Pack wrinkle-free – Simple steps and tips for packing suitcases and luggage neatly

If you need to pack wrinkle-free clothes for your next trip, we have put together some practical tips for you this time. It's embarrassing to arrive at your destination and find that your carefully packed clothes have become a crumpled mess. When traveling on business or attending a wedding, we usually need to have a clean and wrinkle-free outfit ready. If you look like you slept in your suit for 30 hours on such occasions, you wouldn't make a good impression. So, these easy-to-follow steps can help you if you want to avoid wrinkles in your clothes.

Pack wrinkle-free without any problems

There's nothing more annoying than dealing with the ironing board in the hotel room, not to mention the risk of burning or staining your clothes while ironing. So if you have yourplan your next vacationor traveling for business, you can use a few useful tricks to be well-dressed at your destination. Regardless of how you feel about ironing, packing clothes wrinkle-free can be a difficult task. Avoid materials that wrinkle easily and instead take synthetic clothing such as Lycra, nylon, polyester or knitwear and jersey.

Starting a trip with a suitcase full of wrinkled clothes can leave you feeling like you're constantly stuck in the middle seat at the back of the plane. Improve the way you travel by packing your bag or suitcase wrinkle-free using the following methods. In addition, this way you don't always have to have an iron with you or use it in the hotel, but you canEnjoy your vacation time.

The trick with the garment bag or damper

Wrinkles often occur when two pieces of clothing rub against each other, making your previously smooth shirts look untidy. Putting air around your clothes can help prevent friction and wrinkles. The easiest way would be to add a piece of tissue paper between the folds if you want to pack your clothes wrinkle-free the traditional way.

Take your time and use a hard, smooth surface to smooth out wrinkles during the process. Additionally, don't overfill your travel bag or suitcase and give your clothes room to breathe. The more you put in, the wrinklier the contents will be if thethings during transportbeing pushed and shaken.

The easiest way to prevent this, for example if you want to store a suit in your suitcase without any wrinkles, is to use a suit bag. More specifically, this is a plastic dry cleaning bag that can create a microscopic layer of air around clothing. Place your hanging shirts in individual plastic bags and do the same for all hanging clothing, including pants and jackets, so each item gets its own protective layer of plastic and air. No friction usually means no wrinkles.

Roll up clothes and pack them wrinkle-free

In principle, you don't necessarily have to fold T-shirts, workout clothes, casual pants and jeans; you can also roll them up instead. For a T-shirt, fold vertically so that the two sleeves fit together. Pack it together so that you end up with a long rectangle. Roll it and put the shirt in your suitcase.

The same goes for jeans: first fold them vertically and roll from bottom to top to create a slim cylinder. This allows you to carry more in your travel bag without overfilling it and creasing things.

However, you should use a different folding technique for sweaters, as bulky stitches do not roll evenly. To do this, cross your shoulders by creating vertical folds on each side of your neck. Then cross the sleeves over the front of the sweater. Fold the hem up to give the sweater a square shape and it's ready to travel with you. Also, try to carry your heaviest items of clothing, such as coats and shoes, on you instead of cramming them into your suitcase.

Small items, including portable chargers and stain removers, should typically be packaged in clear ziplock bags. Also put socks and lingerie in clear laundry bags, which you can get at a low price at the drugstore. All this transparency will help you with peace of mind when your bag is selected for an inspection. Nobody wants their underwear touched by strangers. This allows you to pack and store items without wrinkles, as well as avoiding unpleasant stains from trapped cosmetic items.

Stow clothes in your luggage

The next step is to pack all the perfectly packed clothes into your bag or suitcase without any wrinkles. Start by arranging the square folded clothes neatly and then tuck the rolled clothes on the sides. Move shoes and your packed items to open spaces. Also remember that shoes don't necessarily have to be next to each other in your luggage. The main goal is to create a solid base so that your items don't move around as your luggage moves, which can unintentionally crush your clothes.

Finally, place your plastic-wrapped clothes on top, either in a garment bag or simply folded in half horizontally. When you unpack your suitcase when you arrive at your destination, the contents will certainly be wrinkle-free and ready for use. Socks, scarves and other soft accessories are great for wedging between gaps, zipper pockets and liners. You can pack these in shower caps or plastic bags to keep clothes clean. As for shoes, you can put a dryer ball in them to keep everything in your suitcase smelling fresh.

Hang or dampen clothes in the bathroom

Although this method sounds a bit strange, the steam in the bath can be a very helpful option against stubborn wrinkles. It is best to hang your clothes in the bathroom during a hot shower. You can then watch how it becomes wrinkle-free in just a few minutes.

After showering, your outfit will surely look smooth and fresh. If you're traveling to a tropical, humid destination, you can unpack your clothes immediately after checking in. The moisture can make ironing easier and smooth out wrinkles quickly.

Another option would be to wet your clothes overnight. Similar to a wrinkle spray, this DIY method is perfect for when you find yourself in a pinch. Simply use a spray bottle or a damp cloth and place your wrinkled clothing on a flat surface. Then take a warm, damp towel and press it onto your outfit. Then spray it with water and hang it up before you go to bed. When you wake up, the wrinkles are long gone.