Get rid of icy windows: With these home remedies and tips it works in a flash!

An icy windshield is the worst thing that can happen on a cold morning. When you're in a hurry and getting into your car, the last thing you want to do is look out the window and see that it's covered in ice. This is especially true when you consider how much time and effort it takes to scrape the window free. How can you then clear icy windows?

If you're worried about missing your appointment because your car or windshield is icy, don't worry - there's an easy way to de-ice it quickly.

Get rid of icy windows – quickly and easily with rubbing alcohol

Foto: Nadezhda.Photo/ Shutterstock

How can you quickly defrost your windshield? All you need is distilled water, rubbing alcohol and a bottle. The procedure is as follows: Fill the spray container with a mixture of ⅓ water and ⅔ rubbing alcohol. Simply spray the windshield with the solution and the trick is done! The ice melts in no time. You can always keep this mixture in your car and the car windows will never freeze.

Prevent frozen car windows

You probably already know the classic towel technique. To prevent frost from damaging your windshield, place a used towel or similar item over it overnight. In the morning, simply peel off the towel and the window will be clear again. A long beach towel is ideal for evenings with strong winds because you can slide it under doors and windows.

Car window frozen inside or outside - vinegar helps

Foto: David Gail Caballero/ Shutterstock

Before you head out, prepare a vinegar spray by mixing three parts vinegar to one part water in a spray bottle. Apply the mixture to your windshield overnight. The vinegar will melt the ice, because vinegar and ice are not friends. If you don't remember to do this the night before, you can still use the vinegar by spraying it on the ice early in the morningthen scrape it off.

What to do about ice on car windows?

Take a raw onion, cut it in half and smear its juice on your car windows the night before. Onions contain substances that prevent ice from sticking to car windows. Put on gloves to avoid onion smell on your hands!

The combination of vodka and water

Have you ever noticed that vodka doesn't freeze when you put it in the freezer? Because of its high ethanol content, vodka does not freeze and helps loosen the ice from the windshield. To clean your windshield, mix one part vodka with two parts water and let the mixture sit at room temperature. Then spray or pour the mixture onto the windshield.

Also interesting:Car window frozen from the inside: This is what you can do to prevent icy car doors and windows!

De-ice car windows without scratching

Photo: Nicoleta Ionescu/Shutterstock

If you're in a bind and don't have deicer on hand, pickle water is a surprising solution! Although you probably wouldn't think of using it to deice your vehicle, this water works really well. Vinegar, an ingredient in pickle water, has the ability to dissolve ice. Before wiping the windshield, pour pickle juice over it and let it sit for a few minutes. Afterwards, your windshield should be clear again. Remember to wipe the windshield after using pickle water to remove any residue.

Keep car windows free of ice with salt

Foto: Shutterstock

Mix 3-4 tablespoons of salt with 1 liter of water to make a salt-water solution. Then spray the slices with this mixture. The ice quickly dissolves from sodium chloride and is easier to remove thanks to the chemical interaction between the two.

You should avoid these methods

Foto: TaraPatta/ Shutterstock

These methods should be abhorred and never used.

  1. Hot water should never be poured onto a windshield. Why actually? The shocks caused by the high temperatures can lead to glass breakage. Therefore, if you are short on time, you should take other measures. Plus, water evaporates quickly when it's very cold, and pouring it on your windshield will only make the ice layer thicker.
  2. To avoid damage to your windshield, never force hot air onto the windshield. Why? The laminated glass, an essential part of your windshield, can be damaged by the temperature fluctuations that occur when cold and hot air meet.
  3. A frozen windshield is hardly suitable for driving. To save a few minutes, don't risk endangering yourself or others because you don't have a clear view of your surroundings.

Also read:Windshield wiper fluid frozen in winter: What is the reason for this and what measures and tricks help?