Stretching after training: 20 static stretching exercises with instructions

Regardless of the sport you participate in, warming up before and stretching after exercise go hand in hand. Even a few simple stretching exercises can improve the functional properties of the muscles and contribute to fitness and health. That's why the last part of most training programs is all about regeneration. Although the effectiveness of stretching is controversial, most experts recommend not forgetting to do a short stretch after training. In the article we have collected suitable stretching exercises with instructions for each body part that are suitable for stretching after training. Some useful information and tips are also available to you.

Whether you train at home or in the gym, your workout should always end with stretching. This way the muscles relax and you prevent injuries. Stretching can also improve mobility and help against tension. So do your body a favor and do a few stretches after every workout.

Why are stretching exercises important?

Stretching – also asStretchingknown - promotes mobility, which is important for optimal performance during training. If you have better mobility, the workout will be easier. Stretching before training helps prepare the muscles and is also called warming up. After training, stretching exercises aim to relax the muscles and can prevent nasty muscle soreness.

There are two different types of stretching: static and dynamic. Dynamic stretching consists of active, repeated muscle movements that warm up the body. That's why these stretches are perfect for your pre-workout routine. Considered good dynamic exercises before trainingJump rope, running and basically anything that requires dynamic movements.

Atstatic stretching exercisesThe muscles are brought into a position until you feel the specific pulling feeling and hold them for a short time. As a rule, 20-30 seconds is enough. Experts recommend doing static stretching after your workout and especially stretching those muscle groups that were trained during the workout.

You should keep this in mind when stretching!

Stretching exercises are important and you should always have a few exercises in mind and do them immediately after your workout. Essentially, stretching is easy and even feels very comfortable after an intense workout. However, you should act carefully. The muscles should not hurt when stretching. If this happens, then the exercise in question is probably being performed incorrectly. In principle, you should only feel a slight pull, but no pain! We have summarized a few useful tips below.

Tips for proper stretching after a workout:

– Always perform the selected stretching exercises gently and carefully.

– Stretch the muscles just before your pain threshold. If you feel any pain during the exercise, stop immediately.

– Be calm and focused while stretching. The stretching exercises must be done correctly to be truly effective.

– If your muscles are tense, stretch only briefly or not at all. In this case, you can also look for other, gentler methods to relax the muscles.

– You should always keep your back straight while stretching.

– Breathing in and out consciously is very important for an effective stretching program. As you breathe out, it is easier to assume and reinforce a stretching position.

– Do not compare your mobility with that of friends or acquaintances. Due to different genetic requirements, not every person is equally flexible.

In today's article, we'll focus specifically on the static stretching exercises that you should do after every workout. Depending on the type of training, you can choose a few of them for the corresponding muscle group.

Static stretching exercises for the whole body

For best results, wait a maximum of two to five minutes after exercise before beginning to stretch. This way the muscles are still warmed up and there is almost no risk of injury. For a full-body workout, start with your lower legs and then stretch each part of your body in turn up to your neck and neck. Below you will find good exercises for the different parts of the body that will improve mobility and relax your muscles.

Repeat each exercise two to three times with a few seconds rest between sets.

Stretching for the legs

Whole legs

Starting position:Sitting on the floor, left leg extended, right bent with foot pressed against inner left thigh

Execution of the exercise:Lean forward with your back straight and try to touch the tip of your left foot with your hands and pull it forward a little. Hold briefly and then repeat the exercise with the right leg.

Calf stretch

Starting position:Feet parallel in a walking position (bend one leg, straighten the other), hands supported on the wall

Execution of the exercise:Press the heel of your outstretched leg against the floor until you feel a slight pull in your calf. Hold for 10-20 seconds, switch legs and repeat the exercise.

Inner thigh

Starting position:Hands on hips, straddle position, toes forward

Execution of the exercise:Lunge to the side with your right leg so that your knee is slightly above your ankle. Hold for 10-20 seconds and repeat the exercise with your left leg.

Stretch the front of the thigh

Starting position:Stand straight with both feet next to each other

Execution of the exercise:Grab one foot at the ankle with one hand and press it against your bottom so that the heel touches it. Push your pelvis forward and stretch your hips. Back should be straight. Hold for 10-20 seconds and then repeat with the other leg.

Butt and back thigh

Starting position:Stand straight and upright, feet together

Execution of the exercise:Very slowly bend your upper body towards your legs. If possible, touch the floor with your fingertips or palms. Keep your legs stretched and your back straight. You should feel a slight pull in your muscles again. Hold for 10-20 seconds, pause for 2 seconds and repeat the exercise again.

Stretch your groin and adductors

Starting position:Sitting on the floor

Execution of the exercise:Bend your legs and place the sole of your foot on the sole of your foot. The knees point outwards. Then grab the tips of your feet with your hands and slowly pull your feet towards you until you feel a stretch. Stay in this position briefly and repeat if necessary.

Exercises for back and hips

Stretch your back

Starting position:Kneel on the floor/a yoga mat

Execution of the exercise:Make a low cat hunchback forward with your upper body lying on your lap. Point your head towards the floor and extend your arms as wide as possible. Hold for about 20 seconds and breathe in and out deeply.

Back swing

Starting position:Lie on the floor with your back straight

Execution of the exercise:Bend your legs with a 90 degree angle between your upper and lower legs. Hold your shins with your arms and pull them towards your chest. Raise your head and shoulders slightly and rock your entire body 10-20 times. After an intensive workout, do the exercise without rocking.

Cat-cow back exercise

Starting position:Stand on all fours, head looking forward

Execution of the exercise:Inhale, straighten your back, stretch your head slightly backwards. Hold briefly, then exhale and stretch your back upwards, looking downwards.

Hip flexors

Starting position:Stand straight and upright

Execution of the exercise:Do a lunge with one leg forward, with your knee slightly above your ankle. Briefly push your pelvis forward, keeping your back straight. Hold for 10-20 seconds and switch legs.

Relax abdominal muscles after training

Stretch your abdominal muscles

Starting position:Lie on your stomach, stretch out your legs and feet

Execution of the exercise:Lift your upper body off the floor, pressing your palms against the floor. Stretch your arms well so that the body is stretched far upwards and a hollow back is created. Hold for 20 seconds and then relax.


Yoga wheel and exercises for the entire body

Yoga wheel is a simple but very effective fitness device that is used for stretching, relaxation and training of the entire body. It can be wonderfully integrated into daily training and helps to stretch and strengthen the back area in particular. So there are different exercises

Stretch your stomach, legs and lower back

Starting position:Lie on your back, arms and legs stretched

Execution of the exercise:Bend your legs at the knee joint and place them closed to one side, head looking in the opposite direction. Arms are stretched. Hold briefly and repeat on the other side of the body.

arms and chest

Upper arms and shoulders

Starting position:Stand or sit upright

Execution of the exercise:Extend the upper arm to the opposite side at shoulder height, bend the other arm and hold the outstretched one. If you feel a slight pull, hold for 10-15 seconds and then switch arms.

Chest stretching

Starting position:Step position with left foot forward and in front of a wall

Execution of the exercise:Extend your left arm back at shoulder height while pressing your palm against the wall until you feel the pull. Turn your body slightly in the opposite direction. Hold briefly and then switch sides.


Starting position:Arms stretched forward

Execution of the exercise:Extend your left arm with your palm facing upwards and your fingers pointing downwards. With your right hand, gently stretch the fingers of your left downward. Hold the position for 10 to 20 seconds and switch arms.

Triceps stretch

Starting position:Stand upright, arms above your head

Execution of the exercise:With your right hand, pull your left elbow behind your head, while steering your body slightly to the right. Head looks forward. Hold the position for 10-20 seconds and then repeat the exercise with the other hand.

shoulders and neck

Whole shoulder muscles

Starting position:Stand up straight with your arms above your head

Execution of the exercise:With your right hand, pull your left elbow behind your head while keeping your back straight. Head looks forward. Hold the position for 10-20 seconds and then switch hands.

Rear shoulder

Starting position:Stand straight and upright

Execution of the exercise:Cross your hands behind your back. Pull back as far as possible while keeping your back straight. Hold for about 10-20 seconds, take a short break and repeat.

Front shoulder

Starting position:Stand straight and upright

Execution of the exercise:Fold your hands together and pull them forward, rounding your arms. Pull both shoulder blades apart, hold the position for about 10-20 seconds, take a short break and repeat the stretching exercise.

The neck

Starting position:Stand straight, tilt your head to the left

Execution of the exercise:Use your left hand to gently press your head down until you feel a pull in your throat and neck. Hold for 15 seconds and repeat the exercise to the other side with gentle movements. To stretch the back of your neck, finally let your hands hang loosely and bring your chin forward towards your chest. Hold again for about 15 seconds and repeat if necessary.

Tip: After you finish your stretching routine, gently shake your entire body, take a deep breath, and congratulate yourself on the job done.