Make a creative wall clock yourself – 9 simple DIY ideas with instructions

If you always want to be on time and never be late for an appointment again, then you need a nice clock for your home. Instead of buying one, you can make a creative wall clock yourself and use it to decorate any wall at home or in the office. In this article you will find many ideas for modern and interesting wall clock designs that you can easily make yourself.

Make your own wall clock and decorate your apartment

Dial, clockwork and hands – the components of a wall clock are simple and you can easily get them. If you would like to have a wall clock according to your own taste and adapt it to the interior, then you can make the clock yourself. To do this, you need a clock face that you can make yourself, as well as the clockwork with hands, which you can find in any electronics store. CreativesIdeas for a DIYWall clock can be found below.

Made from bicycle parts

Old bicycles are perfect as a creativeDecoration for home. The bicycle rim is perfect as a creative clock face for the DIY wall clock. For this project you will also need a clock mechanism for large hands and a meter stick. Instead of designing the spokes with numbers, you can attach the creative clock to a blackboard wall and draw the numbers on the wall with chalk.

DIY Wanduhrout ofServing plate

A variety of objects can be used to make creative wall clocks. Wall clocks made from kitchen items look really creative. For example, you can quickly transform a wooden serving plate into a clock face by drilling a hole in the middle and inserting a clock mechanism.

Clock facewithDesign stickers

You can easily design your own wall clock using any stickers for the clock face. You can use numbers, dashes or any other characters you want. Wall clocks with pictures and photos of family or friends in the place of the numbers look really great.

Simple wall clockhimselfmake – materials

If you would like to make a simple but beautiful wall clock yourself, you can transform a flat basket bowl into a clock. For this DIY project you will need a clockwork with hands, contrasting embroidery thread and a needle.

Dial withStickgarndesign

Depending on how large the holes in the basket are, you may not even need to make a hole for the clockwork. Once you're done with that, you should now design the symbols for the hours. Using embroidery thread and a needle, you can easily embroider small lines in the basket as symbols.

MinimalistWall clockdo it Yourself

If you think that DIY home accessories don't fit into a modern apartment, then take a look at this project. This wall clock with a minimalist design is easy to recreate and is the perfect addition to a modern home.

Out ofHolzbuild yourself

If you would like to make this wall clock yourself, you will need a round wooden plate, a leather strip and a clock mechanism. First of all, you should fix the center of the plate and make a hole in it with the drill.


The next step is to make the hanger out of leather. To do this, measure the desired length and cut a suitable piece of leather strip. Then punch a hole at both ends of the strip with hole punches and screw the hanger to the wooden plate.


The hole in the middle of the wooden plate should be large enough for the clockwork to fit into it. Now you should insert the mechanism by following the instructions in the manual. Finally, hang the wall clock on any wall and the chic DIY home accessory is ready.

Materials forDIYWall clocks made from cork coasters

If you want to add a playful accent to your interior, then this next project is perfect for you. These DIY wall clocks are made from cork coasters and can be completely customized to suit your own taste. For a wall clock you need the following:

  • Cork coasters of any size
  • clockwork
  • Acrylic colors of your choice
  • Painter's masking tape
  • drill
  • Malerpinsel

First you should come up with a design. Beautiful geometric patterns can be created with painter's tape. Before that, you can drill the hole for the clockwork in the center so as not to damage the design afterwards. Then simply stick the tape according to the design and prepare the chosen acrylic colors.


The next step is to paint the design. Paint the different shapes in different colors to make a creative clock face. Each color should only reach the painter's tape so that clear lines are created after removal.

Wall clocksput together

Once the clock is dry, slowly peel the masking tape off the cork coaster. You can use the paint brush to touch up the design if desired. Now insert the clockwork and mount the hands. You can make a colorful wall clock yourself from simple cork coasters.

Creative wall decoration

Whether in the living room, office or children's room - the finished DIY wall clock is perfect as a creative wall decoration. You can adapt the choice of colors to the interior and spice up the room nicely.

PatternedWall clockscraft

Using the painter's tape technique, you can make a stylish wall clock yourself and conjure up an individual design. Different patterns such as dots, stripes or diamonds are popular ideas for a modern apartment.

You can make a fun wall clock yourself from a round wooden plate by designing the dial as a donut. Such a wall clock is very popular with children and is perfect for the children's room. To do this you will need suitable colors to paint and a jigsaw to cut out a piece of the donut. For an even more creative effect, you can use a clockwork with oversized hands.

DonutWall clockdo it Yourself

First you should cut out a small piece of cake from the wooden plate. Be sure to use safety glasses. Then drill the hole for the clockwork and paint the clock face as a donut. Finally, insert a suitable clock mechanism and the wall clock is finished.

Another idea for creating pretty wall clocks is Washi Tape. This allows you to conjure up creative designs on the clock face and make your own individual wall clock. Let your creativity run wild and make a great clock yourself.