Pickling mustard cucumbers: Recipes with which you can preserve cucumbers in a screw-top jar or prepare them in a pot without cooking

What do I do with a lot of cucumbers? If you enjoy a bountiful harvest this year, you may be wondering how you can preserve cucumbers if you cannot consume them in a short time. Pickles are a really wonderful option here that you can benefit from all winter long. We are devoting today's article to some recipes with which you can pickle delicious mustard cucumbers. Learn how to preserve cucumbers using simple spices in a screw-top jar or pot or even without cooking.

Canning cucumbers – what variations are there?

Vegetables are usually boiled to preserve them for a longer period of time. But there is also a no-cooking alternative that you can use tooPut in pickled cucumbersIf you spontaneously feel like pickles and don't care about preserving them. Then you simply preserve them in a clay pot and consume them after just a few days of steeping. Cooked pickles are softer, while the no-cook method results in crunchier vegetables. We will introduce you to these variants.

Boil mustard pickles in a screw-top jar for preservation

If you want to make mustard cucumbers yourself because you have harvested a lot of cucumbers and want to store them, the variant with preserving jars is of course ideal. It is advisable to let the cucumbers sit in salt for a long time before seasoning them further and cooking them down. For example, use the following ingredients and quantities to pickle classic Spreewald gherkins:

For 6 kilograms of cucumbers:

  • 180 g salt (30 g per kg of cucumbers)

Pro Weckglas (1 Liter):

  • 5 peppercorns
  • 15 g Senfkörner
  • max. 15 ml white wine vinegar
  • 100 ml water
  • 1 tbsp sugar, heaped

Peel the washed 6 kilograms of cucumbers, cut them in half and then remove the core. Then cut them into strips and spread a layer of them in a bowl, pot or other container of your choice. Sprinkle this layer with salt and spread another layer of cucumbers on top, which you also salt. Continue like this until you have used up all the slices. So that the fruit can absorb the salt and excess water can drain off, let the whole thing steep for about 24 hours. Then let the cucumbers drain for another 10 hours. To do this, you can hang them up in a cheesecloth, for example.

To be able to pickle the cucumbers, distribute them into screw-top jars. Add the spices, mix the vinegar with the water and fill the glasses with it. Then close them with lids and cook them in a large pot in water for 20 minutes at 80 degrees.

For immediate consumption, pickle mustard pickles in a pot without cooking

You can also spontaneously use mustard picklesplace in the pot, if you want to consume them immediately or in the coming weeks. Then vacuum sealing in jars is unnecessary. A so-called stone pot is usually used. It's best to choose a model with a water rim to ensure that no germs can get in. Before you use the pot, you should also clean and sterilize it thoroughly (e.g. with hot water and soda), just like preserving jars. Try the following mustard pickle recipe without cooking!

For a 5 liter pot:

  • 3 medium-sized but thick cucumbers (preferably yellow cucumbers), peeled, seeded and cut into small pieces
  • 375 ml vinegar
  • 2 large onions, chopped or into rings
  • ½ stick horseradish, grated
  • 1 Bund Dill
  • 10 tbsp sugar
  • 100 g Senfkörner
  • 3 tbsp salt

Mix the vinegar with the sugar, salt and mustard and stir until the salt is dissolved. Add the other ingredients to the pot, add the seasoned vinegar and seal the pot airtight by pouring water on the edge and placing the lid on top. So just let the contents steep without cooking in a cool place for 4 days, stirring everything once every day.

Notice: Don't worry about the cucumbers being barely covered in liquid at first. Over the course of the brewing time, these release more water and the amount of liquid increases slightly.

If you pickle mustard pickles in this way without boiling, they will last for several weeks.

Pickling mustard cucumbers – cucumbers with pickling spices, Grandma’s style

Would you like to pickle mustard pickles?according to grandma's recipe, you can choose the following. Of course, it also includes the classics such as mustard seeds (what would mustard pickles be without mustard) as well as dill and vinegar. Would you like for thisPickling gherkins recipe, you will need a stone pot again and a few days of patience.

  • 2.5 kg cucumbers, peeled, seeded and cut into bite-sized pieces
  • 3 onions
  • 2 stalks of dill
  • 4 bay leaves
  • 1 Meerrettichwurzel
  • 4 tbsp salt
  • 4 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp colorful peppercorns
  • 4 THE Senfkörner
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 6 EL Essigessenz

The preparation is a combination of the two recipes above. Prepare theCucumbersas in the first recipe by salting them and then letting them steep and drain. Briefly boil the vinegar, water, sugar and salt and put it in a stone pot together with the vegetables and the remaining spices. Then let everything rest covered for two to three days. The cucumbers can be eaten as is or preserved in jars.