What is the best way to save money? Everyone has a different answer. Some open a bank account, others invest in real estate, gold and precious paintings.
But how do you find a work space orhomemade bar counter, which is covered with coins? The DIY professionals tried it out in a kitchen, and we show the result here, as well as instructions on how to convert an ordinary counter into a coin safe. This kitchen countertop is interesting, attractive and shines with charm in the literal sense.
The new embodiment of a kitchen worktop
First, the laminate layer was removed from the surface. The next stage was painting the surface of the bar in black, because then this color will be visible between the round coins and a contrast will be created. The designers of the penny bar then wanted to buy the coins from the bank. They didn't know that not all of them looked nice because not all of them were new.
Creative work to protect the coins
The coins were dipped in vinegar with a small amount of table salt and then shined with baking soda as a water paste. The not so good coins were put back into the bank account and actually saved!
The penny sticking
A whole team of young residents of the house took care of sticking the coins to the bar surface. They started with the edges and instead of using a wood glue they usedGorilla Glue. Many of the coins should be cut at the angles to properly develop the design of the decoration.
The game of pennies
The team had some difficulty getting the design in order because some coins didn't fit at all and if you pushed them, they would 'wake up' the other coins in the row and they would jump like popcorn. The designers then decided to eliminate the coins on the edge and make a wooden edge.
The beginning
The edge
The mosaic
The finished version
The top layer
The epoxy resin
Fixing the surface
A beautiful mosaic