Wrapping gifts without tape in 7 quick steps: It's that easy using our instructions!

There are many reasons for giving gifts this time of year. Families and friends gather and celebrate together. Both children and adults will be happy about the festive gifts! Taking the time to wrap a gift is a great way to show someone you care. However, it can be frustrating when you start packing and then realize you don't have any tape on hand. Can you wrap a gift box without tape? Luckily the answer is, YES! And in this article you will learn how to wrap gifts without scotch tape!

Wrap presents without tape

Actually, wrapping gifts without tape is very easy and you only need a few materials! You will be surprised at how quick and easy the process is!

What materials do you need?

With just a few materials, you can achieve a great gift box look in a few minutes byYour giftspack without tape! You need the following:

  • Wrapping paper
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Ruler or tape measure

Step-by-step instructions: how to wrap gifts without scotch tape

With oursTips and instructionsIt's easy to wrap a gift without a lot of hassle and effort!

Step 1
Measure the entire width of the box to determine how much paper you need. Add about 5 cm and mark with a pencil. Using a ruler or tape measure, measure one of the longer sides of the gift box. Then measure how tall the box is and multiply that number by 2. Add these measurements together to find the length you need to cut the wrapping paper to wrap the box without tape.

(Tip: It's easiest if you hold the paper looselyaround the boxwrap and mark with a pencil. Cut lengthwise and fold the wrapping paper in half diagonally. Note: It should look like a triangle.) If you are packing a square box, you can measure each of the sides since they are all the same length.

Step 2
Lay the wrapping paper diagonally in the shape of a diamond; center the cardboard in the middle. (Tip: To make sure the box is in place, take the top corner of the wrapping paper and slowly slide it over the box. Adjust the position of the box to make sure the top is completely covered by the paper).

Step 3
First, place the wrapping paper on a flat surface with the decorative side down. Pick up the bottom corner of the wrapping paper and lay it flat on the box, in the center of the paper. Run your finger along the bottom right fold to create a smooth crease. Finally, rotate the gift box so that the corners of the paper line up with the center of the corresponding side of the box.

Step 4
Hold the paper with your left hand and use your right hand and index finger to slowly fold the right side of the paper inward. (Note: This should happen naturally.) Hold the paper with your right hand and repeat the process for the left side. Fold one of the long tabs over the gift box.

If you are packing a rectangular box, start by folding the corresponding flap over one of the longer sides so that the corner of the paper rests in the middle of the box. If you are packing a square box, you can fold one of the flaps up first. Run your finger along the edge to create a crease and smooth out the fold so it holds better.

Lift the 2 side tabs and fold them over the top. Place your hand under one of the flaps on the left or right side of the box. Lift the paper to fold the flap over the edge of the box and place it on top of the already folded flap. Run your finger along the edge to make a fold and secure the flap.

Repeat this process to fold the other side flap over the first flap as well. If the folded tabs do not stay in place, you may need to use a paperweight or a heavy object such as a paper towel. Use something like a book to temporarily hold them in place. The side flaps should meet in the middle of the box, creating a “V” shape. They can meet exactly in the middle or overlap slightly - both are possible.

Step 6
Take the top point of the wrapping paper and fold it down (note: you may need to fold the edges a little to make it fold easily). Fold the final flap over the top of the box. The flap should lie above the 3 flaps that you have already folded up. Run your finger along the edge to crease and flatten the paper at the fold

Step 7
Take the top corner that you folded over the cardboard and tuck it into the bottom slot. Fold them neatly to secure them in place. Hold the final flap flat on the box, paying attention to where the flap meets the edges of the side flaps. Lift the last flap slightly and fold it over so that the fold is exactly where the flap meets the edges of the side flaps.

Then, use your fingers to tuck the folded corner of the last flap under the side flaps and press it back toward itself. As soon as the flap is securely pushed under,should be the giftremain packed by themselves. If the paper curls, run your finger over all the edges again to smooth out the wrinkles even more.

Additional security of the gift box with a ribbon

Tie a ribbon around the gift to keep the paper in place. Lay out a piece of ribbon on a flat surface. Place the box face down in the middle on the belt. Fold the ribbon pieces over the box on both sides and twist them around each other in the middle. Wrapthen the tapedown on the other sides. Turn the box over, pull the ribbons together in the middle and secure with a bow. Instead of ribbon, you can also use string or ribbons.