Even complete beginners can cook eggs. In principle, this statement is true, but amateur chefs know the reality: estimating the correct cooking time is an art in itself. The task seems very simple, but the results are disappointing: eggs that are too hard, too soft or even cracked. With our cooking tips you will quickly learn to distinguish soft from waxy and hard eggs.
The cooking time depends on this!
Basically, the cooking time is fixed. But in reality it can vary greatly and depends on several factors. The rule of thumb applies: the fresher the eggs, the faster they will cook. The cooking time for fresh chicken eggs is reduced by 30 seconds.
Fresh eggs at room temperature have the shortest cooking time
Eggs from the refrigerator should be warmed to room temperature before cooking. It is best to place them in lukewarm water for several minutes. Otherwise you risk 1) bursting during cooking and 2) adding 2 minutes to the cooking time.
Adjust the number of eggs depending on the pot size
The more chicken eggs you cook together in one pot, the slower they will cook. A medium-sized saucepan with a diameter between 18 and 23 cm will usually hold 3 large, 4 medium or 5 small eggs. If you add more to the pot, they will be too close together, the water will heat up more slowly, and the cooking time will increase by 1 minute.
That's how long the breakfast egg takes
Make slime yourself - recipe without glue and borax
The slime trend from the USA is also causing a sensation in Europe - children love to play with the slime. And best of all - the dough can be prepared with just a few ingredients. We offer you a recipe with which you can make slime yourself. Without borax and glue, of course.
And these cooking times should serve as a guide when cooking:
Soft eggs are cooked for an average of 6 minutes.
Waxy chicken eggs are cooked after 7 minutes.
The cooking time for medium-hard eggs is 8 minutes.
9-10 minutes you need to cook hard chicken eggs.
Step-by-step instructions
First, place the eggs warmed to room temperature in an empty pot. Then fill the pot with cold to lukewarm water. Add a pinch of salt if desired.
Bring the eggs to the boil over medium heat and cook for several minutes (see cooking times above).
Then chill the egg in ice water for 3-4 minutes and peel. However, quenching the eggs shortens their shelf life and they can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.
And this is how you can distinguish raw from soft and soft from hard eggs: place the egg on the table and turn it. Raw eggs spin very slowly, while hard-boiled eggs spin very quickly.