Innovative kitchen cabinet design “New Logica System”

Practical and innovative designs are a must in the modern facility. If you think of the same opinion, you will also find this interesting kitchen cabinet design. The focus here is on the upper cabinet, which can be opened and closed in an original way. And individual plates in elegant and modern high gloss in gray are either folded up or pushed down. Spacious shelves from a glass and steel design come to light. There is not only a lot of dishes in this cabinet. Kitchen appliances can also be accommodated perfectly there, whereby the sockets can be moved original along a rail until they are in the necessary place.

The cabinet also offers the option of hiding the cooker. This is done with the help of a wooden plate, which can be moved in both directions and can be used to cut the products at the same time. Practical spice shelves are located directly behind the stove of themodern kitchenAnd can be turned forward for faster and easier access. A water hose is also available at the stove. In this way, water can be filled into the saucepan at any time without having to change the pot yourself or carry through the kitchen. But that's not all that the innovative kitchen cabinet design has to offer. Special openings in the rear area of ​​the base cabinet offer the possibility of the invisible stowing of bottles, including oil and vinegar.

In principle, everything can be accommodated perfectly in this attractive kitchen cabinet and in such a way that you have everything necessary immediately at hand, without wasting through the cupboards without a lot of time. Whichfurther functionsYou can also watch the kitchen in the video below. Before that, some photos.

New Logica System ofValcucine.