Hummus Recipe Original – Prepare delicious, creamy and airy chickpea puree

It's not without reason that the creamy and delicious chickpea puree is one of the national dishes of the Middle East. Hummus is an everyday accompaniment to various appetizers and has a permanent place on a mixed starter platter. We would like to offer all lovers of healthy mousses an original hummus recipe that tastes irresistibly nutty and spicy and flatters the palate with a creamy yet light and fluffy consistency.

Hummus Recipe Original – Ingredients

1 can of chickpeas
100 Grams Sesampaste
3-4 cloves of garlic
2 to 4 tablespoons cold water
Juice of one or two lemons (optional)
1 or 2 tbsp olive oil
½ tsp cumin powder
½ tsp salt
½ tsp baking powder
2-3 cups water (to keep the chickpeas covered in the pot)


Drain the chickpeas well and cook in enough water for 20 minutes. The chickpeas should be completely covered with water. A teaspoon of baking soda in the cooking water helps soften the chickpeas. The baking soda increases the pH of the water and causes the chickpeas to break down into a soft, mushy mass.

Mix the garlic with the freshly squeezed lemon juice and the salt and let the resulting mixture rest for a few minutes. During the resting period, the sharp taste of the garlic is replaced by a soft flavor.

Add the sesame paste and two tablespoons of ice-cold water. Mix everything until you get a creamy mixture. The ice cold water also helps make the hummus light and airy. This also gives the delicious dip a beautiful ivory color.

Drain the cooked chickpeas and mix with the sesame mixture.

Add the cumin and a tablespoon or two of olive oil. Mix everything well until a homogeneous and smooth paste is formed.

Pour your perfect homemade hummus into a beautiful bowl or serving platter and garnish as desired. You can store the leftover hummus covered with cling film in the refrigerator for up to a week.