Make your own liquid chalk for children and adults

Are you looking for new, interesting ideas for your children that you can use to lure them outside? Then you've come to the right place because we have a great idea for you, your bullies and their friends. Do you remember how much you loved painting the streets and sidewalks with chalk as a child? It's no different with children today! They also have a lot of fun with this activity, just as we older ones enjoy the chalk markers. But how about using liquid chalk instead of the classic dry chalk? You can even make liquid chalk yourself using conventional means and very inexpensively. The children can even help out. So that you can make chalk paint yourself, we have put together some recipes that use different foods. Just look at what you have in your kitchen cupboard and find the right liquid chalk recipe in our list.

Make your own liquid chalk with which colors?

To create different shades, you can either use food coloring or washable colors. The latter can be removed quickly and easily even after they have dried. However, food coloring cannot be cleaned from floors as quickly once it dries. If you want to have a clean street, terrace, driveway or sidewalk immediately after playing, we recommend using washable paints. If it doesn't bother you that the pictures will be visible for a while or if you plan to remove the liquid chalk immediately anyway, you can also easily use food coloring if you make liquid chalk yourself. The colors are easily washed away with the garden hose, which is just as fun for the children. More stubborn stains can also be removed with soapy water and a brush.