Every child wants to discover the world and becomes really curious from kindergarten age. So that you don't have to explain the frequently asked question “Why?” you can explain various phenomena to the little researchers in a playful and practical way. Today's post deals with the topic of science for children with the help of lots of great, child-friendly DIY projects. An exciting and unforgettable journey of discovery awaits!
Communicate scientific knowledge to children in a playful way
We have a number of scientific researchers for youExperiments for childrenprovided, for which you probably have almost all the materials you need at home. Because it's usually the simplest things that amaze adolescents and help your little ones understand their environment better. We consciously chose scientific children's experiments that require few materials and can be replicated at home without any worries.
How to prepare elephant toothpaste?
Our first suggestion for experiments for children is quite fun, creative and pretty straightforward. You can make toothpaste for elephants together with the adolescents. A huge foam snake will come out of an oversized tube and delight the little ones.
Materials required:
1 empty PET bottle
Half cup of hydrogen peroxide, 6% from the drugstore
large splash of dishwashing liquid
1 tsp dry yeast
a glass of warm water
a few drops of food coloring
suitable base
It is best to use gloves and safety glasses for any hands-on experiments for children. Mix the yeast with a little warm water. You can now use the funnel to pour the hydrogen peroxide into the empty plastic bottle. Then add the dishwashing liquid and, if desired, a few drops of food coloring. Now the yeast solution can be added. Because the chemical reaction begins immediately, you should quickly withdraw your hand.
Make a fascinating lava lamp yourself with children
You can create a beautiful lava lamp with just a few ingredients. It will be an excellent decoration for your child's personal children's kingdom. The colored bubbles that slowly rise and fall have an almost hypnotic effect. For this DIY project you will need:
a beautiful glass bottle
vegetable oil
food coloring
Effervescent tablets (e.g. Alka-Seltzer or vitamin tablets)
First fill a quarter of the bottles with water and add a few drops of food coloring of your choice. Swirl the glass bottle slightly so that the color is distributed. Now you can fill the bottle with the oil. Explain to your child that the oil is lighter than the water and for this reason it will always stay on top and not mix with the water. Crush two effervescent tablets and throw the pieces into the bottle one after the other. As soon as they get through the oil layer into the water, they start to bubble. The colorful water bubbles rise and fall again, making the homemade lamp simply hypnotic. If the bubbles disappear, you can always throw in new pieces of the effervescent tablets.
Make Sparkling Galaxy Slime with Kids
With a homemade galaxy slime you can surely fascinate children of different age groups. With the beautiful,shimmering slimeyou can make your own colored galaxy that is not only beautiful to touch and knead, but also looks enchantingly beautiful.
Food coloring (blue, pink, purple)
First mix the glue with the glitter and add the first color. Then add a few tablespoons of detergent until the mixture becomes slimy. Let your child stir and knead. Repeat the same process with the remaining colors and then carefully mix all the colors into one large Galaxy Slime. In order to create the desired, flowing color gradients, you should not knead too intensively.
Colorful science for children - milk and paint
Our next DIY science experiment is suitable for children of all ages and will reveal a fascinating and magical color game. For this you need the following materials:
a plate of whole milk (skimmed milk contains a lot of water and is not suitable for this experiment)
several food colors
Dishwashing liquid or liquid soap
cotton swab
Have your child make several blobs of color in the milk. Then put a drop of dishwashing liquid on a cotton swab and let your child dip it into one of the paint blobs. As soon as the detergent comes into contact with the milk, the colors begin to spread across the surface in waves, forming beautiful spirals and color gradients. The children should wait a while and see what happens to the milk and paint mixture before dipping the stick in the detergent again. Even if your little one starts simply stirring the milk, the fun is still guaranteed. Such simple and effective children's experiments are guaranteed to delight not only your loved ones.
Make your own kinetic sand
Every child who has had magic sand between their fingers is sure to be fascinated by this strange mass. We have simple instructions for you on how to make normal sand kinetic. The magical modeling sand behaves like wet sand in the sandpit or on the beach, but it remains completely dry, can be shaped as desired and can even be cut. Through play, the youngest children can expand their tactile and physical experiences and the older children can conjure up creative buildings. For around 1 kg of magic sand you need these ingredients:
500 g fine, sifted sand
250 g starch flour
possibly food coloring
mixing bowl
lockable box
Pour the sand and cornstarch into a large bowl. Then add the water to the mixture and mix everything until you have a well-kneadable mass. As soon as the little ones learn how the interesting mass behaves, they will shape, cut and crush it to their heart's content. With a little liquid paint you can make wonderfully colorful magic sand and stimulate children's imagination even more. The self-prepared kinetic sand can be stored for a long time in an airtight container. The magic mass should remain clean so that it does not spoil or even become moldy.
Tornado in a glass
Water experiments for children are great leisure activities both indoors and outdoors. With our next DIY experiment you will have the opportunity to observe a tornado up close without being at risk. Your child can easily recreate this unique meteorological phenomenon at home using just a few ingredients. This simple but effective experiment requires a glass, water and liquid soap and the tornado immediately forms in front of your child's curious eyes. As soon as you add liquid soap or detergent to the water and spin the water with circular hand movements, a small tornado is created. So that it is clearly visible, simply place the preserving jar on the windowsill. This practical exercise will be simple and really impressive for your little ones and is sure to give them a taste for science at school.
Teaching magic tricks and science to children in a fun way - The Hand of Jedi
Another exciting educational activity would be the Jedi Hand magic trick, also known as floating ketchup. The idea here is to let a ketchup packet sink and rise in a bottle full of water using a hand movement. In order for your child to succeed in this great trick, there are a fewPET bottle with screw capand a ketchup packet necessary. Now fill the plastic bottle to the brim with water and close it with the lid. If there is too much air under the lid, the experiment will not work. Now the little hands have to squeeze the PET bottle and the ketchup sinks down. The little bottle diver rises back up when the pressure on the bottle is reduced. With a little practice, the children can also move their hand parallel to the movement of the package. You can also use other household items for this great experiment, such as small baking aroma bottles, perfume sample bottles or orange peels.
Ideas to imitate – make invisible ink yourself
With our next DIY experiment, your child will learn to skillfully combine magic and science. Below, children will learn how to make colorless ink and use it to leave secret messages. The magic ink only becomes visible in the hands of its recipient when the writing is heated. There are many recipes that you can use to make invisible ink yourself. We chose a magical ink made from lemon juice. For this you need:
a white sheet of paper
lemon juice
1 cotton swab
First, soak the cotton swab in lemon juice and let the child write a secret message, birthday greetings and why not a creative oneInvitation to the detective partywrite on paper. Allow the lettering to dry for 5 minutes. You can also use a hairdryer to dry it. Now light the candle and carefully pass the leaf over the flame. Be careful not to start the paper burning. Due to the effect of heat, the writing slowly becomes colored again and is therefore visible. The secret why the invisible lemon juice appears yellow-brown lies in the substances it contains, which char when exposed to high heat. You can also use milk as an alternative to lemon juice.
Physical experiments – rainbows in a glass
If you would like to explain the principle of density to your child, create a pretty rainbow together from different colored liquids that have different densities. The individual layers do not mix and lay beautifully layer on layer. For this experiment you will need the following:
big glass
rapeseed oil
blue syrup
green dishwashing liquid
red water (use food coloring for coloring)
Take the glass and pour the liquids into the tall glass in the following order: blue syrup, green dishwashing liquid, red water, yellow oil. To ensure that the individual rainbow layers become clearly visible, hold the glass slightly at an angle when shaking. Explain to your child why the liquids float on each other.
Experimental Science for Kids – Growing Your Own Crystals
Growing crystals yourself is an interesting and exciting activity for bright and curious children. How the shimmering crystals grow simply overnight amazes children both big and small. Our next suggestion forexciting experiments for childrenwould be to grow crystals yourself from eggshells and alum.
white eggs
200 g alum powder (available at the pharmacy)
500 ml water
Food coloring or Easter egg coloring of your choice
water-insoluble glue
Blow out the eggs, carefully cut the shell in half and wash it out. Brush the inside of the eggshells with the glue and sprinkle with alums. To create the perfect basis for growing crystals, let the eggshells dry for about an hour. Pour the water into a bowl and dissolve the alum in it. To get a saturated solution, it is better to stir more alum into the water than too little. Now add the food coloring to the solution and put the eggshells in it. Leave them overnight. Your child will be amazed in the morning at how wonderful the crystals are. It is best to use gloves when removing the crystal bowls from the solution. Finally, pat the crystals dry and arrange them in a beautiful bowl. Crystal cultivation worked wonderfully. The home-grown crystals look even more elegant if you brush the edge of the eggshell with gold or silver paint.
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