How to make your beard grow faster? Accelerate the process of growing a beard in a healthy way!

What can you do to look forward to more facial hair and how to grow your beard faster and thicker? Below you will find some care tips for healthy beard growth!

Photo: Shutterstock / Galina Zhigalova

Many men dream of being able to grow thick beards, but not all representatives of this sex can boast of one. At first glance, growing and maintaining a healthy beard may seem like difficult tasks for every gentleman. This is especially true for those who are taking this step for the first time and have had little experience with it. Fortunately, there are certain lifestyle changes related to grooming and health that could promote faster beard growth. If you want to learn more about it, you can consider the following beard and men grooming information and tips.

What should you pay attention to and how does the beard grow faster?

Foto: Shutterstock / – Yuri A

From a historical perspective, beards were once seen as a symbol of power and, of course, masculinity. Nowadays both theGrowing a full beardas well as three-day beards are part of the trendy look of many men. Most of them use this opportunity to attract attention and appear more confident. Many stars and famous personalities have also become trendsetters thanks to their bushy beards. But what if you can't do this so easily yourself and how does the beard grow faster? Here are some of the most important factors to consider for healthy beard growth:

  • First and foremost, it is important to believe that thick facial hair is possible for you too. The psychological factor plays a crucial role here.
  • In addition, growing a beard is a sign that a man is becoming wiser and more experienced in realizing his dreams
  • Although a thick beard is usually genetic or age-related, fewer gentlemen are patient enough to wait long enough for it to grow.
  • The second most important factor to consider is hygiene, or the care of a beard. Like anything that grows, you should also keep your facial hair moisturized and clean. If yourFacial skin scalyor greasy, this could have a negative impact on healthy beard growth.
  • Try to wash your face thoroughly along with your facial hair with warm water morning and evening. You should also use gentle cosmetics to prevent skin irritation.
  • Depending on whether you exert yourself physically during the day and sweat more often, you should wash your face and beard more often. Products with natural ingredients that help even hard beard hair grow are suitable for this.
  • It is also recommended to use peelings so that you can remove skin residue more quickly. This is particularly important because of the lack of shaving when growing a beard.

Which health factors should you consider to grow your beard faster?

Foto: Shutterstock / BLACKDAY

Beard hair grows on average about one centimeter per month, with it taking between 2 and 4 months for the beard to reach its full potential. If you don't trim it, it could reach about 90cm and you will get maximum beard growth within 6 years. Given this, you can make some lifestyle changes and find out how to make beards grow faster.

  • First, make sure you improve your sleep quality or get enough sleep so that your facial hair can grow quickly.
  • Taking vitamins also plays a crucial role in accelerating beard growth. Vitamins A, B1, B6 and B12 are the most important in this case.
  • After washing your face and beard, use a moisturizing skin lotion to promote hair growth.
  • If you smoke, you should stop because nicotine disrupts healthy beard growth and the body in many ways. Or at least try to smoke less.
  • As you already know, stress has a negative impact on many body functions, including beard growth. Although it may be difficult, you should relax more often.
  • Also, eat more protein-rich foods to help your body grow hair.
  • As for the skin peels mentioned earlier, you should use them on your facial hair at least once a week. This removes dead skin cells and promotes the growth process of beard hair.
  • Facial massages also help if you want to know how to make your beard grow faster. In this healthy way you stimulate blood circulation, which also causes the beard hair to start growing thicker. You can also use a beard roller for this.
  • It's also very important to check your face for ingrown facial hairs as often as possible. Otherwise, this could have a negative impact on even beard growth.
  • Last but not least, you should drink enough fluids, as this is also a crucial factor in healthy beard growth.

What diet to follow and how does it make your beard grow faster?

Foto: Shutterstock / monticello

A healthy lifestyle includes habits such as regular exercise as well as an appropriate diet. When it comes to promoting facial hair, there are certain foods that you can consume to support your beard growth.

  • Eating carrots and sweet potatoes can be beneficial as such natural products are rich in beta-carotene. The body converts the latter into vitamin A and thus promotes cell growth in the beard hair.
  • In addition, seafood is one of the best sources of protein and zinc, with the mineral supporting the cells responsible for building hair.
  • Other good sources of protein are eggs, which are also rich in biotin. This is a water-soluble B complex vitamin that helps strengthen and grow hair. Eggs also contain many minerals such as calcium, iron and zinc.
  • Green leafy vegetables such as spinach are also a good source of iron, magnesium, calcium, as well as potassium and proteins. In combination, they all support healthy beard growth, and you can eat spinach raw, sautéed or in smoothies.
  • Another natural product that promotes oxygen delivery to the hair follicles is cinnamon. This can be added in powder form to protein drinks, porridge and many other superfoods that require something sweet. However, since the effect of the spice is strong even in small quantities, it is advisable not to overdo it.
  • Other foods that contain a lot of biotin include liver, nuts such as almonds, soy and legumes, whole grain products, bananas, mushrooms and cauliflower.
Foto: Shutterstock / insta_photos

The benefits of such a diet are numerous, with nails, hair and skin also made up of keratin. By consuming more biotin, you increase the levels of keratin in your body. Although there hasn't been much research on it, it could be beneficial to add such foods to your daily menu. In summary, it can be said that healthy beard growth requires some loving body care and a health-oriented lifestyle. This may seem like a difficult task at first, but with motivation and positivity it can be easily achieved.