Photovoltaics: How solar energy can reduce your bills and your carbon footprint + opportunities for funding

As environmental protection becomes more and more important, and theConstantly driving up electricity costs, more and more Germans are having solar panels installed on their homes to generate their own electricity. It is well known and accepted that you can achieve noticeable savings on your electricity bill with a solar system. In this article we explain how the solar roof affects your bill and how you can finance the costs of the photovoltaic system.

How can you save with photovoltaics?

Thebiggest advantageInstalling solar panels is that you save on electricity costs. If your solar panels are large enough, you may be able to generate enough electricity for your entire home. Ideally, you can cover your electricity needs virtually free of charge. But how exactly does it work?

Reduce electricity bills

In addition to using a renewable and environmentally friendly energy source, lower electricity bills are the main reason why many homeowners want to invest in solar panels. The principle is simple: the sun's rays are absorbed by solar cells and converted into electricity, which covers part of your electricity needs. By generating energy directly, you use less electricity from the grid, which reduces your monthly electricity bills.

Depending on when you use your devices the most, you may save more or less on your energy bills. This is because any electricity that reduces your electricity consumption and is not fed into the grid will give you greater savings.

You can achieve savings by using more electrical devices during the day while your solar panels can generate electricity and power them directly.

However, if you also have a solar battery storage system, you can cover your energy bills during the day or night. This means you no longer have to pay attention to your daily consumption habits.

Save with battery storage

Solar batteries are energy storage systems that homeowners can connect to their solar PV systems. They are usually made of lithium-ion batteries and can store the electricity generated by your solar panels during the day.

Solar panels that operate without a battery connected do not reach their full potential because solar energy can only be used during the day when it is available. Not surprisingly, the best time to generate electricity from solar panels is the middle of the day, when the sun is at its highest point. If you work outside the home at this time, you won't be able to make the most of your own solar energy.

If you choose a solar battery, you will see a significant increase in the utility from your solar panels. The reason for this is that all unused electricity generated during the day is stored in the solar battery so that it can be used in the later hours when it is needed.

Depending on which type of solar battery you choose, you can increase your self-consumption and your grid independence.

Protect the environment with a solar system

Another benefit of purchasing a solar system is that you will reduce your carbon footprint. A typical PV system for a home can save around 1.3 to 1.6 tons of carbon per year, depending on where you live. The use of renewable energies such as solar energy therefore has a major positive impact on the environment.

Financing the photovoltaic system: These funding options are available

The cost of a photovoltaic system for your own roof can quickly exceed 10,000 euros. It is therefore worth taking a look at the financing options before you dig straight into your own pocket. In some cases, the solar system can also be financed without equity and with very low interest rates. Here is some of the possible options for financing and promoting photovoltaics on your own roof.

A KfW loan:The Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau and its “Renewable Energies – Standard” program offers financing for the purchase or expansion of a solar system. The low-interest loan can be combined with other financing or funding.

Financing via bank loan:Some banks can also offer you a special solar loan without a mortgage registration. Despite falling feed-in tariffs, the solar loan can be worthwhile because of its high financing rate and the low interest rate environment. However, certain terms and conditions apply.

Leasing the solar system:You can also lease photovoltaic systems by concluding a contract with a leasing company. The company buys the PV system and lets you use it for a monthly fee. After the lease expires, you can either buy the system or extend the contract. Alternatively, you can of course also return the PV system as long as it is in good condition.

Financing a PV system via feed-in tariff:Although the feed-in tariff still offers an option for financing solar systems, this option is no longer as worthwhile as it was 20 years ago. The reason is that the remuneration for the electricity that is fed into the grid has continued to fall in recent years. It is more worthwhile to use the electricity produced yourself instead of feeding it into the public power grid.

Funding at regional level:You can also look for regional funding programs to finance your solar roof. Most federal states offer subsidies for both the new construction and the conversion of a PV system, as well as for the purchase of an electricity storage system.