Make your own kneading soap for children and adults with these simple instructions

Make the evening bath, the evening washing routine with the children or regular hand washing even more interesting with a soap that you can play with! Kneading soap is great for this purpose and it also cleans things up. The great thing is that you can even make the kneading soap yourself with just a few ingredients. You will find out exactly how in the following lines. There you will find a wonderfully simple DIY recipe that you can implement within a few minutes. So get started now and don't forget to let your children join in. Because they will have a lot of fun with this project!

Since only natural or mild products are used for the kneading soap, the children can help with the production themselves. At the end, they can even make any shapes they want out of the soap, which they will later use for washing. But you can make your own soap with children and not just for your own use. Kneading soaps are also an original gift idea. For example, put together a gift basket with various homemade cosmetic products and add one or two soaps.

If you make soap yourself, you can also use it as a gift for a birthday or other event. Not only children are guaranteed to enjoy the original soap variant. Adults will also have fun kneading and shaping the soap as they wish. And if it also consists of different colors, the joy will be even greater for young and old alike. Since it is also made very quickly, it is also perfect forLast minute gifts.

Make your own soap dough with cornstarch

If you would like to make kneading soap yourself, you can use the following soap recipe with starch. From this quantity you will get about 6 bars of soap, depending on how big you make it.

  • 130 g cornstarch or cornstarch
  • 50 ml shower gel or liquid soap (preferably from natural products)
  • optional: food coloring, essential oil, food glitter

Place the cornstarch in a bowl and add the liquid soap. Mix both soap ingredients together with a spoon. Once they are somewhat mixed together, continue with your hands. To do this, sprinkle some cornstarch on your worktop (or table) and knead the kneading soap like you would knead pizza or bread dough. The soap should feel increasingly dry over time. The goal is a ball that feels dry in your hands.

Color soap

If you want to make colored soap yourself and use different colors, divide the soap into as many parts as you like (tear it up or use a knife). It is advisable to use gloves to avoid coloring the skin. Take a piece of kneading soap, flatten it as much as possible and add a drop of food coloring to the middle. You can also use soap dye for this purpose. However, this is more difficult to wash off your hands. Now is also the time to add essential oil and glitter if you like.

Fold the piece several times to seal the paint inside. Then knead the bar of soap well so that the color can spread well. Repeat these steps with the other bars of soap. You can now form any figures from the finished soap, as shown in the picture above. Do this freehand or takeCookie cuttersto help after you have rolled out the soap like dough to as thick as you want.

Ideas for design

In addition to cookie cutters, you can also use other tricks and techniques to get interesting soaps. For example, you can roll out several colors into a rectangle and then place them on top of each other. Then you roll the layers of soap to create a roll, which you then cut into slices. The result is colorful snails. If you want soap with a marble effect, simply take a piece of plasticine of as many colors as you like and knead them together. But don't overdo it with kneading, because at some point all the colors will mix into one.

If you want to give kneading soap as a gift, you can not only cut out beautiful shapes, but also come up with other decorations. For example, if you have added lavender oil, you can also decorate the finished soap with dried lavender flowers by simply pressing them carefully into the soap. Of course, this also works with other flowers such as roses or pansies. Let your imagination run wild!

Oil as an ingredient for DIY kneading soap

If you want kneading soap that is particularly pleasant on the skin when used, you can also add coconut, almond, jojoba or coconut oil to the recipeanother favorite oiladd if you make your own soap. In this case, when making soap with children, simply replace half of the liquid soap with the oil. All other steps and quantities remain the same.

Kneading soap durability

Especially if you use natural ingredients, the kneading soap will of course not last as long as store-bought soap. However, it can be used for a few weeks without any problems. Since theChildren bathingbut if you particularly enjoy it, in most cases it will be used up very quickly. However, you can extend the shelf life a little by adding a pinch of salt to the recipe. You should also always store the soap in an airtight container (e.g. a jam jar). Otherwise the soap will dry out very quickly and crumble.