What color goes with brown? Tips for beautiful color combinations

Everyone who has wooden furniture has at least once asked themselves the question: What color goes with brown? However, the answer is closely related to the shade chosen and can vary greatly in different situations.

That's why in this article we tackled the task of finding the best color partners for brown. In the following sections you will find helpful tips and furnishing examples for color combinations with brown in the interior.

Brown shades are warm, versatile and natural

Shades of brown have a special effect on people. They remind us of earth and nature, have a protective effect and miss out on a particularly natural feeling. Brown is still very popular in interior design because it radiates coziness and security. The warm nuances of the color fit perfectly into any room in the home and can be wonderfully combined with different colors. Depending on the color palette you choose, you can achieve different spatial effects and design your own four walls like a personal oasis of well-being.

Since the color could be very versatile in the interior, we would like to present the most beautiful color combinations with brown below. Our tips will help you to correctly match the colors in your home and create a pleasant living atmosphere.

Color theory: What nuances to combine with brown tones?

If you want to combine colors correctly, a few basic knowledge of color theory can be really helpful. This is primarily about the so-called color wheel, which includes all primary, secondary and complementary colors. A few simple basic rules will helpFind harmonious color combinations. According to color theory, brown is not a primary or secondary color, but can be viewed as a shade of orange or red. In this sense, the complementary color to brown is a shade of blue, since blue is opposite orange on the color wheel.

However, the color brown can be described as very communicative. As an earth tone, it can be combined with many other colors. Examples of this are yellow, pink, violet, orange and red. Lighter shades such as beige and cream also look wonderful in combination with a dark brown tone. The color combination with neutral colors such as white, black and gray ensures timeless elegance and should definitely not be neglected.

What color goes with brown in the interior? An overview

Anyone who finds brown in the interior boring and old-fashioned has certainly not yet discovered the most beautiful combinations with it. We would now like to convince you of the versatility of this color in interior design using a few furnishing examples.

Combine with white in the interior

The so-called non-colors (white, black and gray) are always a good option when looking for a suitable color combination with brown. A white wall, for example, can make brown furniture shine and make it a real highlight. Whether in the living room or in the bathroom, this color duo creates a pleasantly homely feeling. If you want to add another tone to a room design like this, you can try gray or beige.

Color combination with gray

All shades of gray can be called a great color partner for brown. This color combination is suitable for anyone who wants to furnish their home elegantly and discreetly. The warm charisma of the brown tones is enhanced by the gray, which conveys security and calm in the room. If dark nuances of the colors are further combined with black, a masculine ambience is created - perfect for bachelor apartments.

Combine dark brown tones with black

Brown tones combined with rich black create a dramatic effect in the room. Metallic tones go wonderfully with this and refine the entire interior. The combination of brown, black and gold can add a touch of luxury to any room, as can be seen from the image above.

The great color palette can be further rounded off with beige and gray. When combined with beige, the brown color can create a beautiful tone-on-tone combination. Other natural color nuances, such as cream, sand or powder, also work well to create a harmonious overall picture. Black can create interesting accents in such an interior.

Choose blue as a complementary color to brown tones

If you are looking for a colorful color combination with brown, then you can't go wrong with the complementary color blue. Choosing the right shade plays an important role here. Dark brown tones harmonize with dark blue, but only if a light color rounds off the color palette. This can be white, but also cream or beige.

Light brown, on the other hand, is a great complement to the so-called pigeon blue. The contrast between the two colors looks very appealing in the interior and is perfect for furnishing in the living room or in the home library.

Color combination with yellow

There is no doubt that brown goes well with yellow. When you think about this color combination, the incredibly beautiful color palettes of fall immediately come to mind. Both colors go well together in both large and small quantities. For example, you can combine a yellow wall with a brown sofa or add great yellow accents to the brown living room. Your own preferences play the decisive role in this case.

Combine with orange

Since brown is described as a darker shade of orange or red, these colors are perfect as accents in a brown-decorated living room. Even the smallest accents like sofa cushions or ottomans do the trick.

What color goes with brown? Tips for color combinations with green

Green and brown is a color combination that our eyes are already used to. This can be found everywhere in nature and reminds us of the beautiful forest landscapes. And since the two colors appear in nature in an infinite number of nuances, they can also be combined in any way you like in the interior. The whole thing works best when brown comes in the form of wooden furniture or leather upholstery and green is used as an accent color in the room. White walls are recommended for such a color combination in the furnishings. They bring out the great combination better and set the accent on it.

Brown and purple

If you want to furnish your own four walls according to the latest trends, you can combine brown in your home with the Pantone color of the year. In 2018 it isUltra Violeta real hype when it comes to furnishings and can be combined with the furnishings much more easily than might be expected at first glance. For example, you can refine a room decorated in brown with a purple carpet and make it more atmospheric.

Combine with pink accents

If you want to make the brown wall look more elegant, you can consider combining it with a light pink tone. Pink accents make dark brown tones appear softer and immediately change the effect of the room. With a darker pink, however, you create an exciting atmosphere in the room.

Combine brown tones correctly with each other

The color brown is so versatile precisely because it has many great nuances. Most of them, such as thisdifferent wood tonesappear in nature and thus give the furnishings a natural feeling. Others are reminiscent of popular foods and drinks, such as cappuccino, mocha and chocolate brown. We have created a small list of possible color combinations for the different shades of brown that might help you choose the right color partner.

  • Light brown with pale yellow, cream, blue, green, purple, red
  • Dark brown with yellow green, turquoise, mint green, light purple, lime green
  • Reddish brown with pink, dark brown, green, blue, purple

What color goes with brown in the living room?

Would you like to furnish your apartment with natural colors and are wondering which color goes well with brown in every area? Below we have collected some furnishing ideas and tips that represent great color combinations for the living room, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen.

Choosing the right color for the living room depends on the spatial effect you want to achieve. For example, if you want to furnish the room in a modern, but at the same time bright and natural way, then you can combine white walls and ceiling with furniture in brown and black. A few wooden elements as wall paneling or window frames, for example, are a cool idea. However, if you want to add some color to your interior, you can furnish the living room in brown and gray and combine it with accents in bright orange.

The right combination for the bathroom

The atmosphere in the bathroom should be relaxed and create a feeling of well-being. This is why brown tones are simply wonderful for bathroom design. However, since wood is not always a good idea for bathroom furnishings, you can use tiles with a wood look instead.

As far as colors are concerned, the timeless combinations with white or black are recommended. An interesting alternative is blue, which also creates a relaxed atmosphere.

What nuances to use in the bedroom?

The bedroom in brown is not a modern room concept, but it does have many advantages. Brown invites you to linger and is therefore perfect for this room. If you combine the brown furniture with a yellow wall, you will create an original room design that ensures pure relaxation. Another great furnishing idea for the bedroom is thisfascinating combination of brown and blue.

What color goes with brown in the kitchen?

The combination with brown is not uncommon in the kitchen. If you like neutral colors, you can combine light wood with gray tiles, for example. For those who like to experiment, colorful combinations with red or orange are quite suitable.