We Germans are a people of tenants. If you compare the proportion of our population that lives in their own apartment or house with other EU member states, this becomes particularly clear. With just 52% we are in last place. For comparison: For leader Romania it is 96%! In most cases, renting means having to make the most of relatively little space. Because very few rental apartments are so spacious that you can have several large rooms. In bedrooms in particular, other furnishings often don't fit alongside the closet and bed. The result: The room appears very small and cramped. However, this situation can easily be changed if you follow a few tips and tricks when designing and furnishing your bedroom - or other small rooms. We will explain what these are in this article.
Go for bright colors!
A basic rule of interior design is: brightness creates size. You should proceed accordingly if the space is rather narrow. Paint large areas of the walls and ceiling in light tones, such as white ordelicate pastel colors. Avoid patterns as they prevent the eye from resting. If too many impressions hit the viewer, the room will appear overloaded and therefore very cramped.
If you paint the ceiling a different color than the walls, you can visually enlarge the room even further using a simple trick. Do not apply the wall paint all the way to the top, but leave a 10-20 cm wide strip at the top. Paint this the same color as the ceiling. This makes the room appear higher and therefore larger.
Small rooms need order!
A tidy and clean apartment is a given for most people. But did you know that order can also have an effect on the eye when it comes to the size of a room? In a small room, things carelessly lying around are noticed much more clearly than in a spacious room. If there is too much stuff lying around, the room will seem much smaller than it already is. To avoid this, you should create enough storage space and always tidy up books, magazines or other things. After all, not only does this make the room appear larger, but you also feel noticeably more comfortable.
Let there be room for improvement!
A small room often seems very cramped not only in terms of its area but also in terms of height. To remedy this situation, you should choose rather low models for furniture as well as shelves and cupboards. For example, a slatted frame with a mattress is a much better choice for a small room than a large bed frame. You should also hang pictures or mirrors in such a way that there is still enough space at the top. All of these measures ensure that your bedroom appears taller and larger.
Optimize the lighting!
A single ceiling lamp is enough to completely illuminate a small room, but it does not achieve any other effect. However, you should definitely take advantage of the fact that carefully placed light sources also have an impact on the perceived size of a room. To do this, don't just install one central lamp, but use several small light sources, such as a bedside lamp or an LED strip on the cupboard. This visually divides the room into several small areas, which automatically makes you feel larger.
Use mirrors!
There are two reasons why a large wall mirror makes your bedroom appear significantly larger. On the one hand, the mirror image creates the illusion of more depth. On the other hand, the room-filling brightness also contributes to this feeling. This effect is particularly strong when the reflected light hits a plain, bright surface. If you hang the mirror accordingly, even the smallest room will appear inviting and spacious.
Clear the windows!
It's not just a mirror image that gives the eye the feeling of space, but of course also windows. The light should enter the room as unhindered as possible. However, it is usually not possible to completely do without curtains in the bedroom, as they protect against unwanted glances. Keep it open throughout the day and just keep the following in mind when hanging it: Do not place the curtain rod directly above the window, but leave some space in between. If the curtains are pushed to the side, they should still cover a small part of the window on the right and left. So they don't have a clearly visible end, which suggests more width to the eye. When choosing the fabric, stick to the rest of the furnishings. Plain, floor-length curtains provide the greatest visual magnification effect. You can find high-quality models from well-known brands, among othersin this online shop.
Stick to one style!
If you want to furnish your apartment in a trendy way, you have a huge selection of different styles. Country house style, shabby chic and industrial are just three examples that are very popular at the moment. Some of these styles can be easily combined with one another, but in small rooms you should choose one. If you mix things up here, the room will quickly become overloaded and the eye will miss out on resting points. This makes the room seem even smaller than it already is, and you end up wanting to achieve exactly the opposite.
Image 1: shutterstock.com 487734568 © JR-stock
Image 2 and 5: pixabay.com CC0 ErikaWittlieb
Image 3: pixabay.com CC0 sferrario1968
Image 4: pixabay.com CC0 keresi72
Image 6: pixabay.com CC0 miyoun
Image 7: pixabay.com CC0 Pexels