For this purpose, the land can be rented out or used yourself, depending on whether you are willing to invest or would rather make your property and all its qualities available to a business for a certain period of time. What are the options for using a property if it really needs to benefit the environment? These are the top 3 ways to use land sustainably:
Top 3 ways to use a property sustainably
Whether and for what you can use your land sustainably depends primarily on the location. For example, good soil quality is often necessary for agricultural purposes. In order for a property to be used by a tenant, accessibility is also important - machines should be able to reach it easily. We therefore also summarize what requirements should be met for the mentioned possible uses.
Land use for agroforestry
Whether just for reforestation or a combination of planting and animal husbandry, i.e. agroforestry, the advantages are the same: both the quality of the soil is improved and the climate is improved. If you choose fruit trees, you will also benefit from the harvest, while other types of trees can be used for wood. Of course, you can also consider tenants for these purposes if you don't want to invest yourself.
High soil quality is not necessarily a must for reforestation, as this type of land use also improves the soil. It can be implemented on both smaller and larger areas. Water sources should be nearby and available. Then your country could be attractive to numerous interested parties. Leases usually run for 10 to 30 years.
Sustainable use of a property for renewable energy
Renewable energies have been sought for decades now and energy sources are spreading quite rapidly. But anyone who believes that only energy suppliers, farmers or businesses are involved is seriously mistaken. In fact, the majority of private individuals make their land available. This is particularly true for photovoltaic systems (PV) and wind turbines (on land). An exception are the biogas plants, most of whose owners are farmers, but this is mainly due to the fact that the production material is also available to them. Graphics with percentages can be found on the websiteRenewable Energy Agency.
Is my property suitable for solar parks?
What is necessary for the photovoltaic system? Since these are large developments, most leaseholders require a minimum size of 10,000 m², although there are also smaller projects that are suitable for smaller properties. In addition, convenient access for machines and people is necessary, as well as a sunny location, ideally facing south. Buildings, trees or mountains that cast shadows are inappropriate here and this also applies to the surrounding land areas. Electricity networks nearby are an advantage.
If you are looking for PV systems yourlease property, you usually incur no costs for the development and you sign a contract with the company, which usually runs for several decades, but this is also a matter of negotiation and is agreed with the respective company. This way you can look forward to long-term income. You can also invest in investments yourself.
Photovoltaics is also a common option for renewable energy on house roofs.These are the advantages.
What is necessary for wind turbines?
The required area always relates to the number of wind turbines. A plant needs between half and one hectare. It is also important that winds are not disturbed by hills or high forests, because ultimately energy production depends on wind speeds: at a height of 100 meters, average speeds of 5.5 m/s are an important prerequisite.
While solar parks are ideally located near power lines and residential areas, streets and the like are less problematic as long as they do not block solar radiation, things are a little different with wind turbines. The law prescribes certain minimum distances that your land must adhere to in order to be eligible for this type of sustainable use of property. Also find out about obtaining permits, as these can sometimes be time-consuming and are subject to certain checks.
Here, too, the term of the lease contracts is usually between 20 and 30 years, although there is usually an option for an extension. You not only earn from leasing, but also receive a share of the electricity generated. Once you have the necessary permits, you basically don't have to worry about anything else because the operator of the system takes care of that.
Tipp:Solar systems and wind turbines can be combined with several other usage variants. For example, there can be one all aroundGrown in a flowering meadowwhich is particularly beneficial for insects and neither stands in the way of sunlight nor stops winds.
Organic quality farming
Organic farming is also one of the best strategies for the sustainable use of a property, because the demand for organic products is constantly increasing. The aim is sustainable cultivation such as permaculture, which strives for an environment that is as natural as possible. This includes organic farming, in which chemical pesticides are avoided and natural fertilizers are preferred. These measures not only result in healthier food, but also improve soil quality.
Regardless of whether you want to register a business yourself or lease the land, fertile soil of good quality is a prerequisite. It should be well ventilated. It is also important that the property is not located near conventional agricultural areas, as pollutants can also reach your land. Convenient access to water sources is a huge advantage.
The long term of lease agreements offers security (the minimum is usually 10 years). The fact that there are often government subsidies for this type of agriculture makes the project all the more attractive.
It can also be ecological in your own garden.Read herethink more about it.