More and more people spend their everyday working life not in the office, but inown home office. It is therefore all the more important to design the room in such a way that people enjoy spending time there and are productive. For anyone who wants a cozy and functional interior, the Far Eastern teachings of Feng Shui offer a solution. By following its core principles, you can boost your creativity and increase your concentration. We'll tell you how to set up a Feng Shui study and what you should keep in mind. From the positioning of the desk etc. to the color scheme and decoration: this is how you can design the optimal room step-by-step where you can start your working day motivated!
Setting up a study: energy flow in the room according to Feng Shui
The term “Feng Shui” is derived from Chinese and means “wind and water”. The focus of Asian teaching is harmony in furnishings. Everything in the room – from the furniture to the decorations – should be arranged to allow for the free flow of energy.Fundamental to Feng Shuiis to recognize and control the paths of this energy flow (Qi). This is the only way residents can feel the positive energy and enjoy the results. Because Qi is said to bring health, happiness and success into the home. There are numerous books that deal with Chinese design principles. But you don't have to be an expert to set up a study according to Feng Shui. It is enough if you take a few things into account when arranging the furniture.
Set up a study room: According to Feng Shui, the home office is a separate room
A small nicheunder the stairwell, a corner in the sleeping area or simply a desk in the kitchen: if you want to set up your study according to Feng Shui principles, it's better to decide against it. Because it is only possible to concentrate completely on work if the home office is in a separate room. The first basic principle of teaching is to separate professional and private life as much as possible. Rooms that are suitable for a study are:
- Lie as far away from the sleeping area as possible.
- if possible, have a separate entrance.
The direction of the compass also plays a crucial role.
- West-facing rooms are suitable for teamwork, conferences and project development. They promote team spirit.
- South-facing rooms are suitable for freelancers working in the field of marketing and advertising.
- East-facing rooms encourage creativity and are therefore suitable for artists, writers, journalists and graphic designers.
- North-facing rooms support freelancers who are involved in event organization, office work or market and social research.
Set up your study: place your desk correctly in the room
In a Feng Shui home office, the desk should be placed in the middle of the room. If this is not possible, you should leave a minimum distance of 40 cm between the wall and thePlan a desk. The direction you sit also plays a crucial role - you should face directly towards the door of the room or at least have it in view. A window in the back is unfavorable, on the one hand because of the light coming in, and on the other hand, movements or shadows from birds, vehicles or the neighbors on their roof terrace distract from work.
It is best if they look directly or sideways at the door and window. Feng Shui teaching claims that in this way you can control the flow of energy in space.
Set up a study: light incidence according to Feng Shui
You should not sit with your back to the window, but you should also not align your workstation directly with the window. It turns out to be optimal if the window is on the side. This way the work surface is well lit all day long.
In the evening the full spectrum light is available. These are lamps that emit light in all colors. This full spectrum lighting is very close to the spectrum of sunlight. The daylight lights are easy on the eyes and increase the ability to concentrate. It has also been scientifically proven that full-spectrum lamps encourage the body to release the hormone serotonin. In short: you can work more effectively without straining your eyes.
Improve the air quality in the home office with houseplants
Good air quality is crucial for our productivity and well-being. You should pay attention to good air quality, especially in the study, where we spend a lot of time. This is where houseplants come to the rescue because they can increase the oxygen content in the room and absorb and process pollutants. The houseplants also have a relaxing and calming effect. Here is a list of plants that will keep the air in your home clean:
- Heart-leaved Philodendron
- Peace lily (also called scabbard leaf)
- Birch fig
- Palm trees
- Rubber tree
Setting up a study: materials according to Feng Shui
If you are setting up a Feng Shui study, natural materials are the most important options. Wood is a true Feng Shui classic. The material appears stable and at the same time brings nature into your own four walls. According to Feng Shui, wood can have a positive effect on the effect of the room. If you want to encourage your creativity and let your imagination run wild, choose a desk made of light wood with a minimalist design. It is important that the desk creates a feeling of lightness in the room. If you want to develop your organizational talents, then you should choose an office made of solid wood.
Other materials that promote the flow of Qi through the room include natural stone and metal. Metal shelves, a natural stone wall, rattan baskets and armchairs with linen upholstery will also give the study a positive boost and give the home office a boost of freshness.
Order is an absolute must
No matter whether large or small: there should be order in the study. Cabinets and drawers are particularly suitable for this purpose. They offer enough storage space not only for folders and file folders, but also for office equipment and accessories. If you also need shelves, then do not place them at eye level, they will constantly distract your view. Also try to keep the desk as tidy as possible, tidy it up every evening. A number of desk organizers, pen stands, reading stands, sorting inserts and multi-space systems with shelves for folders also have no place on the Feng Shui desk.
Setting up a Feng Shui study: the color scheme
Feng Shui teachings say that multiple colors bring luck into the home. These include blue, green, purple and red. White, gray and cream shades promote concentration, while earthy shades such as brown and copper soothe the eyes. Combine bold with pastel shades to achieve maximum effect. Saturated red or dark blue shades are less suitable for a 40-hour work week. It's better to opt for neutral colors and then add accents with accessories and art.
Decorate your study: pictures, family photos or would you prefer flowers?
You have arranged the furniture according to the Feng Shui theory of harmony and now the study is almost finished. Almost, because only the right accessories give the room character. But what should it be: family photos from your last vacation, paintings or would you rather just have fresh flowers in a vase? When decorating your home office, you should stick to one rule of thumb: It's better to have too little than too much. Leave one wall blank. Focus on what you want to achieve in your professional life. Photos from your last vacation can distract you. Wall clocks and calendars also have no place in the Feng Shui cabinet. If anything, you can put an hourglass on the desk. Also make sure that you only hang photos or paintings with calming motifs. Things shouldn't be too colorful in the home office.
Common mistakes when arranging a study according to Feng Shui
You already know the basic principles of Feng Shui teaching and know how to implement them. Finally, we will tell you several common mistakes that you should avoid.
- Don't take the room conditions into account. It is not always possible to arrange the furniture according to Feng Shui teachings. In these cases, the first thing you should think about is functionality. For example, if you need to put the desk in front of the window, install day and night blinds.
- Glass tables have no place in the Feng Shui study. Glass is too fragile and can negatively affect the flow of energy in the room.
- Mount only one light source on the ceiling. A lighting concept is an absolute must for the study. It's worth investing in high-quality lighting because it will be easy on the eyes.
- No seating is to be planned for guests. Especially if you work in a team with other colleagues or occasionally receive customers, you should also set up a comfortable place to sit for the guests.
The Feng Shui teaching is not only very popular in Asia. It is now popular worldwide and every interior designer knows its basic principles. In principle, they are very simple: leave a distance between the desk and the walls, always have a clear view of the door and a wall behind you, position the desk in the room so that the light from the window falls on it from the side. Clear away distracting items in cupboards and drawers. Avoid strong color contrasts and instead furnish in neutral colors. They convey calm in the study. When it comes to choosing materials, solid natural materials such as wood or natural stone are particularly suitable. Metal can also be used, but you should stay away from glass. Daylight lamps offer the best possible lighting in the evening, although you don't just need a light source, but a complete lighting concept.
The study should appear cozy and quiet
It's better to avoid too much decoration: a black and white picture on the wall, a statue made of driftwood and a carpet with geometric motifs are enough
Library and workplace in one: Only if you are a journalist or writer
Facing the door, with a solid wall behind you: This is the correct position for the desk in the Feng Shui study