DIY mobile house on wheels – transform vans into caravans

Have you always dreamed of turning a van into a mobile home on wheels? Thanks to our inspiring instructions, you would be able to transform your ordinary minibus into a dream caravan. If you're a travel and nature lover, then you're probably already excited about the idea of ​​mobile living and the freedom it brings. Are you already looking for websites where you can rent such a car? With this guide, this is no longer necessary because we have a better solution for you - a van that you can set up as a motorhome. It's cheaper, easier to drive and park, and most importantly - it can be your own RV.

A mobile house on wheels – the inspiring DIY project

Before we embark on the grand adventure of turning a van into a mobile home on wheels, we need to consider a few important details. First, the information contained in the following paragraphs is not a comprehensive guide to the steps to follow. Rather, they are a collection of practical advice and tipsConversion of a delivery truck, which you can adapt to your specific wishes and life situation.

Your own experience may therefore differ significantly from the general information below, depending on your budget, your vehicle or your specific requirements. However, there are many interesting ideas that can inspire you after modifying a little. In our case it is a 2003 Chevrolet Express that is inconverted into a camper, but your car can be any model that would be suitable.

Experience in carpentry is not essential, although it can be very useful. Fortunately, the process is theTransformation of the vehicledesigned so that you can gradually learn new craft skills. Each step is based on what you have done before. You will definitely make mistakes and the project will take a lot of time. But in the end it will definitely be worth it.

However, if you don't know exactly how to convert a van into a mobile house on wheels from scratch, you can ask a well-known and experienced carpenter for assistance. There are also plenty of video tutorials on the internet these days that can be just as helpful with this DIY project.

How much time will you need for the conversion?

Plan the whole renovation in the long term and be patient. Start by remembering that no van was converted in a day in Rome either. Depending on how much time you have to complete the project, you can expect it to take 3-4 months to a year. Logically, this is a very subjective estimate, because a dilettante who is otherwise employed full-time, for example, would not be able to invest the same hours as a freelancer.

Therefore, it is very likely that the work on your van will be constantly intermittent at the beginning. For this reason, we offer you some tips to help you speed up the process. For example, if you start in the summer, your productivity will increase greatly as the days are longer and more comfortable for work during this season. It's also a great time saver, minimizing distractions to make choosing details easier. The best case scenario is to ask a friend for help, because two heads and four hands are always better.

How much money would you need?

Finally, we would come to the most relevant question for most enthusiasts about the idea for a mobile house on wheels. First and foremost, a used van can cost from 5,000 to 50,000 euros, depending on the make, model, year of manufacture, engine type, fuel, mileage and many other determining factors.

Of course, that's not all - you still have to provide a few thousand euros for materials and tools. But this aspect of investing is an individual matter. You can only buy a few necessary instruments and a few expensive devices, or you can just choose to start from scratch with luxurious materials. Also, expect that the wish list may change over the course of the project, etc.

There are people who have converted their minibuses out of necessity for just a few hundred euros. For every material and tool used, there are inexpensive alternatives that can sometimes save you money. For example, remodel an old Ikea shelf instead of ordering or building custom cabinets. Use chipboard instead of plywood or birch, which can save you the trouble of painting. These are all things that can drastically reduce your costs.

Plan the layout for the DIY camper

The main reason why DIY projects of this type differ from one another is that each person has their own set of requirements. The final result depends on many factors, such as human height. A small individual can easily sleep perpendicular to the walls of the RV, but larger people will require a longer bed and therefore a configuration that may be completely different from the available space.

If you also want to cook most of your meals, you place a lot of importance on the hotplates, the refrigerator and the pantry. Others can use the space for different purposes. However, all mobile mini houses have one thing in common: every square centimeter must be used optimally.

That's why you need to plan the details carefully. If you install various systems in a mobile house on wheels, then they must have a wide range of practical functionalities. For example, your bed could convert to a couch to give you extra storage space. The dining table should be foldable and/or usable as an office. The key to making the most of a small space is to furnish it with single, multi-purpose pieces of furniture.

A converted mobile home on wheels that's ready to go in just a few steps

First, all unnecessary parts must be removed from the transporter. Once you've disposed of everything inside, it's time for a pre-cleaning by sweeping or vacuuming. Next, check the entire interior for rusty areas and clean them thoroughly before treating them with rust preventative. Clean the surfaces with suitable cleaning products and allow the vehicle to air dry thoroughly.

First, tape everything you want to protect with tape and spray any freestanding metal surface with rustproof spray paint. Finally, refine with special paint for metal.

Once completely dry, insulate the floor, walls and ceiling with thin sheets of insulation. Add panels of rigid foam to cover windows if you have them. Fill the remaining small gaps with expanding foam, allow to dry completely, and trim off any excess to smooth the surface.

Then cut out a paper template. This should have exactly the same shape and dimensions as the floor of the cart. Use the template to cut the plywood subfloor. Install with screws and cover with linoleum or other coating of your choice.

Don’t forget the ventilation for the motorhome

There is no going back. Cut a hole in the ceiling of the car to install a fan. If necessary, contact a specialist. Optionally, you can cover the ceiling with wood or another aesthetic material of your choice.

You can do the same for the floor, again using templates to cover the bases of the plywood walls cut according to their contours. At about this point, a mobile house on wheels will begin to make its appearance.

From the same material, make the bed frame with the storage boxes underneath, countertops, table top, shelves and the rest of the basic structures according to your own original designs. As logic dictates, keep small items like the 2-in-1 Stool Container below for the end.

Finally, you have to think about the electrical installations, water supply, gas, etc. In our proposal, solar panels were installed on the ceiling of the van. It is best to hire a professional for these tasks so that they can be done professionally.

This solar powered mobile home is ready to explore the world

Compartments for water dispensers, hotplates and mini fridge

Finally, paint again – a layer of white paint

More inspiring ideas for a mobile house on wheels

For full instructions in English, visit the source