Build your own garden gate from pallets: a very easy DIY project to do at home

You probably already know that sofas, tables, swings and trellises can be wonderfully and, above all, easily made from Euro pallets. The elements are also ideal for fences. And what does most fences include? Exactly, a gate made of the same material. Even beginners can do this!

Whether you use the Euro pallet as it is or spruce it up a little is up to you. Either way, really great results are possible without being a professional carpenter. How can you build a garden gate yourself from pallets?

How to build a simple garden gate yourself from pallets

Those:@NormantonHistory/ Youtube

You only use elements from your Euro pallet and possibly additional screws if those from the pallet are no longer suitable. Below we will explain to you how to make the garden gate from Euro pallets:

  • For the gate in the example (just under 245 cm high) you need 12 boards: 9 for the front and 3 more for the back, which hold everything together.
  • saw
  • Hammer
  • Screws and nails if the ones from the pallet are unusable as well as for the hinges
  • two beams as end piecesfor the fence, to which you will attach the gate and close it on the other side
  • possibly wood oil or varnish to protect and beautify the garden gate (then also sandpaper)
  • Hinges

Take apart the wooden pallet and cut boards to size

Those:@NormantonHistory/ Youtube

You could theoretically use the palette as is. However, it is not visually appealing to everyone and the wooden cubes are heavy and unnecessary. Therefore, you should first take all the elements apart and then reassemble them in a more suitable way.

  • Pull the boards away from the joists.
  • Ideally, the existing nails should remain in the boards so that you can use them again.
  • Cut the boards for the front to the desired maximum length.
  • Place them together with small gaps until you get the desired width for the garden gate.
  • Use this width to determine the length for the two horizontal boards on the back. To do this, simply place a board on the arranged front and mark it where you need to shorten it. Repeat with the second back board.
Those:@NormantonHistory/ Youtube
  • Furthermore, you can now mark the sheet if you want to cut one. To do this, push the vertical boards close together.
  • Mark the outermost one at a distance of approx. 5 cm, measured from above.
  • On the third board, place the mark at the right end.
  • Connect both points and repeat on the other side in a mirror image.
  • Cut off the respective corners.
  • If you want, you can round the corners of the two outer wooden boards.
Those:@NormantonHistory/ Youtube

Build your own garden gate from pallets: put everything together step by step

Now assemble the garden gate from pallets. For this:

  • Place the two horizontal boards on the floor.
  • Arrange the vertical wooden boards on top.
Those:@NormantonHistory/ Youtube
  • Make sure there is a gap between the ends of the vertical boards and the horizontal ones at the top and bottom.
  • First screw the two outermost boards and the middle board tight. You can use the original screws for this if they are still suitable.
  • Then fill in the other pallet boards and attach them.
  • Flip the goal over and place the last board diagonally on top of the two horizontal ones.
  • Mark it on both sides below the horizontal pallet boards.
  • Cut the ends according to the marking.
  • Attach the diagonal board between the two horizontal ones.
  • Attach the hinges to the back.
  • The garden gate made of pallets is ready and can be oiled and painted if desired, after sanding it first with coarse and then with fine sandpaper.

Ideas for trellises made from Euro palletscan be found here.

Less high-quality Euro pallets are also suitable

Those:@iva.grasa.ig/ Instagram

Any wooden pallet is suitable for outdoor use, even those that still contain rings. However, keep in mind that there are also most likely insects such as wood beetles under the bark, which will shorten the lifespan of the wood. However, it is still suitable for outdoor use, for example in beds.

C-quality pallets can also be used if you don't mind blemishes. The wood can be wonderfully refreshed with wood varnish and made to last longer.

Those:@gardenstudiocrafts/ Instagram

You can determine the size of the gaps between the boards yourself, depending on how opaque you want the wooden door to be. It can also be covered with chicken wire or opaque mats if you want to prevent smaller animals from accessing itmore privacywant.

Cover photo:@NormantonHistory/ Youtube