First apartment – step by step to your own home

Regardless of whether they start their training or start studying in a foreign city, there will always come a time when young people leave their parents' home to stand on their own two feet. Some people initially move into a shared apartment or student dormitory, but many want to fulfill their dream of owning their first apartment. However, a lot has to be done before a suitable property is found, the rental agreement is signed, the move is completed and the new place is made livable.

Finding your first apartment is not always easy

People who are looking for a suitable single apartment in one of Germany's large metropolises, such as Berlin, Cologne or Hamburg, often have a difficult time. There is a huge rush of students and the few available properties are quickly snapped up. Therefore, those looking for an apartment should not only rely on the Internet, but also subscribe to a local daily newspaper. Older landlords in particular often still place advertisements there. However, since most young people look for apartments online, the chances are good that when you come to view an apartment advertised in the newspaper, there won't be as many competitors as usual. Another option is to hire a real estate agent. However, this is sometimes cost-intensive and is therefore out of the question for many trainees and students. Last but not least, it is also worth asking the various housing associations. You can then select suitable properties and it is often possible to view them directly.

First apartment – ​​convince the landlord

Especially in the big cities, where the crowds are enormous, landlords are often critical and it is not that easy to assert yourself against the competition. It is therefore advisable to bring a complete and attractive application folder with you to every viewing appointment. This should include:
Proof of salary or written proof of a guarantee (for trainees or students)
– Schufa information
- CV
– Confirmation of freedom from rent debt
– Information about the previous landlord (if available)
– The following must also be stated:
– The marital status
– Whether there are children
– Whether there are pets
– The following must not be stated truthfully:
– Whether you are a smoker
– How often parties are celebrated
– Whether music is being listened to loudly
– What nationality you have
– What religion you belong to
– Whether you have a criminal record

First apartment – ​​organizing the move

Once the right apartment has been found, the move must be organized. It is advisable to plan early and, above all, to mobilize enough helpers. It is particularly important to rent a moving van in good time. These are quickly booked up, especially on the weekends. If the move takes place on a busy street, a parking area should also be set up so that the van can park as close as possible to the property. However, you are not allowed to set up the stopping zone yourself; the police are responsible for that. A few days before the move, we have to clear out and pack. Never pack the boxes too heavy so that the helpers can carry them. Always put heavy objects, such as books, on the bottom and stack lighter items, such as pillows or similar, on top. For example, upholstery material, packing blankets and boxes can be rented from many moving companies.

First apartment – ​​on the safe side, thanks to the right insurance

Anyone who moves out of their home now has to protect themselves in case something unforeseen happens. But which insurance policies are advisable for your first home?
Probably the most important insurance is private liability insurance. This covers damage caused to someone else's property. For example, if the washing machine leaks and damages the structure of the building or the tenant's furnishings in the apartment below, this can quickly become very expensive. Private liability insurance will cover such incidents.
The post “The most important insurance policies for tenants“ also recommends taking out household contents insurance. This covers damage to your own home, for example due to storms, fire or theft. Furnishings are often also insured. Since disputes often arise between the tenant and the landlord or between the individual tenants, it is also important to consider whether legal protection insurance makes sense.

Furnish your first apartment cheaply

Very few trainees and students have the financial means to equip their own four walls with new equipment right from the start. So here are some cost-effective setup tips:
Browse online sales platforms
Numerous people offer their used furniture for sale on online sales platforms. They are often even given away to people who collect them themselves. If you don't want to take long travel times, you can only see offers from your region. The pieces of furniture are often in good condition and can be had for a fraction of the new price.
Rummage through the basement and attic
Whether with your own parents or other relatives and friends - you can often find unused ones in basements and atticspieces of furniture, which can be borrowed. A new coat of paint is often enough and grandma's old chest of drawers looks fabulousStudent apartment.
Give old furniture a new shine
This brings us to the next point: refurbishing old furniture. Regardless of whether you need a new cover for the old armchair or the table needs to be sanded, anyone who has a little craftsmanship and, above all, creativity can conjure up modern, unique designs from old finds. Instructions on how to restore old furniture can be found atthewest.

Make your first apartment appear larger with a few tricks and tricks

Rents are expensive and the first apartment is therefore usually very small. Now it's about how the small apartment can be visually enlarged. The most important tips at a glance:
Wall color
The wall colors should always be light and friendly, as this makes the room appear larger. Dark colors, on the other hand, compress the room and quickly make it appear depressing. If you find white walls too boring, you can opt for ice blue, light green or a sunny yellow, for example. Eye-catching patterns and wallpaper also make the room appear smaller, so it's better to use uniform surfaces.
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Sounds banal, but mirrors, especially large ones, automatically make rooms appear much more spacious. This can also be the mirrored doors of the wardrobe.
Let there be light
Who on many small onesLight sources, instead of a large one, also makes the room appear larger. This is especially the case if they shine at different levels of brightness.

Cheerful colors create an inviting atmosphere

Orange and yellow in the one-room apartment