There is perhaps nothing more beautiful than a homemade gift. It shows us that someone took the time to make something specifically for us. Even teenagers are happy with such a nice gesture and give handmade things to each other. But when it comes to a teenage girl, you should think carefully about the choice of gift. At this particular age, girls have various hobbies and leisure activities that can provide good gift ideas. This way you show your daughter, niece, cousin or friend that you know them really well. Of course, there are also some universal DIY gifts for teenage girls that are always a good choice. In this post you will find a variety of DIY gift ideas that are really popular with teenage girls.
Which homemade gifts are suitable for girls?
What should I give? We all ask ourselves this question when we are invited to a birthday or similar occasion. First and foremost, you should ask yourself what kind of gift would suit the person's age and preferences. Various pieces of jewelry such as necklaces, bracelets or earrings make wonderful DIY gifts for teenage girls. You can also make great boxes or cases for storing jewelry or make-up, which teenage girls find really practical. All sorts of thingsGifts with photos, gift baskets with favorite products or sweets, cool wall decorations for the teenager's room, and homemade surprises could also be considered. We have some of the most beautiful ideas and a few instructions ready for you.
Make your own jewelry as a gift
Every woman likes jewelry. During teenage years, girls also start to pay more attention to their appearance. That's why DIY jewelry is perfect as a gift for young women. Whether a necklacehomemade fabric flowersor a beautiful bracelet with beads and stones – the possibilities are many. We give a few ideas to imitate.
Friendship bracelets
Every teenage girl has at least one best friend. If you want to surprise yours with a nice gift, then friendship bracelets are certainly a great choice. There are countless ideas and instructions for such a bracelet. It is important that you choose one of these that you can replicate yourself. Simple instructions follow.
For this DIY project you need the following materials and tools:
Leather strap, brown*
Brass ball chain
waxed linen thread, blue
1/4 inch hex nut, brass
* You can change the colors of your choice.
Fold the length of the leather cord in half to form a loop. The loop should fit around the hex nut that acts as a clasp. Then wrap the base of the loop down with the linen thread at least 5-6 times, working in the opposite direction of the loop. This fixes the thread and marks the beginning of the bracelet.
Place the ball chain along the leather cord with the end of the chain aligned with the end of the wrapped thread. Hold the ball chain to the leather cord and wrap the linen thread tightly around it. The thread should run between every two balls. Continue until the bracelet becomes long enough. At the end of the bracelet, wrap the thread a few times and finally tie a knot with the three strands.
Now thread the hexagon nut through the strands and tie a second knot. Cut the ribbons directly behind the knot with scissors. And the friendship bracelet is ready.
You can make many different bracelets yourself using different chains, threads and ribbons. Should the bracelet be aDIY gift for best friendthen you can also make a similar one for yourself so that you both have the same friendship symbols.
Bracelets with phrases
Teenagers often use shortenings for everyday phrases. They then like to wear these on T-shirts or cloth bags. That's why we think a bracelet with a cool phrase makes a really great gift for teenage girls.
For such a bracelet you need flat leather strap and sliding letters. You can find these in the jewelry supply department of any hobby shop or craft store. You will also need a suitable magnetic clasp and jewelry glue. The instructions for making these great bracelets for teenage girls can be found in the pictures below.
Make your own necklaces
You can also use colored nail polish to create original pieces of jewelry that will make girls' hearts beat faster. Empty cabochon settings can be decorated with geometric motifs and look very elegant. It's best to choose bright, atmospheric colors to make a beautiful necklace for the young lady.
You can also make pretty DIY gifts from wooden beads. The beads can be painted any way you like so that the girl likes them. Different sizes can also be combined, like the beautiful necklace in the picture above.
Original DIY packaging for jewelry
Even if you don't make the gift yourself, you can consider original packaging. We present a wonderful idea below. It is a walnut decorated with gold glitter and turned into a small gift box for a beautiful fairy necklace. First brush the inside of the hollowed walnut shell with glue and then sprinkle some glitter powder over it. When the glue is already dry, place a cotton pad and the gift in the bowl. Finally, close the walnut again and tie it with a pretty ribbon. Complete!
Personalized mobile phone case for your smartphone
Teenagers spend a lot of time on their smartphones. That's why homemade cases are a good idea. The easiest way to personalize cell phone cases is to buy a transparent case and decorate it. You decide for yourself whether you want to use pattern paper, washi tape, acrylic paint or nail polish.
DIY storage for personal items
Every girl's room should be in order, so homemade boxes, baskets and boxes for storage are a practical gift for teenage girls. Get creative as even the most common household items can be transformed into storage. For example, paper rolls in different sizes can be used to make cool makeup storage, while the empty cereal box can be turned into a magazine box.
DIY ideas with/for photos
When it comes to teenage girls, photos or original photo frames are always a suitable choice. The girls enjoy taking photos of themselves with friends and often decorate their own rooms with souvenir photos. Therefore, small photo holders, decorated picture frames orFavorite photos on woodGood as DIY gifts for teenage girls.
These pretty mountain photo holders, for example, can be quickly made using some modeling clay. You can put not only photos in it, but also notes.
Make an original photo frame
When making a gift for the teenage girl herself, don't forget to consider her preferences. This way you will definitely hit the jackpot with the gift.
Childhood photo transferred to wood
Make an explosion box
Crochet or spice up a hat
Gift idea made from XXL knitwear
Sewing sleep mask for girls
Pretty pompom bookmarks to make yourself
Give away original wall decorations for the girls' room
DIY dream catcher