Spice up pumps – 6 DIY ideas for glamorous heels

Every real party animal should have at least one great pair of glamorous heels in their shoe closet. These are only worn for going out and on special occasions, so they can be a real eye-catcher. If you don't have any really stunning shoes, then redesign a simple pair yourself. We'll show you 6 cool ideas on how you can spice up your pumps.

As a beginner, try decorating your heels in a simple way. Black patent leather shoes would look extremely stylish and elegant, with a large red ribbon tied around the ankle. The easiest way is to attach the band to the back of the shoe with a rivet. Look for a wide band inclassic redfor a tasteful look.

For a party or the upcoming New Year's Eve, you need some really glamorous shoes with heels. Why not in silver? Buy a nice model on sale in the store, get enough glitter and all-purpose glue or universal water-based wood glue. Spice up the simple shoes and let your feet shimmer and sparkle in silver. Depending on this, you can of course choose a different color. Just make sure that the original color of the shoes is as close as possible to the shade of the glitter.

If you have an old pair of shoes that seem a bit boring, brighten them up with patterned fabric. Just find one that fits, cut it into pieces to make it easier to handle, and cover the shoes and heel with it. When looking for suitable shoes, make sure that they are made from plastic. Because of the natural oiliness of the leather, it becomes almost impossible to put anything on it that will stay in place for long.

*DIY instructions in pictures fromMerrick`s Art

*DIY instructions in pictures fromLove Maegan