29 autumn decoration ideas for a stylish design of the house

If you want to spice up your home with original and stylish decorations this year, then you've come to the right place. We offer you 29 great autumn decoration ideas that are anything but banal and with which you can impress not only yourself, but the whole family and all guests. Instead of the typical artificial pumpkins and decorations with potpourri, you can implement many other interesting variations. Metallic colors in autumnal shades, such as gold or copper, are particularly suitable for this purpose. Get inspired and start decorating your home now, because the season is already in full swing!

An ordinary oneAutumn decoration with pumpkincan look anything but boring. On the one hand, you can paint it in any, especially autumnal, color. On the other hand, there are a wide variety of options available to youPossibilitiesavailable for decoration. For example, distribute nails in a specific areaFormand then connect them with string. This results in interesting figures, like these in the picture above.

You can also label the pumpkin. You can use the prepared ones for the banquet table or Sunday lunchEating with benefitsand dessert on a pumpkin and then use it for table decoration. This way, all family members are guaranteed to work up an appetite and can hardly wait for itFood on the tablecomes.

And that's not all you can do with pumpkins. With a littleColorit becomes a pretty book stand or flower pot. And you can see what you can do with lanterns, twigs, leaves or even old pipes in the following picture gallery.