Cooking sauce for roast goose with or without red wine – 2 recipes and preparation tips

Roast goose is one of themclassic Christmas dishes. Have you never cooked goose before but would like to try it this year? We would like to help you with two delicious recipes for roast goose sauce. We explain how you can prepare sauce for roast goose and also degrease it - quickly and easily.

Usually red wine is usedused for a sauce for roast goose, as this gives it a special aroma. Since the goose later cooks with the goose sauce for several hours, the alcohol also evaporates. If you're still worried about the alcohol, or if you simply don't have red wine at home, you can simply use water instead. Otherwise, the preparation of most recipes is always very similar.

Goose fat, which is used for every sauce for roast goose, can be found in the goose itself. You can fry the sauce together with the goose in the oven or prepare it for serving afterwards.

Make your own sauce for roast goose with vegetables and red wine

A good sauceRoast goose doesn't have to be complicated. This recipe is perfect if you want to disassemble the goose and not serve it whole as you will need some of the bones. Or you can just use the goose's wings or buy extra goslings.

  • 2 carrots
  • 2 onions
  • ½ stalk of leek
  • ¼ stick of celery
  • Goose wing bones
  • Neck of the goose
  • some of the goose fat
  • 1-2 tbsp tomato paste
  • approx. 500 ml red wine
  • 2 bay leaves
  • ½ tsp peppercorns and salt
  • Strength

How to prepare the sauce

Cut the vegetables and chop the bones and neck into coarse pieces. Heat the goose fat in a large pot until only the cracklings/grams are visible in the pure fat (leave out the goose fat) and fry the vegetables and goose parts in it. Then fry the tomato paste vigorously and then deglaze it with a splash of red wine.

Continue frying until the liquid has almost disappeared. During this time, a very dark layer of toast should also form on the bottom of the pot. As soon as this is the case, add red wine again. Repeat this several times (approx. 7 times, 500 ml of red wine can be used). Then pour in 2 liters of water, add the peppercorns and bay leaves.

Place the goose on a rack in the oven and place a baking sheet with the sauce underneath. In this way, the dripping fat or water from the goose can be collected. You can also roast the sauce and goose together in a tray for up to 14 hours.

Finally, strain the sauce to remove any coarse pieces and serve a clearer sauce with roast goose. Simmer them on the stove to about 0.5 liters and skim off any excess fat if necessary. Finally season with pepper and saltthicken with starch.

Quick sauce for roast goose with thyme

Or how about this recipe? It is very similar to the first one, but you prepare this sauce for roast goose after roasting the goose and just add some roasting juices after you have roasted the goose. Just remember to take some of the goose fat out of the goose for the sauce for the roast goose before you put the goose itself in the oven.

  • Goslings (e.g. neck, wing tips, stomach and heart) from the goose you will be cooking
  • 1 onion, diced
  • Soup greens (celery, leek, carrot, parsley), roughly diced
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon peppercorns
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 sprigs of thyme
  • 4 cloves
  • 1 stalk of parsley
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 250 ml dry red wine
  • 1 liter of water
  • Goose fat
  • 2-3 tbsp flour to thicken

Sauce for roast goose – recipe with or without wine

First of all, for this simple sauce for roast goose, you should drain the fat in a pot. Then fry the goose in it. Then add the vegetables, continue frying for a while and season with the spices, then top up with the water and red wine. As already mentioned, you can simply replace the red wine with water. Now let the sauce cook for an hour and a half.

Then pour the sauce through a sieve and drain the goose fat again into a pot. Sweat the flour in it until it turns brown. Plan a little more time for this. Then deglaze the whole thing with the broth, stirring constantly, and bring the sauce back to the boil. To ensure that the flour taste disappears, we recommend letting the sauce simmer for at least 10 minutes. Finally, all you have to do is stir in some of the roasting grounds and you can then serve the sauce with roast goose with red cabbage, for example.

The sauce defatted

If you don't want to serve the already fatty fried goose with a fatty sauce, you can also degrease it. How does this work? If the roast goose sauce is still warm, a visible layer of fat forms on the surface. This can be absorbed quickly and easily by dipping kitchen paper into this layer. Do this as often and as long as necessary until you have removed the desired amount.

If the layer is thicker, the fat can also be easily skimmed off with a ladle, a glass or a tablespoon. There are also special sauce jugs that are designed so that the fat is not captured when pouring the sauce into roast goose. Once the sauce has cooled, the fat will also separate in the form of solid pieces. This makes it particularly easy to remove.

Are you planning a pork roast soon? Suitable vegan onesYou can find sauces here.