Build your own children's kitchen out of cardboard

Every mother cares about fulfilling her child's wishes and offering him a pleasant living atmosphere. And what is better suited for this than various play areas where children can immerse themselves in their fantasy world and let it run wild. Rodessa Villanueva-Reyes created an interesting project for her daughter after realizing that she enjoyed spending a lot of time in the kitchen. It's a cute play kitchen that doesn't require any special building skills. You can also build a children's kitchen like this yourself using ordinary materials.

Build your own children's kitchen - distribute boxes

So that you can do this simpleChildren's kitchenIf you can build it yourself, all you need is cardboard. This is also a great way to use the accumulated cardboard boxes for a good purpose. In addition, you will give your child great joy and give him an opportunity to spend his free time usefully indoors on a rainy or cold day. The building instructions for the children's kitchen are easier to implement than you might think. Try it!

The boxes must be of different sizes. The boxes for the counter, oven, and sink should be tailored to your child's size. You also need some smaller ones for, for example, smaller cupboards or a microwave. You make the refrigerator out of a taller cardboard box. It is difficult to determine the exact number in advance. This depends, among other things, on how big the play kitchen will be and how muchAccesoriesshould find space in it. Once you have gathered a lot of boxes, you can start. To do this, place them on the respective wall. Now you can start planning the size and shape. Think of the boxes like building blocks. Swap out if necessary, change the types of cabinets and experiment until you get the perfect kitchen. This is also the best way to determine whether you need to get more boxes and in what sizes and shapes.

Design closet doors

If you are satisfied with the composition, you can make the cupboard doors. First draw them with a pen in the middle of each box. The same goes for the refrigerator, microwave and oven. Then carefully cut the lines with a carpet knife. Now your child can open and close the cupboard doors without having to put in much effort. If necessary, you can also think about some kind of lock for the cupboards.

Decorate kitchen

Since the cardboard boxes hardly look attractive and certainly not child-friendly, bright colors must be used. There are different options. On the one hand, you can of course use paint - for example acrylic paint. You can use it to draw any patterns and motifs yourself. On the other hand, foils and stickers are also suitable. You can easily use them to glue the visible surfaces of the kitchen cabinets. Depending on your child's age, you can also have them help out.

Matching accessories

Since mom's kitchen serves as inspiration, your child will of course also need the same accessories. You have already added a microwave, refrigerator and oven. The small kitchen appliances are still missing. Many toy stores sell these ready-made, so you can buy what you need. It is important that you choose toys that are not heavy. Hollow plastic or even paper are best suited. After all, the play kitchen is only made of cardboard and cannot support heavy weight. Place plastic dishes or even paper plates in the small cupboards. The latter are even offered in pretty colors and patterns in party stores.

The sink isn't that difficult to imitate either. You can use an old baking pan or a metal bowl. Cut a hole in your chosen cabinet that is smaller than the outermost diameter. Place the container inside and the sink is ready. A pump that you take from an empty hand soap is suitable as a tap. It is very effective if you design the sink under an artificial window. This makes the kitchen look much more comfortable and real. As a background you can use any landscape image in the form of a poster or print something out.

Lock up the kitchen appliances

The buttons or glass of the microwave and oven can also be easily printed out. If you would rather have something individual, simply paint them yourself. Of course, this also takes more time. However, you can use your own oven, or rather, the oven as a template. After building the children's kitchen yourself, don't forget some decorations. Artificial plants, for example, are a great idea or an awning and why not murals if there is space for them.

The example kitchen was immediately integrated into mom's kitchen. But if you don't have space there, you can of course choose another location. On the one hand, there is the children's room, where your child can play undisturbed. If there is no space there either, you might find a free spot in the living room or another room. It is important that you think it through carefully. After all, you don't want to have to rebuild and move everything again after a few weeks just because you suddenly realize that it has become too tight.