Are you looking for suitable plants for bedrooms that not only beautify the space but also have health benefits? Discover some of the best suggestions here!
There is a huge selection of houseplants that can decorate any living space, but which of them are also suitable for the bedroom? Since different room conditions affect air quality and sleep quality, making the right choice for comfort is particularly important. In addition, the much desired well-being in the bedroom depends on influencing factors such as colors and pollutants in the air. Taking these factors into account, adding certain plants could create the right atmosphere in the sleeping area. Below you can learn more about it so you can make the best possible decision when designing your bedroom.
Why can certain plants be beneficial for bedrooms?
A common part of any home's interior design, different types of plants can naturally make various rooms more comfortable. There are some of them that ensure that youin a better moodwakes up and stays alert. One of their main advantages is that they absorb harmful indoor fumes and expel oxygen. In contrast, dry air has been shown to be a leading cause of breathing difficulties, sore throats and even skin problems.
Additionally, certain bedroom plants can helpMaintain humidity in the room. This is possible because they release water vapor during transpiration. In this way, the plants not only provide moisture and oxygen, but also resemble air purifiers that produce negative ions. The latter adhere to dust particles, germs, allergens and mold spores in the air and can effectively eliminate them. All of this brings numerous health benefits, especially at night.
What should you pay attention to when adding plants to your bedroom?
As you already know, green plants in the sleeping area can pamper the senses in a special way. Some of them thrive in such rooms and not only make them more comfortable, but also have a calming effect. In addition, certainPlants for bedroomspromote both rest and creativity. By producing the aforementioned negative ions, they also help increase productivity. Such houseplants effectively filter out pollutants from the indoor air such as xylene, toluene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene and benzene in a natural way.
However, when making your selection, it is also important to take into account the effects of some plant species, for example on allergy sufferers. If you want to decorate your bedroom with flowering varieties, but are allergic to them, it is advisable to remove the pollen-filled stamens from the buds. Although this means you have to avoid the natural fragrance, you can reduce the number of certain allergens in the sleeping area. You should also make sure that your plants are not in the immediate vicinity of your sleeping bed. Therefore, if possible, try to place them at least one meter apart. Otherwise, you can consider the following examples.
Which suitable plants to choose for bedroom?
- Cactus:Although cacti with spines may at first glance seem untypical for bedrooms, such plants can be beneficial. These are easy-care species that are available in many shapes and colors. They also effectively eliminate bacteria, reduce harmful air ionization and protect against electromagnetic radiation. This can be particularly beneficial in bedrooms with computers or similar devices.
- Lavender:The fragrant lavender flowers have a soothing effect and promote sleep. This plant has also been proven to normalize blood pressure and heart rate, as well as reduce stress. However, since it is a garden plant, you should provide it with enough light so that it can thrive indoors. When it comes to watering, you should not overwater the lavender.
- Valerian:This is another type of plant that grows outdoors and is suitable for growing in sleeping areas. It has beautiful, small white and pink flowers that are beneficial for insomnia and other sleep problems. In addition, valerian does not require any special plant care and can improve sleep quality when inhaled at night.
- Official asparagus:As an equally easy-care type of plant, this plant with numerous names is suitable for the sleeping area as it purifies the air in the room. Its main advantage is that, compared to other houseplants, official asparagus converts carbon dioxide into oxygen even at night. The plant also effectively absorbs various pollutants in the air, such as those found in nail polish or hair products.
- Aloe vera:Another excellent suggestion would be aloe as it can significantly reduce the amount of toxins in the bedroom. The succulent manages to absorb approximately 90% of the formaldehyde. In most cases, this pollutant is contained in chipboard and furniture. In addition, aloe vera also produces oxygen at night while absorbing carbon dioxide.
- MorePlants for bedrooms:spider plant,Single sheet,Kalanchoe,Philodendron,Bamboo,Laurel tree,Violin fig,Rubber tree,Golden fruit palm,BegoniaandEffect.
What shouldn't you let grow in your bedroom?
Certain types of plants are suitable for other living spaces, but not for bedrooms. There are different opinions about whether you should keep plants in your sleeping area at all, since people also breathe and release carbon dioxide at night as a counter-reaction to photosynthesis. Pets also emit CO₂ when they breathe, which can lead to concerns for houseplants. However, in small amounts, carbon dioxide is harmless, although it is often confused with the more dangerous carbon monoxide. This has most likely also led to the misconception that bedroom plants can increase the risk of suffocation. However, some plants are better left to grow in other rooms, and here are some of the most common ones:
- Fensterblatt: Although not scientifically proven, this type of plant is popularly considered an energy vampire. It is said to have a negative effect on the senses at night.
- SomeLily familyThey also smell too strong, which is why their aroma in large quantities could have a bad effect on breathing and therefore on health.
- The scent of oneconifersUsually considered pleasant, it can stimulate the appetite and cause nighttime food cravings in some people.
- Additionally, you should tryPoisonous plantsHowDiffenbachie,Spurge,Oleander,Cancer flower,CyclamenandGreen japonicato be avoided in the bedroom. Although they only release their toxins when touched and pose no health risk, they are considered unsuitable for the sleeping area.