Mexican Layered Salad – Simple and healthy recipe with delicious ingredients

A good Mexican layered salad is usually characterized by lots of flavor and color. Some people think of a salad bowl as part of a diet plan. However, if you eat this delicious Mexican dish for lunch or dinner, it will surely spoil you. She is a visual delight and a treat. Once you've tried this simple recipe, you'll often crave such delicacies in the future because they taste so fresh and crunchy. And since there are all sorts of add-in options like corn, black beans, lettuce, chicken, ground beef and more, it's a very versatile recipe idea that you'll never run out of. If you love Mexican-inspired food, be sure to check out other similar versions.

Mexican layered salad – versatile variations

Have you ever noticed that you crave more and more something you focus your attention on? We've also found this to be true, whether it's Pinterest, Netflix or even food. The only thing it doesn't seem to apply to is house cleaning - but that's another story. A fresh and healthy Mexican layered salad is a great choice any time of year. However, as the outside temperatures rise, our appetite for vegetables seems to increase even more. This salad recipe is one of the best for family or friend gatherings. Such dishes, which consist exclusively of vegetables, can also be safely replaced with beans or beef at a later dateor chickenenrich.

The favorite combination that a Mexican layered salad is known for is that of black beans and chicken, but of course there are other versions with ground beef that you would also like. For example, if you're looking for a purely vegetarian meal, quinoa is another option. Thus, you can increase the protein and improve the taste of this salad. Quinoa is rich in protein and fiber and is also gluten-free, making it a great addition. Regular quinoa only takes about 15 minutes to prepare, or you can find a five-minute prep version in the frozen section of grocers.

Easy preparation for a delicious result

Chopped salads can be labor-intensive, but using ingredients like canned black beans and corn, as well as shredded cheese, makes the cook's job easier in this recipe. You can even use pre-made meat for this to speed things up even more. When summer's good weather invites you to play outside, a Mexican layered salad can be a high priority on the dinner menu wish list.

Leafy greens like spring mix or romaine lettuce, as well as bright red tomatoes, add even more color and flavor to this vegetable mix. Add red onion for an extra kick, or avocado, peas, zucchini, cucumber, carrot, cauliflower and peppers. In other words, just customize the salad to your favorite vegetables.

Healthy Mexican layered salad

The varied combination not only looks appealingly appetizing. A Mexican layered salad is also full of vitamins, minerals and all sorts of useful elements. So this salad not only satisfies your hunger but also makes you virtuous. You can also present the ingredients in individual bowls and give guests the opportunity to put together their personal favorite mix from your “salad bar”. This is particularly suitable for casual summer gatherings. With the right spices and a suitable dressing seasoned with jalapeno and cilantro, a salad awakens the taste buds and creates an authentic, southwestern flavor.

For example, juice limes and add a little sea salt for a culinary adventure. However, if it's not so healthy, you can add a layer of chips for even more crunch. So if you're in a hurry, just grab something crunchy from the store, although it can also be organic. It tastes about the same, but the color difference adds a little something extra to the table. If you want to evolve your recipe, homemade tortilla chips are a great option. Bake your own chips. You can really roast all sorts of things in the oven. If you have the time and desire, the salad tastes even more amazing with a little olive oil plus a pinch of sea salt or cayenne pepper.

Possible preparation methods

Pairing this wonderful salad with some Southwestern decor creates a festive atmosphere, which is great if you've invited friends over. Beautiful color is a must, so throw a blanket from Mexico over the serving table. A vibrant bouquet of flowers, pots of cacti or an arrangement of colorful vegetables used in a salad make a central statement. Margarita cocktails are also a great way to end this meal. However, for the youngest guests, make these non-alcoholic by using lemonade, orange or mango juice, and carbonated water.

Another important thing is how many servings this delicious salad recipe provides. However, that is difficult to say. It mostly depends on how hungry everyone is. Increase the quantity of ingredients if you want to feed a whole gang, but if you follow the recipe below, one large bowl will make about six generous servings. Mexican layered salad has many properties and is colorful enough for a party. However, don't wait for a special occasion - treat yourself to it as soon as possible.



  • 2-3 pieces of romaine lettuce
  • Canned black beans, drained and rinsed
  • Corn from the can also drained and rinsed
  • 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
  • 150-250 g cherry tomatoes, halved or diced
  • 300-400 g chicken breast


  • 1 medium tomatillo or green tomato
  • ½ Jalapeno
  • 1 handful of coriander
  • Spice mix
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 cup sour cream


  1. Wash the romaine lettuce, cut into small, bite-sized pieces and place in a sieve or salad spinner to drain. Make sure the leaves are dry before assembling the salad.
  2. Rinse and drain the corn and beans. Halve or quarter tomatoes.
  3. Arrange lettuce leaves, black beans, corn, tomatoes, cheese, and chicken, then repeat with a second layer, ending each layer with meat.
  4. Dressing: Peel and rinse tomatillo.
  5. Roughly chop and place in a blender with the jalapeno, cilantro, spice mix, milk and sour cream.
  6. Puree on medium speed.
  7. Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes before serving. Complete!