Winter decoration with moss after Christmas: How to decorate with natural materials in January

The Christmas season with its impressive decorations and also the sparkling New Year's Eve are over, but of course you don't want to suddenly find yourself in a half-empty room just because all the decorations have been packed away. Something wintery is needed quickly and what is better than natural materials and typical winter motifs? How about great winter decorations with moss for January that you can recreate?


Wreaths and decorative bowls are among the favorites because they can be used to decorate tables and windows, doors or chandeliers for hanging winter decorations. You will definitely like these ideas!

Ideas for winter decorations with moss for January


A beautiful homemade winter decoration is quick and easy: With the following craft ideas, the post-Christmas blues will quickly be forgotten.

Luminous bowl with mini houses

You will be amazed at how quickly and easily you can create an enchanting winter decoration with mossfor Januarycan conjure up, even with the simplest decorative elements.

  • any decorative bowl (made of wood, glass, plastic or porcelain, for example)
  • any moss (in the example you see reindeer lichen, which, let's admit it, isn't actually moss)
  • LED fairy lights
  • 3 mini glass houses or other decorations (if you can't find any made of glass, just use others, preferably at least with window holes so that the glow of the fairy lights can be seen)

How to make your own winter decorations:

You can probably already guess, because the individual steps couldn't be easier:

  • Place the battery part of the fairy lights in the middle of the bowl.
  • Start spreading moss with the lights hanging out. Fill the entire bowl.
  • Use it to form a small loop in one place (easy to have multiple bulbs in one place).
  • Place a house on this loop of lights.
  • Repeat this in other places with the other two houses. Complete!

Also interesting:Homemade decorations with candles and lanterns for January

Winter decoration with moss for January with the first spring flowers


The first spring flowering bulbs can be purchased as early as winter. Hyacinths are particularly popular because they smell so great. Use the bulbs for a winter decorative bowl and look forward to the splendor of flowers in your own four walls in just a few weeks. How to make such a winter decoration with moss for January:

  • Waterproof decorative bowl
  • Flower bulbs with shoots in pots
  • Moos
  • small pine cones
  • small Christmas balls (or any other themed decorations)
  • optional potting soil

Also interesting:Beautiful ideas for decoration with flower bulbs to make yourself


Arrange the beautiful winter decorations after Christmas:

You have the choice: Either you place the onion together with the pots in the bowl (the latter should be deep enough for this), which is the easier option, or you use potting soil and plant it. Depending on what you choose:

  • First add potting soil to the planting bowl and lightly insert the flower bulbsor
  • distribute the onions along with the pots.
  • Next, spread the moss so that it covers the pots.
  • Decorate the arrangement with a few small Christmas tree baubles (the side with the eyelet is best stuck in the moss) and pine cones.

You might also like these winter decoration ideas:Winter decorations with fairy lights: Beautiful craft ideas for January

Moss rings for hanging January decorations


These rings are modern and beautiful and can be combined with each other as you wish. They look particularly pretty in groups and, for example, hanging together. All you need are:

  • Any metal rings (Styrofoam rings or other blanks for wreaths such as foam rings, straw rings, willow rings, etc.) are also suitable.
  • Moos
  • Blumendraht
  • cord

How to make pretty winter decorations for your house entrance or window:

  • Take the ring and wrap a piece of moss around it.
  • Secure it with green floral wire. Try not to tighten the wire too much so that the moss still sits a little loosely and naturally on the ring.
  • Keep doing this until you have covered the entire metal ring.
  • Tie string for hanging.

You might also be interested in:Crafting with moss in spring: These 7 DIY ideas are perfect

Tipp:You can hang any decorations in the moss wreath to make it even prettier. Not only real air plants (tillandsias) like in the example are suitable, but also various types of pendants. Of course, the pendants are best made of winter motifs such as stars or snowflakes. Or how about a pine branch? The ring also looks really elegant with a hanging glittering stone or semi-precious stone in the middle.


Can you take moss from the forest?

You have planned a beautiful winter decoration with mossto craft for Januaryand you'll conveniently find plenty of them on your walk. But is it even allowed to take some with you?

Although everything you find somewhere is initially the property of the landowner, you are actually allowed to take small amounts with you without committing a crime. A bit of moss for crafts, a few twigs for the winter bouquet or one or two mushrooms for mushroom soup are no problem, as long as you don't damage the surrounding nature in the process.

A few January craft ideas to try with the kidscan be found here.