Everyone knows how important it is that plants are fertilized regularly in order to grow quickly and lushly. Houseplants in particular have more difficulty growing quickly because their pots are not always big enough, the light they receive is not always ideal and you do not always have the opportunity to fertilize and repot them regularly.
Nutritious liquid for flowers
But there is a variant that can help your...Plants in the gardengrow wilder and provide them with the nutrients they need. You can also make natural fertilizer yourself, easily from home, without having to buy any special products.
This is how you can make a natural fertilizer
You need a large, well-cleaned mason jar into which you pour clean water. Then add the products to the water. These should be left in for a longer period of time, the longer the better. This means that the water will later contain enough nutrients with which it can then supply your plants.
It is best not to place the mason jar in direct sunlight or too close to a place that is too warm, such as the oven.
Each time you use an egg, place the eggshell in the jar. Once the eggshells become too many, simply crush them with a spoon to take up less space. After you have placed enough eggshells in the jar, shake it well and let them sink to the bottom.
Add the eggshells to the water
You can also crush the peels
coffee grounds
Every time you make coffee, add the coffee grounds to the jar, shake it up, and let the contents sink back to the bottom.
The eggshells and coffee grounds have particularly valuable nutrients that dissolve in the water in the mason jar and make it a great, natural fertilizer for your plants.
You can also add tea bags
Every time you add something new to the jar, place it in the sun for a while to absorb the sunlight.
The result is healthy plants
A note if you make the fertilizer yourself: Do not leave the jar in the sun for too long so that the water does not turn green. As soon as it gets moldy, it is no longer suitable for use. That's why it's good if you shake the jar once or twice a day. Then put it in a dark place.
...that grow lushly
Let this tea steep for about a week and use a strainer to separate the eggshells and coffee from the water. Water your plants with the water you receive. You will be amazed at how fast and wild your plants will now grow.
Remove coffee grounds and eggshells using a sieve
You will receive wonderfully blooming flowers