In this article we will discuss some areas of use for epoxy resin and show you how you can build a phosphorescent epoxy resin table yourself.
Polyperoxides or epoxy polymers are chemicals obtained by polymerizing epoxy monomers with a curing agent. Because of their sealing properties, resistance, etc., they are widely used, especially in construction, electronics, power supply, etc. But the epoxy resin can also be used for the realization and decoration of designer furniture and many impressive DIY projects.
Phosphorescent epoxy resin for polishing furniture
The epoxy resin to be used usually consists of a synthetic resin and a hardener mixed together. One of its main advantages is that it can be easily combined with many materials such as wood, metal, natural stone, ceramics, etc.
Spice up furniture creatively
Additionally, dyes, phosphorescent powders and other additives can be added to the still liquid mixture to produce a variety of effects. After mixing the two components and drying completely, the resin is quite resistant and hardly reacts with chemicals.
This is how you make your own epoxy resin table with a magical effect!
The next video shows as an example how you can coat and decorate a wooden garden table with phosphorescent epoxy resin to give it a fairytale effect. Check out the manufacturing process and test your own DIY skills.
Video instructions for building an epoxy resin table yourself
As can be clearly seen, the photoluminescent powder mixed with the transparent resin fills the naturally formed cavities in the cypress wood. Thus, you will create a unique epoxy resin table that will transform your garden into an extraordinary place.
To achieve this great effect, the epoxy wood table must be placed outside or near a window so that it can collect the sun's rays. The powder is thus charged in the light and emits a cool blue glow in the evening. Don't worry - luckily it's not radioactive!
Raw wood, epoxy resin and other necessary materials
In addition to the cypress wood planks, you will also need epoxy resin and blue phosphorescent powder. The video above is compact, but quite explanatory in itself. For this reason, we will only consider some of the most important steps and details that are not implied therein.
Fill cavities in the floorboards with casting resin
The wood used is bald cypress (Taxodium Distichum), which is naturally damaged by mold. The holes in its surface look quite rustic and are perfect to be filled with epoxy resin and luminous powder.
Clean the cavities in the wood with a flat screwdriver and compressed air
Note that in the video the cavities are cleaned with a flathead screwdriver before filling. After that, those of you who have the right equipment can expel the wood chips using a fine nozzle air compressor.
Sand and clean the DIY epoxy resin table
You can treat the wooden surface with sandpaper on any orbital sander. The number of sandpapers should approximately equal the number of grits per square centimeter. The higher the number of grains, the finer the paper used.
Thorough cleaning before watering
The purpose of sanding is to remove any imperfections between the planks glued together that form the plateau. After that, you need to remove all the dust because you need a super clean surface before you can pour the epoxy.
Close-up of the natural cavities in the wood before and after cleaning
Please note that some of the cavities extend into the other side of the boards. They need to be sealed to hold the resin. In the video a tape is used for this purpose.
Transparent epoxy resin and hardener
DIY mobile house on wheels - transform vans into caravans
Thanks to our inspiring instructions, you would be able to transform your ordinary minibus into a dream mobile home on wheels. If you're a travel and nature lover, then you're probably already excited about the idea of mobile living and the freedom it brings.
The next step, shown in the video, the carpenter takes a crystal epoxy resin and a hardener, which must be mixed in a 1:1 ratio. Logically, this means that you do not need to measure the specific amount of both components, provided that you control the ratio of the same.
Add phosphorescent powder to other ingredients
Of course, you can use another type of resin that you find more suitable. The epoxy resin table in the video measures 104 x 56 cm and requires around 2 liters of casting resin and around 100 g of light powder. The more of the glowing stuff you use, the more impressive the effect will be.
Mix equal parts of epoxy resin, hardener and powder in cups
Pour equal portions into separate containers, making sure they are filled to less than half the full load. Place the phosphorescent powder in one of the bowls and mix well. Make sure that when you mix the two liquids, the chemical reaction begins. After that, you only have about 5-7 minutes of working time left.
Pour the epoxy resin into the naturally created cavities
We recommend that you prepare and pour the epoxy resin several times so that you can work more precisely. It must then dry well and cure for at least 24 hours according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Sanding the coated table top
In the video the craftsman hasAccess to a professional drum sander, although this machine is not absolutely necessary. You can process and smooth the surface of your future light table with an ordinary electric sander.
A smooth surface using the sandpaper
Start with a coarse 80-grit sandpaper and then progress to 120-grit all the way up to the fairly fine 400-grit. Take your time sanding to ensure a really smooth and even finish.
Polyurethane lacquer coating for the future epoxy resin table
After sanding, you can finally apply a durable and glossy polyurethane coating. If you're going for an exceptionally light finish, you can wet sand again andrepaint.
Wet sanding with superfine sandpaper with a grain size of > 1000
After the paint has dried, you should lightly spray the surface with water and re-treat with a 1200-grit to smooth out the brush strokes of the previous polyurethane coating.
The end result: An epoxy resin table made from cypress wood that glows in the dark
You can then thoroughly clean the sanded wooden surface and paint it with another polyurethane coating. This process can be repeated several times to highlight the beauty of the resin and obtain a high gloss finish. Once charged by sunlight, you can admire your new amazing epoxy resin table for approximately thirty minutes to an hour.
Make chestnut wood shelves with phosphorescent epoxy resin
We have other suggestions for furnishings that you can encrust with epoxy. Already familiar with the technique, you can use it to decorate your wall shelves.
Cracks and imperfections offer many creative possibilities
In the following picture gallery we will show youa DIY projectfor wall shelves with epoxy accents. These can glow in the dark when you run out of storage space for cans and are out of original DIY ideas.
The base of the project is a piece of chestnut wood that is approximately 155 cm long. It should have plenty of cracked areas. Here too, there is evidence that imperfections can easily become attractive effects.
How you can make amazing shelves yourself in just a few simple steps
As with the previous project, you need to seal the lower parts of the cracks and the deep cavities. Then make sure that the wood is perfectly leveled. This means it benefits from the even distribution of the epoxy resin and avoids accumulations that cannot harden well.
Combine crystal epoxy resin and hardener with phosphorescent powder
The second step is to mix the ingredients by adding the blue phosphorescence powder. For a good result, always follow the instructions on the packaging. It is also important to pay attention to the proportions.
Filled areas after curing and drying
The photo collage above shows the filling of cracks, the result after curing and the final sanding. Finally, just paint it, let it dry and mount it on the wall with metal supports.
Phosphorescent details made of epoxy resin and blue powder
You can traditionally use the same technique to give imperfections an “invisible” touch-up. However, it seems that adopting a completely different approach is very satisfying.
DIY jewelry made from epoxy resin and natural wood
The last project that we would like to present to you is also extraordinary. It is a matter ofhomemade jewelry, which is based on the same principle as the epoxy resin table.
The necessary materials
To avoid repetition, we will not explain the different steps in detail, but will show them in photos. In conclusion, we have to admit that all these DIY projects require a certain amount of patience, but the game is worth it because the end result is really something to admire.