Make lemonade yourself: lemonade and fruity drinks

If you think of a sparkling cold drink in warm temperatures, you may be able to make lemonade yourself, which will provide a soothing refreshment. You need few ingredients for the homemade lemonade and can also avoid the unhealthy sugar, color and preservatives. In today's article we have put together selected, delicious recipes for lemonade that are a healthy and tasty alternative for the soft drinks. Below you will find delicious ideas with varied fruits from which you can prepare the lemonade with your favorite fruit. Try our suggestions for cooling summer drinks and enjoy a different dry drink and taste explosion every day.

The classic among summer drinks - make lemonade yourself

You think of oneprepare yourself yourself, first imagine the classic lemonade. Nicely decorated and served in a cocktail glass with a straw or in an attractive bottle with a ironing cap, the homemade lemonade can be enjoyed wonderfully. For around 2 liters of homemade lemonade, you need:

  • 5-6 organic lemons
  • 150-200 g of sugar
  • pinch of salt
  • 1.5-2 l mineral water

For the lemon syrup, first add half of the water, sugar and salt into a saucepan and cook the liquid until the sugar has completely dissolved. Let the syrup cool down and press out the previously washed lemons. Pour the cooled mixture with the lemon juice and the remaining cold water and pour the drink directly into the glass. You can also prepare the lemonade with the freshly pressed lemon juice with carbon dioxide.

Ginger mint lemonade

Who after a healthier andcalories arms alternativeFor lemonade searches, the refreshing limo with lime and ginger can be prepared and preparing his drink with stevia leaves instead of sugar.

Ingredients for 0.75 l ginger lemonade:

  • Juice and abrasion of 2 limes
  • 0.75 l dug water
  • Piece ginger, thumb -sized
  • 10 leaves mint, chopped
  • Stevia leaves (optional brown sugar)
  • Ice cubes

Peel the ginger for the lemonade diet and rub it. Put the lime juice and abrasion, as well as the ginger mousse and the mint leaves in a pitcher and let everything go for 15 minutes. Pour the mixture with the sparkling water and pour the drink through a sieve into individual glasses with ice cubes or into a carafe. Finally, give the chopped Stevia leaves and stir the drink. You can dose the stevia according to your personal taste.

If you would like to surprise your guests at the next garden party with a self -prepared lemonade that tastes of oranges and is wonderfully refreshing, you may be able to prepare this tasty variant:

  • 3 organic orange
  • 1 lime
  • 750 ml of mineral water with sparkling
  • Sugar to taste or 1 tl xylitol
  • 2 leaves mint
  • Small piece of ginger
  • 1/2 cinnamon stick or vanilla pod

Put the mineral water cold. Press out the lime and oranges and add the xylitol. Stir the juice until it has completely dissolved. Fill the syrup for your drink with the ice -cold water into a bottle, add the mint leaves and let the liquid pull briefly. If you want to spice up the homemade lemonade, you can vary the basic recipe and create a great combination by adding vanilla, cinnamon or ginger.

Strawberry water melon limo

The combination of strawberries and watermelon also promises a fruity and wonderfully lively taste explosion. For the incredibly delicious and fast lemonade you need the following ingredients:

  • 250 g of strawberries
  • 1/2 coreless watermelon
  • Juice of two limes
  • 250 ml mineral water
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • Ice cubes

First cut off the melon fruit meat from the bowl and dice it. Clean and cut the strawberries small. Puree the fruits together with the sugar and lime juice in a blender. Put the finished syrup in a jug with ice cubes and fill up with mineral water.

BlueberryLemonadedo it Yourself

If you not only want to prepare a delicious soda, but also conjure up a drink with an intensive color, the homemade blue lemonade might be a great idea for you. You need these ingredients for the aromatic lemonade:

  • 150 g blueberries
  • 50 ml of water
  • Lime juice
  • Juice half lemon
  • 4-5 tablespoons of cane sugar
  • Mineral water with a lot of carbon dioxide

Cook the blueberries with the sugar and water. Reduce the heat and add the lime and lemon juice. Let the syrup simmer for 15 minutes and sweeten it. Pass the mixture through a fine sieve and let the syrup cool. You can then pour the blue -minded syrup with the cold mineral water and serve. With your guests you will definitely score when you decorate the glass edge with a little cornflower sugar.

Aromatic woodruff lemonade

If you want to prepare a delicious lemonade with fresh, green color, you canWooden champion as an ingredientUse for your summer drink. We have prepared a recipe for you in which no forest champion syrup is used, but fresh stems from the woodruff plant. The following ingredients are necessary for the preparation of the domestic forest champion lemonade:

  • 1 organic lemon or organic orange
  • 1.5 l apple juice
  • 10 stems foresters
  • 1 rod rhubarb
  • Sparkling water

Leave the woodruff at least two hours after picking so that it unfolds its typical aroma. Put the apple juice with the woodruff and the rhubarb into a carafe and let it steep. Cut the lemons and put the lemon slices into the lemonade shortly before serving. Now you have to fill up the carafe with the sparkling water and enjoy the soda ice cold. To taste, you can sweeten the woodruff lemonade with agave syrup.

HealthyHerbal lime

In the following we have prepared another alternative of the thirst extinguisher, which is not only healthy and tasteful, but can also be adapted to our own taste. The production of the summer drink is child's play, but the fresh herbs need one night to pull. For the homemade herbal lemonade you need:

  • 5-6 stem lemon balm, basil, peppermint and/or other herbs of your choice
  • 1 lemon
  • 500 ml of mineral water with sparkling
  • 3-4 tablespoons of brown sugar
  • Ice cubes
  • Fresh herbs for decorating

Wash the herbs and roughly chop. Fill the herbs with the sugar, lemon juice and the mineral water into a carafe and let the liquid pull in the fridge overnight. Pour the herbal lemonade through a sieve. Spread the lemonade and ice cubes in glasses and then fill up with the mineral water. If you want, you can decorate the glasses with fresh herbs. If you want to make herbal limonade yourself, you can herbs such as sage, thyme, basil, tarragon, fountain cress, lemon verbs, lavender orUse elderflower.