Build your own garden fountain: How you can beautify your garden and outdoor area with a DIY solar fountain

A solar-powered water feature in the garden can not only have a calming effect, but can also be environmentally friendly. You can also improve your garden and backyard with a solar fountain by using your own inventory. Create a simple, low-maintenance installation that won't require many accessories. The result will certainly be a beautiful and calming water feature that would look great in many gardens, backyards and patios. Here are some examples that you can take inspiration from when implementing such a DIY project.

Wireless and affordable – design gardens and outdoor spaces with solar fountains

To avoid annoying power cords and stick to a modest budget, you can consider a DIY project like this. In addition, a small solar fountain can be quickly and easily assembled and installed from existing or recycled flower pots. There's nothing like the soothing sound of water as you sit outside and enjoy your garden. This adds a whole new level of relaxation to the experience. In addition, you can stillGrow plants in it, which can make the installation even more attractive.

You will need two large flower pots, one larger than the other, to make this garden fountain. If you already have large flower pots on hand, the whole thing will cost even less, although you can also use other containers, such as galvanized buckets. To adapt the solar fountain to a garden or a terrace or balcony, you can decorate it with river pebbles or other stones.

If you have pots for onesuch floor fountainsIf you need to buy new, it's best to look for large planters made of clay, resin, plastic or glazed flower pots. You don't have to use the same flower pots as here as you can adjust the water flow according to the type of spray head you use. The shapes and dimensions can therefore vary depending on the available space and personal taste.

Solar powered water fountain with plants

This is a simple DIY project that provides beauty and running water anywhere in the garden or around your home or apartment. With a solar fountain, you don't have to worry about long cables or sockets and can enjoy the beauty of your favorite annual flowers growing in the bottom pot. This also means you can place it almost anywhere. If you want to be even more creative, you can also paint the pots as you wish and plant easy-care plants and change them. In addition, you can follow the steps below but also make your own improvements.

Instructions with clay pots for solar fountain garden or backyard

  • First start with two pots that you can fit inside each other. Raise the smaller pot using a plastic flower pot turned upside down.
  • Paint the pots with craft paint, spray paint or leave them in their natural state. You can use an exterior sealer or polishing paint to protect your paint, or just let it wear naturally.
  • Then add potting soil around the plastic pot. The top pot holds the water, so you need to close the drain hole if there is one. Leave the drainage alone on the larger bottom pot.
  • You can use a metal container that tea lights come in and smash it to cover the hole. However, you can use whatever you have for this step, such as some tape.
  • Next, turn the pot over and spray foam sealant into the hole to waterproof the pot. You'll need to wait 12 hours for the foam to harden, but after that you can cut it flush with the pot with a craft knife.
  • Then plant flowers or pretty plants of your choice in the space between the two pots. Anything that trails and fills out would be a good choice for this planter, such as alyssum, lobelia, or nasturtium.
  • After that, fill the top pot with water and add a solar fountain insert. Place it anywhere there will be light.

Solar powered fountain pump

This solar water fountain comes with different nozzles. Without a nozzle you get a nice effect with little bubble formation. Some of the nozzles spray several centimeters into the air. The great thing is that you can place this anywhere as long as the solar panel gets enough light. However, you need to keep an eye on the water level as it slowly evaporates over time. This is certainly a lovely addition to any garden bed, near the house or even further away.

Decorative fountain with gravel

As an accent in the front yard or yard, a wireless solar fountain can be an affordable outdoor beautification option for any household. The materials you can use are again any two pots that you can find anywhere. Look for designs that suit your garden area, but they should be in two different sizes. Use a smaller pot to place inside the larger one on a plastic tray. In this case, you can use a bag of river pebbles or other pebbles instead of planting.

Step-by-step instructions

  • Find a sunny, flat spot and place the larger pot on the flat surface. Then turn the other plastic pot into the larger planter.
  • Then fill the large pot with rocks to weigh it down and place a plastic tray on top.
  • Place the smaller pot on top and also place river pebbles around it. You can also fill the bottom pot with soil and plant flowers, like in the example above.
  • If you can't find a bowl, just fill the entire pot with pebbles. You can also use a tray if the stones are not enough to create a flat surface.
  • Then just drop the solar water pump into the water and it will start working as long as it is sunny.

Mini solar fountain garden with pond plants

With all the beautiful pond and water plants and the sweet sound of the water, you can feel like you are sitting by a small stream in the mountains. Everyone loves garden ponds, but they usually require a lot of maintenance and care to set up plumbing, power cables, etc. Made from an old galvanized tub and a simple solar fountain pump, this outdoor solar fountain is easy to build and maintain. Enjoy it year-round or simply move the fountain to a sheltered location in cold weather when the temperature drops below freezing.

Construction instructions

  • To create this decorative fountain, you can use different vessels such as galvanized buckets, cut in half and recycled wooden barrels or simple pots.
  • A solar-powered water pump with a solar panel is sufficient for this. This means you can create a DIY water fountain or bird bath in the sun or in the shade as long as the panel is in the sun.
  • Once you've chosen the location, it's time to add water and aquatic plants. Pond and water plants are optional, but they make the water feature even more attractive. Plant roots also help keep the water clean and free of algae growth.
  • First, fill the tub or large pot halfway with water. You can add more water after placing all the plants in the tank.
  • Then place the water pump in the freestanding pool, although you can place the panel somewhere out of sight in the sun if necessary.
  • When creating the outdoor solar fountain, pay attention to the spray radius of the water. This will affect where you place the fountain and other garden furniture and decorative items.
  • Keep your solar fountain's water clean and mosquito-free by running it often, thereby preventing stagnant water.
  • Algae grows where there is a lot of sun or nutrients in the water. It is therefore best to place the fountain in partial shade or use plants to shade the water.
  • You can even add small fish to your mini solar fountain and pond to make it even more lively.