Clean white shoes by hand or in the washing machine and with what? Practical tips & home remedies

There is hardly anyone who doesn't have at least one pair of white shoes in their closet. StraightSneakers are very trendy, as they go with a wide variety of outfits. But anyone who frequently wears light-colored shoes knows that they quickly become dirty and yellow. This is of course very annoying, but there is no need to worry because you can actually get them white again if you take care of them regularly. Have you previously avoided wearing light-colored shoes because you know they tend to yellow? From now on you no longer have to, because we explain how to clean white shoes!

Clean white shoes depending on the material

Which of the listed methods is better depends, of course, on what material your shoes are made of. For example, velor is very delicate. Leather and artificial leather are also cared for differently. While fabric shoes are relatively insensitive. We will try to explain to you how to get yellowed shoes white again without ruining the material. Which materials can be put in the washing machine and is the claim that you can clean white shoes with toothpaste true?

Clean white fabric shoes with baking powder or baking soda

Baking powder is one of those thingsthat all-purpose home remedy, which everyone usually already has at home and, if not, can buy cheaply. You may have even heard that you can clean white shoes with baking soda. But then the question arises, how exactly does it work? Below we explain how to clean white shoes with baking soda and a toothbrush.

  • 3 THE Backpulver
  • 1 tbsp white vinegar
  • toothbrush
  • soft rag or paper towel
  • optional: bleach pen, dirt eraser

If you want to clean white shoes made of fabric, you first have to remove the coarse dirt. The best place to do this is outside. Use a toothbrush to scrub off the grit. You then make a paste from the ingredients listed, which you then rub over the entire shoe with a toothbrush. Then let the paste work until it dries. Then you can rub the baking soda off with the help of a dry toothbrush and/or a soft cloth. If you find any more stubborn stains, you can remove them with the help of a bleach pen or shoe dirt eraser. The sole in particular often turns out to be particularly dirty, so you may need to pay a little more attention to it when cleaning white shoes made of fabric.

Clean fabric shoes and sneakers with baking soda

Alternatively, you can use white shoeswith baking sodaclean. Add 2 or 3 teaspoons of baking soda to a glass of water and stir until the powder dissolves. Then absorb some of the liquid with a cloth and use it to clean the shoes until they are white again. Perfect for fabric shoes! Let the shoes dry.

By the way, baking powder andBaking soda is also idealto neutralize odors in shoes.

Remove dirt from white shoes with baby powder

This is also well suited for fabric shoesUsing baby powder- no matter whether you want to clean white sneakers, canvas shoes, Chucks or other fabric shoes. You can clean white shoes with the powder in the following ways:

Mix the powder with water in a 1:1 ratio. You can then use the mixture and a toothbrush to clean white shoes in circular movements. Then rub off the powder residue with a cloth before the shoes have even dried. You can help dry the shoes by blow-drying them.

Clean white shoes with toothpaste

Apretty well known trickThe way to get white shoes white again is to use toothpaste. Have you ever heard of it? It's not a myth! Here is a recipe you can try if you want to clean white shoes and keep them looking new (for fabric and rubber):

  • Dishwashing detergent
  • white toothpaste
  • clean dishwashing brush
  • Water
  • soft cloth

Place the brush in the water for a while. The purpose of this is to make the bristles softer. Then add a dab of dishwashing liquid and brush over your shoes in a circular motion. Wipe or dab the resulting foam with a cloth. Then repeat with a dab of toothpaste. This also creates foam, which you can also dab off with a cloth. Now all you have to do is let the fabric shoes dry thoroughly.

Cleaning white leather for shoes in bright white

And how can you proceed if you want to clean white leather sneakers? We'll explain that to you now! Of course, other types of shoes can also be cleaned with this recipe, just as you can use it to clean white artificial leather shoes. Baking soda is not used this time because the tiny grains leave the surfaceof the leatherwould damage. Instead use:

  • Dishwashing detergent
  • toothbrush
  • 240 ml warm water
  • Dirt eraser for more stubborn stains
  • soft cloth
  • Paper towels

If you want to clean white shoes that are made of leather, start again by scrubbing off the coarse dirt with a toothbrush. Then add a few drops of dishwashing detergent to the warm water, dip the toothbrush in it and brush the shoe with it. If the brush becomes too dry, add some liquid again. Finally, remove even more stubborn stains with the dirt eraser and wipe the shoes with a soft cloth. Stuff the shoes with paper towels so that they can absorb any remaining moisture. They also ensure that the shoes do not change shape. Only wear the leather shoes again when they are completely dry.

Cleaning white mesh shoes

The cozy, airy and ultra-light mesh shoes are without question simply wonderfully comfortable and perfect for everyday life. But of course that also means that they get dirty even faster and you get themclean more oftenmust. Yes, this is also made from fabric, but due to its more delicate texture, proceed differently than in the instructions above. How can you clean white textile shoes that are mesh-like?

  • soft toothbrush
  • 1 tbsp liquid detergent
  • warm water
  • soft cloth
  • Bleach pen and/or dirt eraser
  • white paper towels

If you need to clean mesh-like white shoes again, it's best to use liquid detergent. While a harder toothbrush can be used with other fabrics, with mesh it is better to use a softer one or simply brush much more carefully and with less pressure. Again, first brush off any coarse dirt. Then mix the detergent with warm water to create a soapy liquid. You then apply this soapy water in circular movements with the soft cloth (notwith a toothbrush). Periodically rinse the cloth under running water to avoid spreading the dirt from the shoes.

You can carefully remove stubborn stains with a toothbrush and soapy water. Also a bleach pen orDirt eraser is suitable, especially if you want to clean the white sole of the shoes. You then have to wipe the shoes after cleaning to remove the detergent as best as possible. To do this, you must not hold the shoes under running water or otherwise wet them, as this could ruin the shape of the shoes. Instead, use a damp cloth.

The stubborn rubber cap of the Chucks

The materialyour ChucksDid you get it wonderfully clean, but not the cap and now it stands out with its unsightly yellow tint? Is there another way you can clean this stubborn area of ​​the shoes? Try using nail polish remover! Put some on a cotton pad or use nail polish remover pads and rub them over the yellowed caps and other yellowish areas.

Clean white shoes and wash shoelaces

If you also want the shoelaces to be white, you can easily wash them. Since the normal wash cycle probably won't be enough, you can bleach them first. If you use bleach to wash the laces of your sneakers, you will get a satisfactory result.

  • Rubber gloves
  • Laundry bag
  • 3 tbsp bleach
  • 3.5-4 liters of water
  • Waschmittel

Of course, when you clean white shoes, you also have to do the same with the white laces. Always wear gloves when working with bleach! If you only want to bleach a few shoelaces, you can also adjust the quantities to get a smaller amount of solution. Place the laces in the laundry bag and dip it in the solution. To keep the bag submerged, you can also place a plate on top. After a short exposure time, you can then wash the laces in the washing machine or by hand and let them air dry.

Can white sneakers go in the washing machine?

Can dirty shoes actually be put in the washing machine? Many people actually put them in this practical household helper separately or with their dirty work clothes, while others don't really dare. First of all, let's say that you can actually clean white shoes in the washing machine (and other colors too), but under certain conditions (the exception is leather shoes!). We will now explain what these are:

If you want to clean white shoes in the washing machine, the correct wash cycle is important. Choose a gentle cycle, for example for wool or delicates. Also pay attention to the temperature - it shouldn't be more than 30 degrees. Use heavy-duty detergent and avoid fabric softener and the spin cycle, as this can change the shape. Shoelaces and removable soles can be put in the machine, but separately in a laundry bag. In addition, shoes should not be put in the washing machine alone, but always with other laundry (e.g. towels, sheets or work clothes) to avoid deformation. Wash off any coarse dirt by hand in advance to avoid contaminating the washing machine. How to clean the washing machineBy the way, you can find out here.

Getting white shoes clean – what to do after washing?

Once you get the sneakers white again, it's not quite done yet. Since you didn't use a spin cycle, the shoes will be soaking wet. Stuff them with newspaper so that they retain their shape. On the other hand, the paper absorbs moisture like a sponge. Also, don't forget that you need to re-waterproof them or treat them with leather care after washing white shoes (or other colored ones).