Gardens would not be the same without the friendly chatter of songbirds. We love their bright colors, infectious temperament and appetite for insects. As gardeners, we would like to return the favor: what better way than to provide them with a bird bath? Providing fresh water for the birds allows them to drink, cool down, and relax. A garden bird bath can attract even more birds to your outdoor space. From simple floor bowls to unusual heated birdbaths: here you will find a list with lots of ideas and advice on what you should pay attention to and which is the right location for it. Encourage a few more birds to stop by for refreshment.
Find the right location
Birds like cover because it makes them feel protected and safe. If you can place your birdbath near bushes, trees, or other cover, your friends are more likely to use it too. It is best to leave a distance of around 3 m from the bushes so that the birds are not surprised by various enemies. The troughs should ideally be slightly elevated.
You should also prepare the bird bathdirect sunlightprotect so that the water does not heat up too much. Placing the bird bath in a sheltered, shady location can dramatically reduce the evaporation rate of the water, preventing the waterer from drying out as quickly. Additionally, algae does not grow as quickly when the water is cooler, and the likelihood of thatInsects lay their eggs in the waterput down is less. If it is not possible to place the birdbath in full shade, consider placing it so that it is in the shade during the mid to late afternoon, the hottest part of the summer day.
Finally, make sure you choose a spot that you can see. You want to be able to look at and enjoy the birds that come by, so place it somewhere you'll see regularly.
Choose a tall, large bird bath for the garden
Maybe you'll find a small one,decorative bird bath very beautiful, but that's not necessarily the best thing for attracting birds. Be sure to look for a larger, standing bird bath with a wider bowl at the top that can accommodate multiple feathered friends at once. You can also place two or three waterers in a single area, which is a really neat way to enhance the landscape while attracting more birds.
Keep the water fresh
The best thing you can do to attract birds to your birdbath is to keep the water fresh. Include refreshing the water in your birdbath in your regular gardening or watering routine. It's so easy and it will really make your place much more attractive to birds.
If you water your lawn or garden with a lawn sprinkler, you can set up your birdbath and adjust its height so that you can use the spray to automatically refill it. If you are using a drip irrigation system, you can orient the end of the drip line so that the waterer is at eachWatering flowers, herbs or vegetables can be easily refilled.
Clean your birdbath regularly
Refreshing the water in the birdbath is a good way to ensure your birds have clean water, but it is also essentialClean troughs yourself. Be sure to scrub the tub thoroughly once a week, removing any algae or other debris that has built up.
Maintain a usable temperature
In the colder months it is a good idea to install a heater. Winter is still a good time to use a birdbath. With a heater and a device that moves the water, you're almost guaranteed to attract unique visitors. On the other hand, you can place a block of ice in the waterer on the hottest days.
The best material and design for the garden bird bath
Choose winter-proof solar drinkers made of Fiberstone
This is a simple yet elegant and versatile solar bird bath that includes a tall base and a wide bowl. Both are made of durable fiberstone.
Ceramic vintage style for the garden
If your gardenfull of colorful flowersis, we recommend you a wonderful vintage-style bird bath. Several birds can drink or splash around at the same time in the shallow bowl.
Wooden bird bath for the garden
Beautify your gardenwith a fairytale bird bath made of durable, weatherproof wood. Their unique appearance will attract more birds to visit.
Hanging bird bath for your patio
A summer afternoon is even more beautiful when you can hear a bird or two singing right on your patio, and with a hanging bird bath you can do just that. Hang it where you would normally hang a hanging plant.
Metal waterers are beautiful
With its elegant color, this specimen fits seamlessly into almost any garden aesthetic. The sturdy metal construction ensures it will last for years.
Traditional concrete bird bath for the garden
You will hardly find a more timeless bird bath than this piece of jewelry. The handcrafted waterer is forged from concrete and decorated with classic floral patterns incorporated into the base. A large pool tops the design and provides the songbirds with plenty of space to splash and drink throughout the day.