Summer is officially here and with the gorgeous weather outside we're all starting to dream of a sunny beach vacation. It doesn't matter whether we are on a business trip, a short vacation or a...Train journey through Europeplan – taking only our hand luggage with us is probably a very efficient and comfortable way to travel. The advantages of traveling with hand luggage are obvious: there is no need to wait for your suitcase after arrival, nothing can get lost and we don't have to pay expensive surcharges for checked luggage. And let's be honest - who wants to lug a 20 kilogram suitcase with them everywhere? But what could we take with us given the limited space? What can be put in hand luggage or how do we pack our suitcase so that as much as possible fits in? All that as well as lots of helpful tips andTricks for a relaxedWe'll tell you about the trip below!
Traveling with hand luggage: The right suitcase is crucial
The most important item when traveling with carry-on luggage is of coursea carry-on suitcasein the right size. Whether bags, backpacks, trolleys, etc. – the selection is now huge and there is guaranteed to be something for everyone. If you want to go on a short city trip or a hike, then you would be best advised to take a backpack. However, if you value comfort more, you should choose a suitcase with wheels. Since we can use a carry-on suitcase for many years, you should not skimp on quality when purchasing.
Pack hand luggage correctly: This is how it works!
So that you can pack your hand luggage correctly, you should find out about the permitted dimensions before booking your flight, as these unfortunately differ from airline to airline. The most common regulation, however, is 55 x 45 x 25 centimeters. You could buy the most expensive suitcase and put together the optimal list for traveling with carry-on luggage - but if you just randomly throw things into the suitcase, you'll end up having a hard time closing it. Traveling with carry-on luggage isn't just about what you pack;HowThey pack. Of course, it's very important that you don't take anything with you that you don't really need. So the dress that has been hanging in your closet for 2 years and you have never worn should stay at home. The more space you pack, the more you can fit into your suitcase.
Identify different outfits that you would like to wear during the trip and, if possible, choose neutral items of clothing that can be combined with each other. To save some space, wear heavy items such as jackets and sweaters during the flight. Compression bags can reduce the volume of your clothes by around 40-50 percent and are therefore ideal for traveling with hand luggage. To save even more space, roll up the clothes instead of themto fold neatly. The packing order is also very important when packing. Use rectangular and flat objects to fill the bumps on the back wall or store heavy things like shoes in this place. And a little tip from us – to save additional space and keep the shoes in shape, you can stuff them with underwear and socks. Since you have to take electronic devices, liquids and cosmetics out of your carry-on luggage during security checks, it is best to pack them so that you have them quickly to hand.
Traveling with hand luggage: put together a packing list
When traveling with hand luggage, proper preparation is the be-all and end-all. However, every traveler and every destination is different and therefore it is not possible to generalize what must be included on your vacation. Even though everyone has their own methods, a packing list is always beneficial because even the most obvious things can be forgotten in the rush before the trip. The so-called systemCapsule Wardrobeis ideal for traveling with hand luggage. This means only packing clothes that you really like and will wear. It's best to choose plain-colored basics that you can combine with each other and perhaps spice up with accessories. You can also easily buy most cosmetic items such as shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste and deodorant on site. Alternatively, you can simply get sample packs or fill up small plastic containers and take them with you. However, remember that all liquids under 100ml must fit in a 1 liter clear bag.
What is prohibited in hand luggage?
The flight has been booked, the checklist has been put together and now it's time to go on holiday! However, to save yourself trouble at the airport, when traveling with hand luggage you should be well informed about which items you are not allowed to take with you. We won't list every weapon, but as a general rule, anything that could hurt someone else is not allowed on board. Pocket knives, nail files, nail scissors and razor blades are also taboo. Items that could be used as weapons, such as ski poles, hiking poles or golf clubs, will be confiscated immediately. Cosmetic items such as hair spray, deodorant spray and nail polish remover could also be collected by airport staff in some cases.