Make your own cheese hedgehogs – recipe and cool ideas for delicious party food

If you are currently looking for ideas for a cold buffet, then you will find them with us. Today we present a classic party food recipe – the so-called cheese hedgehog. You can quickly and easily make a party hedgehog with delicious cheese skewers yourself and use it to decorate the table at the next event.

A party hit from the past is making a comeback

This party recipe from the cold kitchen is actually nothing new. Cheese hedgehogs gained great popularity 50 years ago and were a staple on every cold buffet in the 50s, 60s and 70s. Today, the well-known finger food is celebrating a comeback and can be found more and more often at parties, children's birthdays, picnics and family celebrations.

And what exactly is a cheese urchin? This finger food is small cheese skewers arranged in a hedgehog shape on a suitable surface. In addition to diced cheese, you can also put meat, vegetables or fruit on the skewersdifferent recipes and tastescombine. In this sense, there is no single cheese hedgehog recipe - you can vary all the ingredients except the cheese as you like.

Select substrate

To imitate the exact shape of a hedgehog, you need a suitable surface. Large fruits are perfect for this. The selected fruit is usually first cut in half and then placed flat side on a plate or platter. The cheese skewers are then stuck on top as hedgehog spikes. For example, you can use toothpicks for small cheese hedgehogs and wooden skewers for large ones.

Suitable fruits for the background include pineapple, honeydew melon, watermelon or grapefruit. Pineapples and melons can also be carved to create a face for your hedgehog.

You can also use bread as a base. The small skewers can be easily stuck onto the soft bread and after all the cheese skewers are gone, you can eat the bread directly or use it for another recipe.

If you don't want to sacrifice fruit or bread for the party hedgehog, you can make a base out of aluminum foil. A large potato is also suitable for small hedgehogs with cheese skewers.

Which cheese is suitable?

Cheese is a popular appetizer for young and old and should not be missing at any party. This can be used to prepare delicious snacks and whole onesArrange cheese plates. But which types of cheese are best for the cheese hedgehog recipe?

When choosing the right type of cheese for the party hedgehog, taste plays a crucial role. In general, hard to medium cheese is better for skewering because it is easier to dice and stands firmly on the toothpick. Some soft cheeses are also okay, although cream cheese such as ricotta, quark or cottage cheese are not suitable at all.

Matching cheeses:

  • Hard cheese – Cheddar, Emmental, mountain cheese
  • Semi-hard cheese – Gouda, Edam, Tilsiter
  • Soft cheeses – Camembert, Brie, blue cheese, mozzarella, feta cheese

For a hedgehog skewered with delicious cheese skewers, the combination of products plays a crucial role. You can either go for a classic combination of cheese and fruit or opt for an individual version with meat and/or vegetables.

Cheese skewers withTomatoes and mozzarellaare a classic from the modern kitchen. Cherry tomatoes and baby mozzarella are best for the party hedgehog because they are easy to skewer and look great at the same time. If you want to provide something for the meat lovers on the table, you can also combine the cheese with meat. Whether it's ham, salami or sausage, only the taste decides. Other ingredients you can use for your cheese skewers include:

  • Olive
  • Baby corn on the cob
  • Cucumbers
  • pearl onions
  • Pickles
  • Paprika

Cheese also combines wonderfully with fruit. The most well-known combination is this one of hard cheese and grapes. The following applies: the spicier the cheese, the better the taste is tempered by the sweet grapes. This is also one of the classicsDrinking wine with cheeseas well as the cheese and pineapple combo. It was a typical party food in the 80s and 90s in Great Britain. Other fruits such as berries, watermelon, honeydew melon and cocktail cherries also taste wonderful with cheese. Our tip: If you want to experiment, always try the selected combinations for the cheese skewers before sticking them on the whole cheese hedgehog.

Make your own cheese hedgehogs – this is how it works!

In the following short instructions we will explain to you step-by-step how to make your own cheese hedgehog. Impress your guests at your next party with a creatively decorated appetizer that tastes great and is easy to achieve!

1. Select the surface and cover it with aluminum foil if desired. The base should not be too soft, but still soft enough for the skewers. If desired, shape the surface like a hedgehog and place it on a suitable plate.

2. If necessary, dice the selected type of cheese and the other ingredients into bite-sized pieces. Then place the small morsels on the skewers/toothpicks. We recommend no more than four pieces per serving.

3. Finally, stick the finished cheese skewers onto the surface to cover it completely. If the hedgehog also has a head and face, leave one end free and insert black olives or blueberries onto it for eyes and nose.

Your party hedgehog is ready!

Cheese hedgehog with a difference – perfect for children’s birthday parties

As you already know, the party hedgehogs consist of several skewers with cheese, meat, fruit or vegetables that form the hedgehog spines. You can also prepare these cute mini hedgehogs as hearty finger food for children's birthday parties. They are also made of cheese and small carrot strips serve as spines. You can prepare a party snack like this from a round sliced ​​cheese, a slice of cucumber and a round piece of bread. As a decoration, in addition to the carrots, you also need two pumpkin seeds for the eyes. With these mini cheese eggs you will definitely score points with your little guests.