Rose hips are a natural source of vitamin C. You can harvest them from the garden or collect them in the field. Rose hips can be dried and used for a number of useful and interesting applications.
We give tips for drying rose hips and ideas on how to use them. First we explain the benefits of the delicious fruits. Read on!
What are the benefits of rose hips
Rose hips strengthen the immune system. They contain vitamin C and offer a natural way to secure a purer and higher vitamin C concentrate. Healthy and delicious, what could be better! The fruits also help relieve the symptoms of mild arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. They are also effective for colds or flu. Thehealthy fruitsregulate digestion and respiratory tract and help build stronger bones.
How to dry rose hips
The drying methods for rose hips are the same techniques that can be used for other fruits. Here we show the most common ones:
How to dehydrate rose hips
The easiest way to dry rose hips is to use a dehydrator. Proceed as follows: Wash the rose hips well. Cut them in half and remove the seeds and hairs inside. Gently rinse the inside. Dry them for about 6 to 8 hours. The fruit is dry when it feels firm and brittle.
How to dry the fruits in the sun
You can easily dry the rose hips in the sun. Wash the fruit and place it on a drying rack to allow air to flow around the fruit. Place the drying rack in the bright sun and let the rose hips dry all day. They are finished drying when they feel firm and brittle. You need at least 8 to 10 hours of full sun.
Rose hips dry in the oven
The temperature when drying in the oven must be between 47 and 65 degrees Celsius. Even with this method, the drying process can take up to 10 hours. Simply spread the rose hips on a baking sheet and let them dry.
Uses of dried rose hips
You can use dried rose hips in various ways. We provide some ideas below.
Using rose hips for herbal tea
A common use of thedried rose hipsis the preparation of a tea. Dried rose hips give the tea a beautiful pink hue and a sweet taste. When making your tea, you can combine the fruit with lemons, basil or passionflower to create a nourishing tea.
Make your own sweet rosehip syrup
Rose hip syrup is healthy and delicious. You can stir it into water as a refreshing drink, cocktails or smoothies.You can use this syrupEven add it as a topping to yogurt or ice cream. Here is a simple recipe.
- 1 liter of water
- 500 g washed rose hips
- 250 g soft brown sugar (or coconut blossom sugar)
Instructions for preparation:
- Bring the water to a boil.
- Cut the rose hips and add them to the boiling water.
- Simmer for 15 minutes and then let cool.
- Strain the rose hips to remove them from the syrup.
- Add the sugar and stir until all the sugar is dissolved.
- Pour into sterilized bottles. The syrup has a shelf life of 3 months.
Make rose hip decorations in autumn
You can use dried rose hips to make a pretty decoration for your home. A fall wreath for the front door is an excellent idea. To do this, you need to dry the fruits together with the stems and put the stems into a ready-made wreath from the craft store. To keep the dried fruits plump longer, you can spray them with hairspray. Combine with greens or autumn leaves according to your preferences.
You can also make rosehip wreaths using a foam and berry wreath mold. Cover the mold with tightly packed rose hips and berries by inserting the stems into the foam, and you're done!
Homemade jam
Cooking rosehip jam is really easy. And of course delicious. How do you make them?
- Rose hips (black ends removed)
- same amount of sugar
- Water (1 cup per 0.5 kg of rose hips)
Instructions for preparation:
- Use a heavy stainless steel cooking pot (DO NOT use aluminum).
- Add water and rose hips and simmer until fruit is soft.
- Drain the rose hips and rub them through a fine sieve, then measure out the flesh and return it to the pot with the same amount of sugar. Simmer until thick.
- Pour into hot, sterilized preserving jars and seal.
- Store in a cool cupboard and use within six months; Store in the refrigerator after opening.
Rose hips are good for horses
Rose hips are usually eaten by horses and are also very healthy for the animals. They are also suitable as a treat and are particularly good for horses with metabolic problems.
These fruits are often fed to horses recovering from illness or injury because they help restore the immune system. Feeding rose hips as part of the daily diet is beneficial for disease prevention.
Also interesting:Rosehip puree recipe: Prepare the delicious and simple puree for the cold, autumnal days!