer on the spot until the stain has disappeared.
  3. Polish the table thoroughly. The table should be oiled and polished. You can also use olive oil instead of furniture oil if you have none on hand.
@sarahbetty852ITS GONE… this saved my dining room table.#hack #tip #watermark #waterstain #heatstain #heatmark #hairdryer ♬ Real Love Baby – Father John Misty

Home remedies work miracles with stain removal - olive oil and vinegar

Photo: Sergio Arjona/ Shutterstock

Make your own wooden stain remover by mixing olive oil and vinegar: another common household object with which you can remove stains on wooden tables and other wooden surfaces is probably in your kitchen cabinets. If you want to remove really stubborn water stains, try a mixture of vinegar and olive oil. Vinegar and olive oil not only remove the stain, but also make the furniture shine.

  1. Mix the oil and vinegar together. The ratio of vinegar to olive oil should be 1: 1.
  2. Apply the mixture with a cloth to the water stain until the stain has disappeared. For a smooth surface, you always wipe towards the grain of the wood.
  3. Clean the wood by wiping. Finally, wipe with a dry, clean towel.
@galpracticalEver had water stain your wood end table, coffee table, or dining table?! I’d be shocked if you haven’t. This should help lift the stain (that until recently, I thought was irreversible)#cleaninghack #cleaninghacks #cleaninghacksforyou #woodstain #waterstains #waterstainsremoval #waterstain #homehack #homehacks #galpractical ♬ BORN FOR THIS – Foxxi

Can Mayonnaise eliminate water stains on wood?

Water stains on wood can be removed with mayonnaise: you may not know, but the simplest solution for a water stain is something that you probably already have in your fridge. To do this, simply apply some mayonnaise with a microfiber cloth. Let him rest for a few hours while covering it with a paper towel. The oil of the mayonnaise and the paper towel soak up the excess moisture from the table. If the mayonnaise has dissolved after a few hours, you can polish and continue working.

@ASTR3THow to get Water spots off of wooden surfaces using Mayo!#lifehacks #mayo #cleaninghacks #cleaningtiktok ♬ Little Things - Adrián Berenguer

Also interesting:Clean the kitchen fronts out of wood: With these home remedies you can properly maintain the kitchen cabinets

Get away stains with toothpaste and baking powder

Foto: al1962/ Shutterstock

Another option is to apply toothpaste to the dirty area of ​​the wood.

Tipp:Avoid gel-like toothpaste varieties or a white maker toothpaste. Use white toothpaste.

  1. Dab a generous amount of the toothpaste onto the spot with a clean cloth and then carefully rub it in.
  2. Dab off the stain again and again until it has completely disappeared.
  3. As a last step, take up any spilled liquid with a paper towel or a clean rag. If that is not enough, try a stronger mix of white toothpaste and baking powder or baking soda by mixing both in equal parts.
  4. Finally you canYour wooden furniturePolishing: Before you apply furniture polish, let them dry.
@ mamechan72Removing water stain from wood furniture.#summer2020 #cleaningtiktok #easystainremover #bakingsoda #toothpaste #rustic #Cleantok #staypositive #simpleclean ♬ Cooking Time – Lux-Inspira

Read too:Remove mold on wooden board: How to get it flash blank without chemicals!

Cover picture: Fotohelin/ Shutterstock