There are several methods that are simple yet effective, regardless of whether you use artificial or real moss. They are available not only online, but also in flower shops, with different types available that you can also combine with each other. We would like to show you how to attach moss to a wreath.
Wrap the moss wreath with florist wire
The most common option is to use floral wire when making a wreathcraft with mosswant. A wreath blank, usually made of straw, usually serves as the basis.
- You take the straw wreath and place it in front of you.
- Then take a generous tuft of moss and place it anywhere you like.
- Wrap the floral wire several times, just around this point for now, without cutting it from the spool. Do not pull it too tight to avoid accidentally damaging the moss.
- Gradually repeat these steps with all other areas.
- Finally, cut the wire. You can insert the beginning and end into the wreath anywhere or tie it around Roman hooks (see below) and use it to secure the wire.
Green yarn as an alternative
You'll use twine in the same way, but it may be a little more difficult to keep it in place as you move on to the next clump of moss. Another option would be to cut the yarn after each tuft and tie it off before moving on to the next.
Disadvantages of these methods:Working with wire in particular is pretty quick and easy. However, it is difficult, if not impossible, to tie/wrap the wire or yarn so that it remains invisible. This isn't a problem in itself if you then attach other decorations over it and the moss only serves as a base. However, this option may not be the optimal one for a pure moss wreath.
Can you attach moss to a wreath with hot glue?
You might think that the hot silicone is unsuitable for attachment, but in fact it is used in some situations. If you are still worried that the plant could be damaged due to the high temperatures, you can also use a low-temperature glue gun or special moss glue. Here too, always work with tufts or moss mats that you can cut to size to create larger areas at once.
Hot glue or other suitable glue is also suitable if, for example using the wire method, you have noticed that there are bare spots left somewhere that you want to fill in quickly.
The material is also made with hot gluefor such picturesattached.
Use Roman or patent bonds
There are different types of sticks for floristry supplies that you can use for sticking when you make a moss wreath yourself. These are, so to speak, pins, but they have an angular U-shape and are pointed at both ends. This means you can place your piece of moss, whether loose or in the form of a mat, on the straw wreath and then fix it with a Roman stick, for example.
After each stick, check whether the material is holding well, as straw wreaths are rather loose compared to other wreath blanks (there are a lot of spaces between the stalks) and the sticks may not hold well. If such a situation arises, you can simply pull out the Roman stick and try it somewhere else.
Speaking of pins:If you don't have special florist clips at home, you can use pins and even hairpins instead, but you will need a comparatively large number of them to hold the plants in place, as they do not enclose the material as well as clips.
Now that you know how to attach moss to a wreath, you can make a moss wreathfrom this articletry!