Furnishing a small apartment – 30 ideas for optimal use of space

In metropolises and student cities it often happens that only 15 to 35 m2 of living space is available to accommodate everything you need for living or studying. Through clever space planning and flexible furniture, the narrow spaces can be used optimally. With our tips you can furnish your small apartment and improve your living comfort.

Furnish a small apartment – ​​flexible, practical, clever

Investing in multi-functional, flexible furniture is the first thing you should doSetting up a small apartmentmust consider. Large furniture stores offer clever furniture that combines several functions in one and is sure to save you a lot of space. Folding tables, chairs and even beds can be converted in no time. With a bit of craftsmanship and a certain amount of creativity, you can build many things yourself.

Light and lighting

Natural light should be the first priority, especially in small rooms. Large, floor-to-ceiling windows with curtains in light colors, opaque if necessary, visually enlarge the room. Combined with furnishings in light shades such as white, light gray or beige, a fresh, inviting atmosphere is created and the small room looks friendlier and more tempting.

Reflective surfaces

When looking for suitable furniture for your small apartment, you should avoid dark colors and high-contrast designs. Choose a color palette and add small accents made of wood, glass, metal or in contrasting colors. The simple, practical design is best suited for the furniture in this case, with reflective, glossy surfaces that reflect the light and generally make the room look brighter.

Every area of ​​the home has different lighting needs. For example, subtle lighting is desired in the bedroom. Night lights and perhaps harmonious, indirect lighting next to the wardrobe are usually sufficient. On the other hand, a lot more light is generally needed in the kitchen - above the work surface, above the dining table, etc. This allows the apartment to be separated in an unobtrusive way in terms of design.

Separate the sleeping and living areas creatively

If possible, try to remove all or part of the partition walls to allow direct light to enter. Several small areas or niches together form a large whole. In many cases, division is still desirable, but this can be made possible by the furnishing scheme or color scheme. Another option would be to separate the apartment with room dividers or flexible partitions.

Built-in furniture and sliding doors save space

In a one-room apartment, all activities are generally carried out in the same room. To make optimal use of the available space, functional, custom-made built-in furniture is the optimal solution. This means not an inch is wasted. The sliding doors also help to gain a few more centimeters.

No room for a real bed? A folding bed is the solution

The living room functions as a bedroom and guest room at the same time. People often work there too. In order to bring everything under one roof, clever and quickly convertible furniture is the order of the day. Folding beds, sofa beds and bookcases that can easily be converted into a desk not only save space, but also ensure better living comfort.

Design a high ceiling optimally

If there is little living space available but there is a high ceiling, then you just have to take advantage of the height. Custom-made structures that divide the space horizontally and create a usable second level are a perfect solution for any small apartment.

Modernes Einraumhaus

Just as there are one-room apartments, there are also one-room houses - never heard of them? A two-story house, in which there are no separate rooms and one wall is made entirely of glass, can be built quickly using the principle of prefabricated and container houses.

Design small rooms in white tones

A high level of living comfort is ensured in the small one-room house. The kitchen, living area and bathroom are on the ground floor and flow into one another. The upper floor is much lower and there is a sleeping bed and a built-in wardrobe on one of the sides.

The interior is completely designed in white shades. Glass and metal elements add chic accents. Reflective surfaces such as glass, chrome and high gloss visually enlarge the space.

Reduce furniture

Small rooms are more likely to appear chaotic and cluttered if personal items are left lying around. It's true that decorations and all home accessories enliven the living space, but even large rooms quickly become full if you put the usual furnishings in them. Fresh green plants have a very positive and invigorating effect without attracting attention and also improve the room atmosphere.

Although it's not entirely typical, apartments in old buildings can also have a very narrow layout. There's not much you can do, but you can do something. The walls and, if possible, the furnishings must be white. Light, neutral shades of gray and beige are also permissible. Keep the flooring the same in all areas. This little trick divides the room into two horizontal levels.

Only furniture that is functional and has a very minimalist design should find a place in a small apartment. Built-in cupboards with a simple design in light colors, preferably white, and cupboard fronts without handles seem to be a good solution.

Use wall motifs cleverly

Built-in closets or built-in closets with sliding doors are the best choice for storage in small apartments. From a design perspective, it is advisable to use the entire height of the room so that almost invisible storage space can be created. Pastel-colored wallpaper or simple wall coverings are ideal for attractive wall decoration.

Spiral staircase as a space-saving solution when there is little living space

If height differences need to be compensated for, a spiral staircase is a possible solution. This optimizes the available space and the individual areas can be reached without detours. The modern and functional spiral staircase made of stainless steel becomes a designer accent in the home.

Shadow play with light and dark

The upper level is intended for the bedroom and bathroom. The glass railing allows a view of the lower living area.

No room for stairs, so use a ladder

When furnishing your small apartment, you should be aware that compromises have to be made. If there is not enough space for an internal staircase or one is not provided for in the building plan, it can be replaced with a ladder.

For a small apartment, simply build a loft bed or a full-fledged second level

Wooden ladders have a wide variety of designs. They don't even have to be new. The old ladder from the farmer's barn can be redesigned very stylishly and creatively if wood predominates in the rest of the furnishings. Otherwise, this ladder can serve as an independent accent in the apartment.

Make optimal use of the sloping roof

Sloped ceilings are certainly not that popular with tall people, but they can be used wonderfully. The space under the slope quickly becomes a wonderful place to store clothes and other items. Depending on the angle, you can even accommodate a sleeping bed there.

Every niche can be used

Niches and projections embedded in the wall elegantly ensure the independence of the living areas. They can also be easily converted into built-in cupboards. This is also possible with a curtain or a sliding door.

Filigree spiral staircase

A delicate spiral staircase like this can also be installed later. Matched in color to the wall behind it, it is a subtle implementation of the idea of ​​a small apartment on two levels.

Setting up a small apartment – ​​problem number 1: The lack of storage space

You can build a full-fledged second level and place a normal low double bed there. The space underneath can be cleverly designed as a wardrobe or, if the height of the room allows, even accommodate the bathroom.

Drawer compartments integrated into the steps to the second level create additional storage space. Multifunctional furniture optimizes limited space and leaves chaos behind closed doors.

Open shelves are not recommended in small apartments. In addition to their usual blackout function, airy curtains can also be used instead of sliding doors. This means that the wardrobe is not visible in the bedroom if it is also used as a workplace.

In order to separate the only available space and not waste valuable space, large pieces of furniture such as sideboards, shelves or wall units can be used as partitions. They also offer sufficient storage space.

Optimize one-room apartment

In order not to darken the small apartment with little light, the room planners decided on a rather unconventional solution. The kitchen and bathroom are housed in one unit in the middle of the room. The structure extends the length of the room and can be accessed from both sides.

Slidable module system

Studio apartments have always been a challenge for space planners and architects. The topic concerns the professionals and they develop amazing multifunctional built-in furniture that rearranges the living zones in no time. Combinations and compositions fascinate with their practical use and offer unlimited possible uses.


Here, the living zones are arranged vertically using an all-in-one system and can be made larger or smaller as required. The individual modules can be moved like moving walls, partially folded in or out and used for practical purposes. The bathroom and the fitted kitchen are located on both sides of the room.