Decoration made from succulents – 80 great ideas for indoors and outdoors

Succulents have become a popular type of plant. One of the reasons for this is that they are incredibly easy to care for. Because they do not have any particularly special requirements, they are suitable for making a wide variety of decorations for both indoor and outdoor use. And creating a decoration out of succulents is an art in itself, where, like all other types of art, you can let your imagination run wild. Because of the diverse color nuances and shapes, wonderful arrangements and combinations as well as patterns can be created. For example, for a vertical garden, shape one or more containers into the shape of letters, a heart, or other things.

You can plant these plants individually or in groups. If you want to create a more natural look, form a small group of one and the sameType of succulent and combineDo this with another group. You can also add moss to the arrangement. Other heat-resistant plants, such as cacti, are just as suitable for this.