Halloween food - 26 ideas and recipes for children's parties

Shock and impress your or your child's guests with a variety of spooky and crazy Halloween party foods. Transform delicious everyday foods into spooky decorated masterpieces by using different shapes, colors and textures to trick party guests. Think dismembered body parts, creepy crawlers and bodily fluids. Below you will find great Halloween food ideas that are easy to recreate.

Halloween food – Candied apples for dessert

Prepare candied apples and delight guests with a particularly interesting dessert. Use white chocolate and a red color for the caramel. So it seems as if blood is flowing from the apple.

Sausages in dough casings as centipedes

For this on the one hand delicious and on the other hand disgusting idea, you need sausages, which you then cover with any dough (in the photo it is the American corn dough). Then connect the individual, cooled sausages with toothpicks, pretzel sticks or whatever else you can think of.

Make your own eyeballs from eggs

You can quickly turn deviled eggs into eyeballs by placing a slice of olive in the center and adding veins of ketchup or other red sauce.

Decorate Halloween table with cake

It's best to design the dessert in typical Halloween colors. To do this, use food coloring. This delicious cake has an orange glaze and is partly purple on the inside and therefore mystically colored.

Funny Halloween Food – Puke Pumpkin

What could be more appetizing than a seemingly vomiting Halloween pumpkin? This design is traditionally used for decorative purposes only, but paired with fruit or guacamole and chips. Alternatively, you can use a watermelon that has also been carved like a little monster for Halloween.

If you really want to surprise your guests, literally serve them “finger food” at the party. There are a variety of things that resemble severed fingers. One option is to cook sausages, cut them in half, arrange them on a platter with the flat side facing down, and then use ketchup to make them appear bloody. For added effect, place an almond on the tip of each sausage as a fingernail. For vegetarians you canBake witch finger cookies.

Serve eyeballs

Scare your party guests with a colorful mix of eyeballs. Various options are shown here - small onion and olives, Babybel cheese and ketchup,Meatballs in the spaghetti.Let your creativity run wild and you can come up with an even more interesting variant.