Baking at Christmas for children & adults – fun dessert ideas

Of course, the children really enjoy all things baked during Christmas. Nevertheless, you can also make the baked goods interesting and bake fun things for Christmas. We have put together some great ideas and associated recipes for baking at Christmas that you can bake and create together with the children. Create a pleasant Christmas atmosphere yourself with the desserts and put a smile on the children's faces.

Creative baking for Christmas – snowman on a cookie

To make such snow globes with cookies and marshmallows, you should first prepare the cookies according to any recipe. While they cool, put the snowman together. To make a snowman you need three marshmallows, which you stick together using toothpicks. Use couverture to design the face and buttons in the form of dots. Make the hat out of chocolate chips that you stick to the top marshmallow with icing. Then comes a small praline in the shape of a cylinder. You weave the scarf out of edible strings in any color.
In a mason jar, mix 2 tablespoons cocoa powder and 2 tablespoons milk powder. Then place the finished snowman inside after gluing it to a cookie with couverture. Cover the cookie with the powder so it can no longer be seen. Finally, put a sign on the glass explaining that the powder is combined with 300 ml of warm milk. The snowman can then be consumed with the prepared cocoa.

Cake pops in the shape of a Christmas tree

– 100 g soft butter
– 100 g caster sugar
– 1 TL Vanilleextrakt
– 2 medium eggs
– 100 g Flour
– 1/2 packet of baking powder
– 3 Tbsp cocoa powder
– 3 tbsp milk
– 300 g powdered sugar
– Food coloring
– Streusel
– Stems for the pops

About these original cake popsto do for Christmas, mix the butter, vanilla extract and sugar in a bowl until the sugar dissolves. Gradually add the eggs. Mix the flour, baking powder and cocoa in a separate bowl and then add this to the first bowl along with the milk, stirring constantly. Spread the finished dough on a baking tray and bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. When the cake is ready, let it cool and then cut it into triangular shapes of any size. Then insert the stems into these pieces. You can also use candy canes. Now you can decorate Christmas trees as you like with colored icing made from powdered sugar and water and sprinkles. It is best to use a piping bag. Once the icing has set, the desserts are ready to serve.

Cake pyramid made of stars

You can also use the cake that you get from the dough just mentioned for other purposes. How about, for example, a pyramid made of stars like this? All you have to do is prepare the cake and when it has cooled, cut out stars of different sizes. It's best to decorate these with glaze, as here, so that the pyramid looks even more beautiful later. Once the glaze has set, you can stack the individual stars on top of each other. It is recommended to hold the individual stars together with toothpicks or kebab skewers. You can also decorate the top with another figure. In this case a shooting star was chosen.

Melting snowman on a cookie

– 200 g powdered sugar
– 6 Marshmallows
– 6 Cookies
– 24 Mini-Smarties
– 6 pretzel sticks
– Couverture

You can either bake the cookies yourself or use ready-made ones. Put the powdered sugar in a bowl and gradually add a tablespoon of cold water. After each spoonful, mix everything together well. This will prevent you from adding too much water and making the icing too runny. Using damp scissors, cut the marshmallows in half. Put a little icing on a cookie and stick a marshmallow half on top. Then, with the help of more icing, comes the other half. This should be attached at a slight angle. Then pour some more frosting onto the cookie to imitate melting snow. Break a pretzel stick into smaller pieces and create the arms. You use the Smarties to design the buttons, while the chocolate coating is used to paint the face. Then repeat the whole thing with the remaining cookies.

Rentier Cake Pops

– 150 g chocolate cake
– 25 g soft butter
– 50 g powdered sugar
– 25 g dark chocolate
– 100 g milk chocolate
– Pretzel sticks
– rote Smarties
– Chocolate coating or food coloring for icing
– 8 stems

You should make the cake first or provide a ready-made chocolate cake. Crumble the required amount in a bowl, then mix the butter and powdered sugar together in another bowl. Melt the dark chocolate in a water bath and add it to the butter mixture. Mix well and add this to the cake crumbs. Then mix the whole thing with your hands and divide the finished dough into eight equal amounts, which you then shape into balls. Insert the stems into the balls, spread them on baking paper and let them rest for at least 2 hours. Then melt the milk chocolate in a water bath and dip each ball into it. Be sure to let excess chocolate drip off so that it doesn't drip too much afterwards. Use the stem to insert each finished ball into a piece of Styrofoam, where the chocolate should solidify after shaping. Since this happens very quickly, you should design one sphere at a time and not all at once. Then poke two holes into each ball for the antlers that you will create from the pretzels. Also stick a red Smartie onto the still soft chocolate. Hold it for a while until it is secure. Then let the chocolate harden for about 20 minutes and design the eyes and mouth with melted couverture, colored icing or special icing for writing. You can also make the antlers out of pipe cleaners by attaching the stem to the top and wrapping the cleaner around it.

Christmas cookies made from shortcrust pastry

– 150 g soft butter
– 125g sugar
– 2 Owner
– 300 g Flour
– 1/2 packet of vanilla sugar
– 1/2 packet of baking powder
– 1/2 pinch of grated lemon peel
– 1 pinch of salt

You can prepare delicious cookies especially with the delicious shortcrust pastry. If you want to bake simple cookies, choose this recipe for 20 cookies. To do this, first stir the butter without any other ingredients. Add the vanilla sugar, salt and lemon zest. Then stir in the eggs, sift in the flour and baking powder and stir into the mixture and knead into a smooth dough. Then let the dough rest, covered, in a cool place for half an hour. In the meantime, line a baking tray with baking paper. Then roll out the dough to a thickness of 0.5 cm and cut out round cookies using cookie cutters or a glass and distribute them on the baking tray. Bake at 180 degrees for 8 minutes. Once the cookies have cooled down a little, you can decorate them as you wish for Christmas. Design reindeer like this or paint Christmas trees, snowflakes and other things on the Christmas cookies with icing.

You can also decorate these fun Christmas cookies with the same Christmas cookies. The cookies are then just covered with colored icing or icing. Glue a marshmallow onto the still wet icing and the curved part of a candy cane to the side of the marshmallow to create the handle of a cup. You can then imitate coffee with sprinkles.

Cupcakes with light bulbs

The first thing you need to do is prepare any muffins you like. You can then decorate these with any topping that you can choose from our recipes. Finally, you will need colored light bulbs from an old string of lights, which you clean well. The light bulbs then serve as original decorations for the cupcakes. But remind your guests that these are not edible!

Cupcakes with Christmas trees

You can also decorate the cupcakes with Christmas trees like this. They are quick and easy to make with icing. Spread small pieces of pretzel sticks on a baking sheet and then create the tree top. Then quickly spread some colorful sprinkles and stick the hardened trees into the cupcakes. You can also decorate the topping of the cupcakes with some desiccated coconut. This is a wonderful way to imitate a blanket of snow under the Christmas trees.

Strawberry trees

Prepare a green color icing by combining yellow and blue food coloring. Insert toothpicks into whole strawberries and dip them into the glaze to cover them completely. While the icing is still wet, sprinkle it with a few sprinkles. Once the icing has dried, add some white icing or topping to the cookies, which will allow you to secure the strawberry Christmas trees onto the cookies. Once this glaze has set, you can pull the toothpicks out of the strawberries and hide the holes with edible stars or other decorations.

No-bake Grinch popcorn

The curmudgeon from American mythology has also been very popular in Germany for several years. In keeping with Christmas and this figure, you can serve popcorn in green color as a Christmas snack. You can get the popcorn for Christmas without baking. For 10 cups of popcorn you need 3 cups of mini marshmallows, which you melt in butter (3 tbsp) melted in a double boiler. Remove the mixture from the heat and add yellow food coloring while stirring until you get a strong yellow tone. Repeat the same with blue paint until the mixture has turned bright green. Add the marshmallow mixture to the salted popcorn and stir gently until all the popcorn is colored. The popcorn served looks particularly interesting if you add a Grinch plush toy.