Succulents are often used as a decoration because they are really robust, absolutely frugal and hardly need care. These plants can get by with very little earth and be arranged in different containers. Today we show you how you can make a modern concrete flower pot for your succulents yourself, in a few steps.
- Nonetheless baking sheet
- Small plastic container
- fine concrete
- bucket for stirring
- chopsticks for stirring
- Scissors
– Tac Klebepads
- Salad oil or petroleum jelly
- Small succulents
1. A small oneChoose plastic container, which is flatter as a baking sheet selected by you. At least 1 cm smaller so that a stable layer of concrete can be formed.
2. Rolect a long, thin strip of tac adhesive pads between the fingers and glue it on the inside of the small container. Make sure that it can only be easily over the edge of the container without covering the outer edge. Glue down and press down on the bottom of the baking sheet. Position where you like to be the hole for the plants. Cover the surface of the plastic container with a thin layer of Vaseline in order to make it easier to remove the concrete from the baking sheet later.
3. Mix the concrete according to the packaging instructions with water in the bucket and pour it into the baking sheet. Hold the container with one hand while pouring a little concrete around the base. Repeat this step several times until the baking sheet is completely filled and the small container is no longer visible.
4. Shake the baking sheet carefully so that all air bubbles rise to the surface.
5. Let dry for at least 3 days. If you take out the concrete too early, it would break or crumble. After 3-4 days, draw the sides of the baking sheet outwards. Turn over and dab lightly on the floor to take out the concrete.
6. After a few hours, the surface exposed to the air should be completely hardened.
7. Remove adhesive pads and grind no corners and edges with a fine sandpaper. Everything that is still to be done to arrange the succulents in their new concrete flower pot.