Healthy snacks for school – tips and recipes for lunch

In order to perform well, energy is needed and, as we know, the body gains it through a balanced diet. This is particularly important for children so that their growth and development are optimally supplied with nutrients. Breakfast at home alone is not enough and healthy snacks help school children stay fit and active. A meal plan can be of great benefit if the snack in the can remains untouched. Below we offer child-friendly, quick and healthy recipes, as well as important tips for balanced eating.

Healthy snacks and regular meals for school children

What the meals contain is particularly important, but when they happen is also crucial for the child's health. Why does the daily routine include meal planning that parents could also follow? A gap of 2 to 3 hours between meals is recommended for good digestion and it should be completely food-free - i.e. no snacks, sugary drinks or anythingMilchtake. During the day, the child should ideally have one warm main course, two cold main courses and two other snacks.

Balanced diet according to the menu

Similar to adults, children also go through phases: sometimes they don't like this or that, then they suddenly feel like it again. The exact amount of food a child needs per week can vary, but in principle there are guidelines that guide and support parents in providing their children with a healthy and equitable diet.

  • about 2-3 slices of bread daily
  • 2 potatoes per day
  • about 2 cups of milk a day or instead – the appropriate amount of yogurt or buttermilk, optionally replacing it with 30g of semi-hard cheese or other cheese
  • Plenty of fruit and vegetables – at least 200g daily
  • Meat and sausage – around 40 grams daily
  • about 1-2 eggs per week
  • Fish – about 50-60 grams per week
  • Fat – oil, butter or margarine on average – 3-4 teaspoons daily

A child's hand can serve as a wonderful tool for determining the right needs, for example meat or fish. Ready meals should be avoided as they contain too many unhealthy additives. In a household with children, you should always stock up on supplies. Potatoes, pasta, rice, milk, flour, eggs, bread, onions and oil, as well as seasonal fruit and vegetables can be stored and fresh food prepared in half an hour.

The sufficient amount of water to drink

Since children usually don't feel thirsty so often or strongly, their parents should make sure they drink enough. Suitable liquids include fresh water or unsweetened fruit tea. Sugary drinks should be avoided and, if possible, not used to them at all. Juice is best mixed with water. By the age of 6, children should drink around 800ml of fluids per day.

Visually attractively prepared

In order for the children to enjoy small snacks in between, it is important not only to have the right amount of them, but also how they are offered. It would be fair to cut fruit and vegetables into wedges and slices and thus make them easy to grab. Even school children eat with their eyes and creativity is required when preparing the lunch box. Skewers, wave knives and cookie cutters in imaginative shapes are popular tools. Color design and variety should not be neglected when it comes to snacks. Bread, pasta and rice are available in all possible varieties on the market. Surprise your child so that he or she is excited to eat everything.

Little surprises

Small surprises that all children like, such as gummy bears or pieces of chocolate, can also be included if necessary. However, these should be hidden very well so that the child does not start his snack with them. A little puzzle will certainly make the lunch break exciting and is a great creative idea that can be done once a week and is not that time-consuming.

With whole grain bread

Undisputedly the healthiest bread of all is made from whole grains. Not all children like it, which is why it can be garnished with small pieces of nuts and thinly sliced ​​​​vegetables, which keep it juicy and appetizing. Lubricate with low-fat quark or yoghurt, as these have fewer calories, are also easier to digest and contain valuable proteins, vitamins and calcium.

Don't neglect vitamins

Even if fruit and vegetables aren't your child's favorite foods, what's on offer matters. Carrots, cucumbers and peppers cut into small sticks, as well as cocktail tomatoes, are well received. Above all, choose these depending on the season as they contain the least amount of pollutants. Make sure everything is washed carefully and it is best to leave it in the water for a few minutes.

For school

Apart from how many meals are planned in between - one or two, the ingredients in the breakfast box should also be portioned and this way no food is wasted. Alternate between fruits and vegetables daily and do not offer them mixed in one meal. The tastes should be coordinated because children do not like unusual combinations such as sweet and salty.

For school children with fruit and vegetables

Pony food is better said raw food than vegetables. Cut into small cubes about 2 x 2 cm in size or use a cookie cutter with an interesting shape. Carrots, peppers and cucumbers can be combined well. Garnish with sesame sticks or crostini sticks. You can do the same with fruit. It is recommended to always test the combination of fruit or vegetables beforehand. If something tastes strange, leave it out as children are very sensitive and suddenly they may not like this or that anymore. And you don't want to contribute to it yourself, do you?

In black and white


  • 1 slice each of light and dark wholemeal bread (e.g. light and dark spelled bread)
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup
  • 3 tbsp cream cheese
  • 3 tbsp chopped nuts of your choice
  • 3-4 slices of fresh cucumber
  • 1-2 leaves of lettuce

Mix the cream cheese with the finely chopped nuts and the maple syrup well and spread it on the bread, garnish with cucumber and lettuce and then open it up. Use the knife to cut in half diagonally to create two triangles.

Healthy surprise

Take a small apple and hollow it out. Fill the cut-out 'tunnel' with dried fruit (e.g. raisins, apricots, berries) and wrap it in foil to keep it fresh.

Homemade crunchy nuts


  • 100g cashew nuts (other varieties optional)
  • 100g macadamia nuts
  • 1 tbsp pear syrup
  • 1 tbsp herb salt
  • 1 tbsp egg white

Mix pear syrup and egg white in a bowl. Roast the nuts briefly in the preheated oven on a baking tray lined with baking paper - 5 minutes is completely sufficient. Then add it to the egg white mixture, spread it back onto the baking paper and sprinkle with herb salt. After roasting for 6-8 minutes, the crunchy nuts are ready. Divide into portions and store uncovered, not in a plastic bag, otherwise they will quickly become soft. You offer the child in sandwich bags or in a grocery bag.

Meal with the family

A meal should take place in the family and this is usually in the evening. Cell phones, televisions and other devices are taboo when dining together; all attention is focused on eating together. If the meal was warm at midday, it doesn't have to be warm in the evening.