Are the bright red fruits of the wild rose bush that develop after the flowers fade edible? The rose hip is a small, bright crimson wonder that is also delicious. Would you like to try a rosehip puree recipe? Autumn is the right time for it!
The rose hip has a high vitamin C content. These fruits have pain-relieving properties and are often used to treat osteoarthritis pain. Thanks to the antioxidants they contain, they can slow down skin aging and help with weight loss. In addition, they promote cardiovascular health by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels. That's why you should prepare healthy puree as quickly as possible!
When and how do you pick rose hips?
Harvest your own rose hips in the fall (October/November) when the plant is dormant and has no leaves. If you want perfectly frozen rose hips, you should wait until the first light frost has nibbled on the leaves. Light frost is good for the plant and improves the taste.
You can use a knife or scissors to remove the ripe rose hips from a rose bush. Put on gardening gloves. Remove the flower stalks and cut them off. Cut the rose hips in half with scissors and remove the seeds. The rose hips should be washed in cold water. Afterwards, let them dry out completely. Prepare them for immediate useor for storagein the freezer.
What does rosehip puree taste like?
Contrary to popular belief, rose hips are odorless or have a very faint rose scent. Maybe the aroma is stronger when they are dried. The puree made from the cooked rose hips has an interesting flavor that combines elements of apple and apricot.
You can find our recipe for rosehip puree below. You can also make tea from rose hips if you have any left over. To do this, 4 – 8 rose hips are poured over with boiling water in a cup for 10 – 15 minutes.
- 2 kg of rose hips
- 700g sugar
- 1 fresh lemon (juice only)
- 2 – 3 teaspoons cinnamon (optional)
1. The rose hips should be washed, drained and all leaves, stems and flowers removed to prevent the green stem and leaves from developing a bitter taste. Now cover the rose hips with water, using twice as much liquid as rose hips. Cook them until they lose their shape.
2. While you wait for the water to boil, wash the jars and lids in soapy water, rinse thoroughly, and place them on a tray with the opening facing up.
3. Take a rosehip to test: once it has cooled, squeeze it between your fingers - if it breaks and feels mushy (but not the seeds, they should remain firm), the fruit is ready to eat.
4. You can then start straining by first removing the seeds with a sieve and then straining the puree several times through a cloth or sieve, washing the sieve each time. You should repeat process 5 - 6 to make sure there are no shells, which can cause irritation to the mouth and stomach if swallowed.
5. When the consistency is right, add the sugar, cinnamon and lemon juice (the latter is essential if you want to prevent the red from becoming a brown color) and stir constantly until the sugar has melted and the color has changed turned into a deep red. To sterilize the jars and lids, you should now place them in an oven preheated to 140 degrees for 20 minutes - the time should ideally coincide with the cooking time of the mash.
6. From the start of cooking, it should take about 30 minutes until the mixture reaches the consistency of thick cream over medium heat, stirring frequently. You can always do a test on a cold plate - when the puree on the plate has cooled, it should still give a little. The rosehip puree should not be too thick, otherwise it will be difficult to spread when it is completely hardened.
7. While the jars are still hot, pour the puree up to the neck (the part where the lid twists open). Hold the lids on the jars with a tea towel - the steam creates a strong bond and the puree will last until at least next autumn.
8. Wrap the jars in towels or a fleece and let the rosehip puree cool for at least 12 hours before labeling the jars and putting them away. Don't forget to save some to enjoy on the actual day: you deserve it after all that hard work! All we can say about pancakes or French toast is: “Delicious!”
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