Painting spring pictures with children using acrylics and watercolors – 20 instructions and ideas

Children really enjoy painting pictures and with the coming of spring and Easter, you also have the perfect reason to spend a creative afternoon painting with your children. But if you're looking for ideas for kindergarten or elementary school and want to design art lessons to suit the season, painting spring pictures is also great. We'll show you how you can paint great spring pictures with children by using different colors, techniques and auxiliary objects.

Flowers are without question one of the main motifs in spring. After the gray winter, things are finally getting colorful. Below are a few ideas with which onesthings and techniquesYou can paint spring pictures.

Painting spring pictures with pompoms in kindergarten

  • Clothespins
  • Pom poms in different sizes
  • Cardboard or paper
  • Colors
  • Toothbrush or brush

Kindergarten children are sometimes not very confident in using brushes and paints and have difficulty painting details. That's why aids, like the pom-poms in this case, are very useful when you paint spring pictures in kindergarten. Clip the pom-poms into the clothespins, add colors to a paint palette or paper plate and you're ready to go.

The grass can be painted with either a toothbrush or a simple brush. Using the smallest pom-pom (or a brush again), paint a few flower stems here and there, which you then decorate with flowers in different colors by creating dots on the paper or cardboard with pom-poms of different sizes. Don't forget a few leaves too.

Painting spring pictures in kindergarten – tulips with a fork

You decide for yourself whether you use a metal fork (preferably with three prongs) or plastic. You also need colors that match the flower colors of the tulips, a brush, a paper plate or a palette and a sheet of paper for painting or Cardboard. Place the colors on the plate, dip the fork into one color and press it onto the paper. Create several flowers this way and then add flower stems with a brush.

Colorful flower meadow on paper

It's best to use watercolor paper. Create puddles of different sizes using any water colors you like. You can also combine several colors in one puddle. Once the paint has dried, you can use a black, waterproof marker to make flowers out of it. Of course, everyone can decide for themselves how exactly. The petals that are outside the colorful dots can then also be colored with watercolors, but they don't have to be.

Painting with flowers

Or how about not painting flowers for spring pictures, but insteadreal flowers for theUse painting? You can paint these spring pictures with acrylic, but also with similar colors. Just ask at the craft store. You need:

  • Colors
  • Flowers
  • Yarn
  • Papier

Place a few small blobs of paint on the sheet of paper at a small distance from the edge. Of course, the children themselves decide which colors to use. These colors can then be brushed aside with individual flowers, after which the flowers are tied into a bouquet. Spread a few additional blobs of paint on the page and smudge them in any direction. Of course, the children can also come up with their own techniques. Or how about this if youpaint with acrylic paintwant:

Dip flowers in paint and use them to create imprints on the paper. The picture looks very nice as it is, but you can still create a background and distort the flowers. For this purpose, the colors of the flowers should not be completely dry, but only partially.

Then, the width of the sheet, add light blue paint to the left side of the sheet and drag it to the right with a ruler. If there isn't enough color the first time, simply add some more to the sheet and drag it further to the left (children who are left-handed will find it easier to drag the color from right to left).

Trees as pictures for children to paint

Of course the trees are now coming to new life. New green leaves grow and soon the first trees begin to bloom and attract bees. You can therefore also paint trees with the children. Here's an idea on how to paint a treewith acrylicand cotton swabs:

First paint the background and once the paint has dried, the trunks and branches in brown or black on the sheet of paper. Tie several cotton swabs together with a rubber band, place paints on a paper plate, dip the bundle of swabs into the green paint and dab it along the branches where you want leaves to be. Once the paint has dried, you can also add a few flowers. A few flowering bushes or flowers can also be painted at the bottom in the same way.

Abstract and colorful in spring colors

You don't necessarily have to paint specific motifs. If you want to paint spring pictures in elementary school or kindergarten, you can also simply use the right colors to create more abstract works of art. We have that tooa few ideas. Creative images are possible with both acrylic and watercolors. All colors that are typical for spring are suitable.

Paint spring pictures yourself with watercolors

Hardly any child doesn't enjoy watercolors and if you try one of these watercolor techniques with the children, the whole thing is guaranteed to be even more fun.

Spray watercolors

In the first idea, the watercolor is simply put in a spray bottle and then sprayed onto the paper (preferably paper for watercolors). Several colors can be sprayed on one after the other to create a colorful work of art (see picture above).

With rubbing alcohol (spirit)

The picture is initially designed in any way you like using watercolors. In spring the colors should of course be bright, colorful and friendly. Allow the colors to dry slightly for about 2 minutes and then dip a cotton swab into the alcohol. Now the children can use it to create patterns on the paper.

With salt

Mix a little water with watercolor and salt until you have a liquid but grainy liquid that the children can then paint with. The images get an interesting texture.

Another option is to paint any picture and finish it here and thereWith saltto sprinkle. The salt grains absorb the surrounding liquid, creating a beautiful effect.

Painting with acrylic paints and Easter eggs

The headline sounds very interesting and the project is guaranteed to be that way for the little ones. If you are looking for other painting techniques for kindergarten that are also suitable for Easter and with which you can paint great spring pictures, you are making the right choice. Put acrylic paints in the wells of a palette or in small cups and placePlastic Easter eggsinto the colors. Beautiful images are created by rolling the plastic eggs over the paper. This way you can also paint spring pictures with finger paint if you prefer.

Spring pictures to paint with feathers

Birds are a typical symbol of spring. In the morning they finally delight us with their pleasant chirping and the migratory birds are slowly but surely returning. Feathers as motifs and also as a material for painting are a wonderful idea, don't you think?

Feathers instead of brushes

Dip a feather into the paint and use it to paint any spring pictures or tie several with a rubber band around a brush, wooden stick or pen. The type of feathers can also vary - sometimes choose straight and firm ones or sometimes soft and fluffy ones and test which patterns come out.

Feather prints

And while you're at it,with feathersTo paint, you can also use them for another technique. Paint a feather with any color and make one or more prints on paper. This printing technique is ideal, among other things, if you want to create spring greeting cards or Easter cards with the children.

Integrate real feathers into the spring image

Would you like spring picturespainting in elementary schoolor with older kindergarten children, you can also mix tempera paint with a little glue, place the feathers on the paper and then paint over them with a brush. But use the right colors so that the picture also fits spring. With too much yellow, red, and orange, you risk making the finished image resemble fall leaves (which would of course be appropriate for fall). Instead, go for pink, hot pink, red, purple, light blue and green and combine them with the shades mentioned.

Painting spring pictures with rainbows

Now that the sun is appearing more and more often, a rainbow can also appear. And if not, then just paint it with the children and bring it into your house yourself.

Rainbow with watercolors and washi tape

Stick washi tape over the paper in any way you like and then paintStripes of the rainbowabove and across the entire width of the sheet. Once the paint has dried, you can carefully peel off the tape. Feel free to use other motifs, colors, patterns and effects instead of the rainbow (e.g. one of the watercolor ideas above).

Painting spring pictures with acrylic and shaving foam

That's a really fun idea tooPainting with shaving cream. If you are looking for painting ideas with acrylic, you can also use this technique, for which we have already published detailed instructions. Not only can you use colors to create a rainbow on the shaving foam and then transfer it to a piece of paper, but you can also create any other spring motifs that are easy for children to paint. For example, you can quickly paint butterflies in an interesting way, but also flowers, Easter eggs and much more.

Abstract rainbow

As shown in the instructions, spread several blobs of paint (in rainbow colors) among each other, then take a long ruler and pull the colors to the side. You can leave the image as is or let the colors dry for a few minutes and then add more blobs of color wherever you want and drag them in different directions.

Create beautiful spring pictures with real primrose flowers:Decoration with primroses: Not only flower arrangements are possible!