Make your own autumn decorations for the table – relax in the autumn atmosphere!

The table, whether it's a dining table, coffee table or side table, offers the best base for beautiful decorations for a variety of occasions! That is why we dedicate our today's articlejust the tableAnd since autumn is just around the corner, it's also about autumn decorations for the table that you can make and put together yourself. You'll be amazed at how you can create truly stunning pieces using simple things and simple steps - even if you don't have much talent for craft projects!

Autumn decoration for the table with tree slices

Just a single oneTree slice provides the perfect baseFor a pretty arrangement - simply place a vase with autumn flowers or dried flowers on it, for example. But several combined together look even better. Stack them on top of each other in a staggered manner and then distribute additional autumnal decorations (e.g. pine cones, lanterns with candles or tea lights or flowers) on the various levels that are created. There is then enough free space at the top to set up a few small containers with flowers.

Make a table wreath as an autumn decoration for the table

Buy a ready-made wreath as well as artificial flowers in autumn colors, leaves and other decorations (e.g. craft straw or hay/artificial grass) andmake a wreath, in which you can then place a pumpkin. To do this, use hot glue to distribute a few flowers here and there and wrap empty areas with straw. Then fill the inside of the wreath with the straw and place a small pumpkin inside. This can be real or artificial. If you want, place the finished autumn decoration for the table on a tree slice to showcase it even better.

Decorate the tray for autumn

How about an autumn decoration for the tableon a tray? This tray can be of any shape and you can decorate it however you like. We really like the idea above with an elongated tray and decorative elements in white color. Arrange bright ornamental pumpkins and white flowers such as gypsophila and chrysanthemums around them. To keep the chrysanthemums fresh longer, you can place them in special plastic tubes with water (available at flower shops). If you want, decorate a jam jar with linen fabric, lace and yarn and place it on the tray with an LED tea light.

Or keep it simple and decorate a larger round or square tray with just a candle and a few decorative pumpkins around it! Perfect if you want the autumn decoration for the table to look modern.

Table runner with autumn leaves

Collect and dryChoose autumn leaves in four different colors or shades or buy artificial ones and make your own table runner - without sewing! Simply create four rows of leaves on each short side of the runner (or more if using small leaves). To do this, start with the innermost row and glue it in place with hot glue or double-sided tape. Each new row should slightly overlap the previous one. We really like the ombré design in the example, but monochrome or colorful would also be nice options. Finally, you can combine the finished table runner with another autumn decoration for the table.

Bird cages as autumn decorations for the table

Bird cages, a bottle with linen and lace as a vase for autumn flowers and a few pumpkins and you have a beautiful autumn decoration for the table! You can place candles or other decorations in the cages, sunflowers, chrysanthemums and other seasonal jewelry are suitable as flowers for the vase, and you can also combine different colors for the pumpkins. Just as good as birdcagesBy the way, lanterns also workif you make your own autumn decorations for the table.

Decorate with jugs

Useinteresting containers as vasesand arrange natural materials in it that are typical of autumn. These can be simple branches, but also those with colored leaves or berries. All variants look romantic. But if you arrange just a few elements puristically, you will get a more modern autumn decoration for the table. Of course, you can also influence the style with the help of the container.

Fill glasses

Any glasses, whether transparent vases, preserving jars or jam jars, can be includedautumnal natural materialsbe filled. Not only does this take exceptionally little time, but it can cost you little to nothing if you collect the materials yourself in the wild. And it doesn't always have to be the classic chestnuts, acorns or pine cones. Also fresh autumn flowers or dried flowers as wellFruits like the Physalisfor example, there is a lot of autumnal flair.

Autumn decorations for the table – ideas to imitate

If you haven't had enough, take a look belowmore beautiful fall decoration ideasfor the table that everyone can imitate.

Decorate lanterns with leaves

Lanterns with autumnal meadow flowers and fruits

Leaves, candles and pine cones in a bowl

Decorate the cake stand with flowers and moss

Place the candle in a thick tree slice

Autumnal fruits and lantern as autumn decorations for the table

DIY table wreath with leaves and chestnuts

Candles with maple leaves